Thanks to AQS for the scans. Chapter 172 Summary: Asuna returns to what’s left of the snow cave and discovers that the water that Kotaro had heated for a bath is frozen now. However, she refuses to ring the bell Eva left her and starts to fall asleep. Realizing the danger of that, she wakes
Posts Tagged ‘Negima: Magister Negi Magi’

Negima! Vol 19 (Ch 171) *SPOILERS*

Negima! Vol 19 (Ch 171) SPOILERS Thanks to AQS for the scans. Chapter 171: Konoka sees several of the girls from her class who are heading off to Shibuya to do some shopping, including swimsuit shopping. Konoka is a little jealous, since she has to prepare for the Wales trip. Yuuna asks if Asuna is
Negima! Vol 19 (Ch 170) *SPOILERS*

Thanks to AQS for the scans. Summary: When Eva learns the name of the club to search for Negi’s farther is “The Negima Club,” she is unimpressed. She sees the reason of the club — getting some funds on the sly so that they can go to Wales, but she finds it pointless. Asuna counters
Negima! Vol 18 (Ch 167) *SPOILERS*

Thanks to AQS for the scans. Chapter 167 Nekane listens to the latest letter from Negi. Anya comes up and sees the enclosed photos, which are all of girls. Informing them that he plans to return home during the summer break, Anya begins combing her hair, which leads to some teasing from Nekane. Back in
Negima! Vol 18 (Ch 163) *SPOILERS*

Thanks to AQS for the scans. Chapter 163 Negi, Asuna, Setsuna, and Konoka have returned to the Mahora Library to the door that is guarded by a large dragon. Negi produces an invitation and the fearsome dragon politely allows them to pass and leaves. Beyond the large double-doors is another wondrous place (with an outdoor

Negima! Vol 18 (Ch 162) *SPOILERS*

Negima! Vol 18 (Ch 162) *SPOILERS* Thanks to AQS for the scans. Chapter 162 Chao briefly imagines what it would be like traveling with Negi and his partners in the near future as one of Negi’s partners. She admits that such a future sounds nice (which pleases Negi), but she’s returning home to the future
Negima! Vol 18 (Ch 161) *SPOILERS*

Thanks to AQS for the scans. Chapter 161 Several of the teachers who’d been “expelled” by Mana’s “forced time-leap bullets” discuss the situation and the fact that while they were generally sent 3-hours into the future, the exact time was different for different people. Students begin to appear, much to their great surprise. One of
Negima! Vol 18 (Ch 160) *SPOILERS*

Thanks to AQS for the scans. Volume 18 Chapter 160 Negi has defeated Chao, who’s free-falling but is caught by Negi. Despite this, the magic started by Hakase and apparently still needs to be stopped. The magic from the World Tree erupts and while Negi ponders what to in the few minutes he has left