Posts Tagged ‘Negima’

Mahou Sensei Negima

Akamatsu-sensei’s Facebook Post on Negima! Ending

Akamatsu-sensei posted this on Wednesday (when chapter was released in Japan), but I’m behind so I’m only sharing this now. ^_^; In Japan, everyone can read chapter352 of Negima today. Now, I must say that Negima will end at chapter355. It is not truncation. Please expect a good ending of Negima. I’m pulling two things

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Negima! Ala Alba

Negima! Chapter 352 SPOILER Images

Negima! 352 SPOILER Images 魔法先生 ネギま!Chapter 352 (Image) Here’s what I know many of you have been waiting for — the original-sized, sneak-peek SPOILER images for Mahou Sensei Negima! Chapter 352 as brought to you by anonymous Japanese fans (click pic to make bigger, y’all).   OK, I’m going to say that I’m now starting

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Negima! Ala Alba

Negima! Manga Coming to an End…in Three More Chapters!

The French website Manga News has broken the news that Negima! will be ending in three chapters! And, they have an image from Negima! chapter 352 to prove it. (I think these may be the guys that have put out spoiler images since I know some French folks had early access to the manga, somehow.)

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Negima! Manga Vol 38 Ch 351

Negima! Manga Vol 38 Ch 351 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 38 Chapter 351 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 351 Negima! Manga Vol 38 Ch 351 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Asuna wakes to find a hand copping a feel on her breast and she smacks he person, thinking it is Negi sneaking into her bed. However, it turns out to be a formerly sleeping Setsuna,

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Negima! Manga Vol 38 Ch 350

Negima! Manga Vol 38 Ch 350 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 38 Chapter 350 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 350 Negima! Manga Vol 38 Ch 350 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: The girls that had supported Paru and Yuuna begin abandoning them since they realize that they all have a chance with Negi, thus they turn to attack Paru and Yuuna, whom are forced to flee,

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Negima! Ala Alba

Negima! Chapter 351 SPOILER Images

Negima! 351 SPOILER Images 魔法先生 ネギま!Chapter 351 (Image) Here’s what I know many of you have been waiting for — the original-sized, sneak-peek SPOILER images for Mahou Sensei Negima! Chapter 351 as brought to you by World Turtle (click pic to make bigger, y’all). If people find more, I’ll share (all my normal sources are

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Negima! Omnibus Volume 03

Negima! Omnibus Volume 03 Manga Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Omnibus Volume 03 Negima! Omnibus Volume 03 –> BUY FROM RIGHTSTUF! –> BUY FROM BARNES & NOBLE –> BUY FROM BUY.COM ^_^ For the third omnibus volume of Negima! from Kodansha Comics, volume seven, eight, and nine are covered. Featured are Negi learning Chinese martial arts with Ku Fei, magic training with Eva, Asuna’s

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Negima! Manga Vol 38 Ch 349

Negima! Manga Vol 38 Ch 349 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 38 Chapter 349 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 349 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Akira still has trouble kissing Negi for a pactio for what is clearly not a life-or-death situation. Chamo argues that whatever artifact she gets will allow her to get Negi out of danger, and since Negi doesn’t mind, she goes ahead

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