Happy Valentine’s Day 2025! Hey gang! Busy with work, but I’m also working on a new Vandread piece. Hard to believe it is already time for Valentine’s Day. Where does time go? I say that and think that it has almost been two years since Yashahime! completed. 😅 I really enjoyed that series. Regardless, if
Posts Tagged ‘Valentine’s Day’

Happy Valentine’s Day 2019, Railgun Style (And some housekeeping.)

Happy Valentine’s Day 2019, Railgun Style Hey gang! Happy Valentine’s Day, for all of you who have a special someone to celebrate with. And if not, well have a great day just the same. I still need to watch the most recent Index series, though the official subtitles I saw when I glanced at an

Happy Valentine’s Day, “Maison Ikkoku” Style ^_^

Happy Valentine’s Day, “Maison Ikkoku” Style ^_^ For those of you with significant others, I hope you didn’t forget that today is Valentine’s Day. ^_~ In the spirit of the day, here’s one of my favorite, romantic images from Takahashi-sensei’s best manga work, Maison Ikkoku, featuring Godai embracing the lovely Kyoko-san. I really wish Viz