Gunsmith Cats Revised Edition Manga Volume 4 ガンスミス キャッツ –> Buy Gunsmith Cats Revised Edition Manga Volume 4 from Amazon! For this fourth and final adaptation of the bunkobon from Japan (originally tankoubon 7 & 8) of the Gunsmith Cats manga, we pretty much have more of what the earlier volumes provided — action, cars,
Posts Tagged ‘Gunsmith Cats Revised Edition’

Gunsmith Cats Revised Edition Manga Volume 3

Gunsmith Cats Revised Edition Manga Volume 3 ガンスミス キャッツ –> Buy Gunsmith Cats Revised Edition Manga Volume 3 from Amazon! And so we come to the 3rd adaptation of the bunkobon from Japan (originally tankoubon 5 & 6) of the Gunsmith Cats manga. As before, there are two story arcs to cover. The first is

Gunsmith Cats Revised Edition Manga Volume 2

Gunsmith Cats Revised Edition Manga Volume 2 ガンスミス キャッツ –> Buy Gunsmith Cats Revised Edition Manga Volume 2 from Amazon! This second adaptation of the volume 2 bunkobon (tankoubon 3 and 4) begins by wrapping up the Grey story arc from the first volume which runs though chapter 22, roughly 25% of the book. This

Gunsmith Cats Revised Edition Manga Volume 1

Gunsmith Cats Revised Edition Manga Volume 1 ガンスミス キャッツ –> Buy Gunsmith Cats Revised Edition Manga Volume 1 from! (Contains first three volumes of the original manga.) –> Buy Gunsmith Cats Omnibus Volume 1 from! (Contains the first four volumes of the original manga.) About a year ago, I caught the 3-episode Gunsmith