As I’m sure most of you know, many American companies have branches in Japan and Wendy’s is no different. I’m not sure what lead me here, but I found myself on the official Japanese Wendy’s site the other day. To my amazement, they were selling あんバーガー (an-burger) which you can even buy in a combo
Posts Tagged ‘Japanese Food’

Melon Pan Song

Thanks to the gang at Random Curiosity for steering me to this little ditty. I love melon pan but living in Colorado, it has to come to me frozen. So it can be a little dry at times, which is sad. However, I had to try it having seen it eaten in a few anime
Japanese Soda

My friend Marc recounts his first experience with a Japanese soda called Ramune. ^_^ Originally posted at . If you are now reading this on another blog, it has been scraped from AstroNerdBoy’s blog. You are encouraged to shun this pirate blog and come by the real McCoy. ^_^