Some Christmas Anime Favorites Hey gang. Yours truly is currently decompressing from the insanity of work for the past few months. Whew. Regardless, Here are some Christmas anime episodes that I like…mostly. The link is to the original review. Usagi Drop episode 3.5 You know, the Usagi Drop (Bunny Drop) manga’s time skip and ultimate
Posts Tagged ‘Love Hina’

What Was the First Manga You Finished?

What Was the First Manga You Finished? Hey gang. I was asked, in a round about way, “what was the first manga you finished?” I had to actually stop and think about this. So let me retrace my steps by thinking first about what were the initial manga titles I got into. And then I

Back to the Vaults: Love Hina Spring Special – I Wish Your Dream

Back to the Vaults: Love Hina Spring Special – I Wish Your Dream Love Hina Spring Movie (American Title) ラブひな 春スペシャル ~キミサクラチルナカレ!!~ Love Hina Haru Special ~Kimi Sakura Chiru Nakare!! With spring time being upon us, I decided that maybe I would dust off some spring-related anime off the shelf. This time, it is Love

Back to the Vaults: Love Hina Christmas Special – Silent Eve

Back to the Vaults: Love Hina Christmas Special – Silent Eve Love Hina Christmas Movie (American Title) With Christmas time being upon us, I decided that maybe I would dust off another Christmas anime off the shelf. This time, it is Love Hina Christmas Special – Silent Eve, which for some whacked reason was renamed

Back to the Vaults: Love Hina (Anime)

Back to the Vaults: Love Hina (Anime) Back when I first got into anime, the first two titles I watched were the 5-episode Ah! My Goddess OVA (or as it was Americanized — Oh My Goddess!) and the 11-episode Hand Maid May. Both of these titles had the harem element in them, so I decided

Love Hina Omnibus 5 Manga Volume Review

ラブひな Omnibus Volume 05 REVIEW Love Hina Omnibus 5 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Highlights from this fifth and final omnibus volume of Love Hina from Kodansha Comics, which covers volumes 13 and volume 14, has Motoko flustered and frustrated because of her growing feelings for Keitaro. Motoko’s sister, Tsuruko, arrives, defeats Motoko, but after accepting her feelings

Love Hina Omnibus Volume 04 Manga Review

ラブひな Omnibus Volume 04 REVIEW Love Hina Omnibus 4 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Highlights from this forth omnibus volume of Love Hina from Kodansha Comics, which covers original volumes ten through twelve, start with Keitaro, Naru, and Mutsumi visiting Mutsumi’s family in Okinawa. Keitaro’s and Naru’s romance takes some very tiny baby steps forward. An accident by

Love Hina Omnibus Volume 03 Manga Review

ラブひな Omnibus Volume 03 Love Hina Omnibus Volume 03 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Highlights from this third omnibus volume of Love Hina from Kodansha Comics, which covers original volumes seven through nine, start with Keitaro not choosing between Mutsumi and Naru. Motoko is enlisted to remove Keitaro’s bad luck, but fails to do so. Keitaro gets so