魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 24 Chapter 219 (manga) Summary/Synopsis: As Negi launches an attack on all four powerful bounty hunters, Chisame (in chibi form) is talking with Jack about Negi and the Magia Erebea (sometimes translated Magica Erebea). Jack tells Chisame that Negi’s affinity to the dark magic is great because of the darkness in his heart.
Posts Tagged ‘AKAMATSU Ken’
Negima! Manga Volume 18

Negima!: Magister Negi Magi, Volume 18 Read the chapter summaries and individual reviews for volume 18 here (scroll down and they will be displayed in reverse order after this volume review). With volume 18, the Mahora School Festival mega-arc comes to an end (there having been several sub-arcs within the main one). When I was
Happy Birthday AKAMATSU Ken-sensei!

AKAMATSU Ken-sensei has a birthday today! Yep, that lolicon/moé lover who created classic stuff like A.I. ga Tomaranai! (A.I. Love You). Itsudatte My Santa!, Love Hina, and my favorite, Mahou Sensei Negima! (he also did Hito Natsu no Kids Game, which was his first manga) has turned 40. お誕生日おめでとうございます! Here are a few images to
Negima! Manga Vol 24 (Ch 218) *SPOILERS*

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 24 Chapter 218 (manga) Summary/Synopis: The treasure hunter group with Nodoka takes a heavy beating from the powerful bounty hunters with females Lyn and Aisha out of commission. Nodoka wants to help by using her artifact, but Kris and Craig are determined to protect her and keep her out of harm’s way. However,
Negima! Vol 24 (Ch 217) *SPOILERS*

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 24 Chapter 217 (manga)Summary: Negi, in Nagi form, races to see Chisame (Chibi-Chiu) because of Ako’s confession to Negi that she likes Nagi. Chisame’s advice is that “Nagi” turn down Ako. Chisame feels Ako can recover from that, but the one thing Ako must never learn is that Negi and “Nagi” are the
Negima! Vol 24 (Ch 216) *SPOILERS*

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 24 Chapter 216 Summary: Going back to a few hours before Negi and Asuna are reunited, Kotaro is helping Ako, Akira, and Natsumi bring in groceries. They witness a fight break out, leading Kotaro to explain that this kind of thing is part of the festivities, whether official or not. The Nagi Springfield
Negima! Vol 24 (Ch 215) *SPOILERS*

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 24 Chapter 215 Summary: Negi asks Asuna if she’s been having weird dreams or visions. She confesses she has, dreaming of a younger Takahata-sensei, Nagi, Al, and others. She wonders if this makes her weird, but then challenges Negi on how he knows about this. He covers by saying it is a disease
Negima! Vol 24 (Ch 214) *SPOILERS*

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 24 Chapter 214 Summary: Asuna, Setsuna, Konoka, and Kaede are being taken to Ostia via a flying ship (looking like something that would sail the seas) who’s dolphin captain knows their wanted status but is helping them just the same. After the captain gives them some information on Ostia and the forthcoming celebration,