かんなぎ Volume 03 Kannagi: Crazy Shrine Maidens Volume 3 –> PURCHASE FROM BUY.COM –> PURCHASE FROM BARNES & NOBLE –> PURCHASE FROM RIGHTSTUF! ^_^ –> PURCHASE FROM YES ASIA (Japanese Tankoubon) ***SPOILERS*** Highlights from this third volume of the manga start with Daitetsu being afraid and worried about Nagi after his experience with her. However,
Posts Tagged ‘Bandai’

Bandai Entertainment’s Departure – This Is What Happens When You Don’t Give Customers What They Want!

Bandai Entertainment’s Departure – This Is What Happens When You Don’t Give Customers What They Want! And so, another American anime and manga licensing company bites the dust as Bandai Entertainment announced on Tuesday (January 3, 2012) that they are shutting down as a licensor. I for one am not surprised because it was clear

Kannagi: Crazy Shrine Maidens Volume 2 Manga Review

かんなぎ Volume 02 Kannagi: Crazy Shrine Maidens Volume 2 –> PURCHASE FROM RAKUTEN.COM (formerly BUY.COM) –> PURCHASE FROM BARNES & NOBLE –> PURCHASE FROM RIGHTSTUF! ^_^ –> PURCHASE FROM YES ASIA (Japanese Tankoubon) SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Nagi has a strong suspicion about Zange’s humanoid form and after explaining how she and Zange became separate deities and

Kannagi: Crazy Shrine Maidens Volume 1 Manga Review

かんなぎ Volume 01 Kannagi: Crazy Shrine Maidens Volume 1 –> BUY FROM RAKUTEN.COM (originally BUY.COM) –> BUY FROM BARNES & NOBLE –> BUY FROM RIGHTSTUF! ^_^ –> BUY FROM YES ASIA (Japanese tankoubon) SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Jin completes the wood sculpture of the miko he met as a child and it turns into a girl