SPY×FAMILY Anime Goodies!
Hey gang! As many of you already know, SPY×FAMILY is one of my favorite franchises, both in anime and in manga. (Which reminds me, I should do a top 5 anime list soon.) As such, it was great to see the parcel post person slowly thunder to my house, delivering a package of SPY×FAMILY goodness.
I’ve already watched season 2 of SPY×FAMILY, but I do plan to review what all comes with this set. Now that I think about it, I never did that for the season 1 release. So maybe I should do that as well. Yeah, I will do that since I will want to rewatch season 1 anyway. May as well do both, eh?
–> Buy SPY x FAMILY – Season 2 – LE from Amazon.com!
Then there’s the movie, SPY×FAMILY CODE: White, which I have yet to watch. So I’m really looking forward to seeing something new. Obviously, I’ll review that here. I’m curious to know how the movie will be and whether Endo-sensei will incorporate that story into the canon. The movie got rave reviews, so I’m hoping I find it good as well.
–> Buy SPY x FAMILY CODE: White – Movie from Amazon.com!
Kind of a bummer I can’t watch them right now, but I have a ton of work to do at the moment. Reality, busting in on my fun. 😜 Still, when I do get a break, I suppose I’ll enjoy things just that much more.
That reminds me, I also need to review SPY×FAMILY Volume 13 manga, as I have read it. Again, time constraints. Plus, some reviews are faster than others. 😅
Anyway, let me know if you picked up either of these Blu-ray releases.