Pocket Monsters Review Pokémon ポケットモンスター Since the Community Anime Reviews site has periodic issues, I’m republishing some of my OG reviews from there. I have corrected obvious spelling errors though. I will add new notes in parenthesis, labeled “ANB note.” 😅 I won’t count these as part of the “Back to the Vaults” series as
Posts Tagged ‘Pocket Monsters’

POKÉTOON: Hearkening Back to the 1940s!

POKÉTOON: Hearkening Back to the 1940s! Hey gang! While doing my “hurry up and wait” routine with weekend work, I was notified of something quite interesting. It seems that Japan’s Pokémon Kids TV has done a video that hearkens back to the 1940s Looney Tunes cartoon shorts. As such, they created a Pokemon short called

Pocket Monsters – 038 (Gotta catch a seizure, Pokemon!)

ポケットモンスター Ep. 38 Pocket Monsters – 038 Note: Japanese character names will be used rather than the American ones. SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Satoshi, Kasumi, and Takeshi arrive at Matcha City where they discover the nurse Joy-san and Professor Akihabara not having a good day as the Pokemon transfer system appears broken. Sending the trio to his

“Don’t let your child watch any ‘Japanimation’.” (‘Cause Pokemon is bad for your health!)

“Don’t let your child watch any ‘Japanimation’.” (‘Cause Pokemon is bad for your health!) Sometimes, I see things that prompt me to put fingers to keyboard and spew. This time, Deb Aoki retweeted something on Twitter that made me sit up and go, “What?!” Well, you can see why I would sit up and take
Pocket Monsters 06

ポケットモンスター Ep. 06 SPOILER Summary: Kasumi, Satoshi, and Takeshi are making their way to Hanada City via Mt. Otsukimi (Moon Watching mountain). There, they encounter a strange scientist outside a cave named Rikao, who’s under attack from a group of Zubats. Pikachu sends and electric attack to shoo them off. Seeing how Pikachu is not

Pocket Monsters 05

Pocket Monsters 05 Pokemon 05 (Japanese version) ポケットモンスター Ep. 05 SPOILER Summary: Rocket-dan builds a pit to snare Satoshi and get Pikachu, but build it so well, they get trapped in it. Meanwhile, Satoshi, Kasumi, and Pikachu arrive on the outskirts of Nibi City, where they meet rock seller Mono. He escorts them to the
Pocket Monsters 04

ポケットモンスター Ep. 04 SPOILER Summary: Satoshi and Kasumi are still moving through Tokiwa Forest when Satoshi sees a caterpillar-type Pokémon called Beedle. Since Kasumi hates bug-type Pokémon, she clears the area while Satoshi tries to get Pikachu to fight, but Pikachu is in a bed apparently asleep. He summons Pidgeon to weaken Beedle so he
Pocket Monsters 03

ポケットモンスター Ep. 03 SPOILER Summary: Satoshi launches his Monster Ball at a Caterpie and because it is a weak Pokémon, he’s able to contain it in the Monster Ball without a fight. He’s very happy about his first capture but Kasumi isn’t so impressed since she can’t stand bugs. So Satoshi decides to let Caterpie