ゲート セブン Volume 04 Gate 7 Volume 4 –> PURCHASE FROM RAKUTEN.COM (formerly BUY.COM) –> PURCHASE FROM BARNES & NOBLE –> PURCHASE FROM RIGHTSTUF! ^_^ –> PURCHASE FROM YES ASIA! (Japanese Tankoubon) ***SPOILERS!*** Highlights from this volume start with Hana defeating a tiger spirit entity, which then wants to come with them, becoming small by
Posts Tagged ‘Gate 7’

CLAMP: The Hiatus Masters!

CLAMP: The Hiatus Masters! A couple of days ago, I reached into my stack of manga volumes that I’ve not blogged about, and I grabbed Gate 7 volume 4. I thought I had read it, but in fact, I had not. So I read it and started prepping for a blog entry (coming soon). I

Gate 7 Volume 3 Manga Review

ゲート セブン Volume 03 Gate 7 Volume 03 –> PURCHASE FROM BUY.COM (now RAKUTEN.COM) –> PURCHASE FROM BARNES & NOBLE –> PURCHASE FROM RIGHTSTUF! ^_^ –> PURCHASE FROM YES ASIA! (Japanese Tankoubon) *SPOILERS!* Highlights from this volume start with Sakura defeating Sanada, thus securing his loyalty and those of his ninja to Hidetsugu. Iemitsu, who’s

Gate 7 Volume 2 Manga Review

ゲート セブン Volume 02 Gate 7 Volume 2 –> PURCHASE FROM BUY.COM –> PURCHASE FROM BARNES & NOBLE –> PURCHASE FROM RIGHTSTUF! ^_^ –> PURCHASE FROM YES ASIA! (Japanese Tankoubon) *SPOILERS!* Highlights for this volume begin with Hana battling Mitsuhide to a draw, demanding to know why he wants Nobunaga’s corpse. She rejects his reason

Gate 7 Volume 1 Manga Review

ゲート セブン Volume 01 Gate 7 Volume 1 –> PURCHASE FROM RAKUTEN.COM (formerly BUY.COM) –> PURCHASE FROM BARNES & NOBLE –> PURCHASE FROM RIGHTSTUF! ^_^ –> PURCHASE FROM YES ASIA! (Japanese Tankoubon) *SPOILERS!* Gate 7 is the latest manga incarnation from (the notorious) CLAMP, in which this group of manga-ka thought, “What if all of

(CLAMP) Gate 7 Manga Chapter 06 Review

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Masamune is wanting to skip more school and spend time with Hana, including futon time. Kurikara drags him away. Before they leave and Hidetsugu leaves with Mikoto, they chat about Iemitsu and his oni and how it will mean war if Iemitsu wants Nobunaga’s corpse and Mara. Chikahito, Sakura, Tachibana, and Hana are

(CLAMP) Gate 7 Manga Chapter 05 Review

Gate 7 Manga Chapter 05 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: The battle over, everyone returns to the urashichiken where Hana is excited to eat some uumen (noodles). While everyone is enjoying the meal, Tachibana is angry because Hana came back with burned hands but Chikahito came back uninjured. Hana defends Chikahito, citing the coat Tachibana made her

(CLAMP) Gate 7 Manga Chapter 04 Review

(CLAMP) Gate 7 Manga Chapter 04 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Mitsuhide attacks and Hana’s first act is to encase Hidetsugu, Mikoto, and Chikahito in a giant flower, which removes their existence from Mitsuhide’s and his oni’s perception, something that impresses Mitsuhide since she doesn’t have her “arms” (Sakura and Tachibana) with her. Hidetsugu explains this to