Spy×Family Season 1 Part 1 Blu-ray Release Date Hey gang. Spy×Family is finally coming to blu-ray, but right now, only part one. (Buy from Amazon.com!) The second part will come whenever, I suppose. I talk about this in the video below, including thoughts on whether the terrible Crunchyroll will quietly make this a limited release.
Posts Tagged ‘Spy x Family’

SPY×FAMILY Volume 09 Manga Review (#Spy_Family)

SPY×FAMILY Volume 09 Manga Review スパイファミリー –> Buy SPY×FAMILY Volume 09 from Amazon.com! Work keeps me insanely busy these days, so much so that I’ve little free time. Even when I get some free time, I often just want to be a zombie. However, when Amazon sent me a notification that SPY×FAMILY Volume 09 had

Spy×Family Second Season and Movie (#SPY_FAMILY)

Spy×Family Second Season and Movie This news was announced last week, but we are getting a second season of Spy×Family, and a movie called Spy×Family: Code White. Here are my thoughts. So what are your thoughts? Let me know in the comments. I just received volume 9 of the manga, so I’m going to try

SPY×FAMILY Volume 08 Manga Review (#Spy_Family)

SPY×FAMILY Volume 08 Manga Review スパイファミリー –> Buy SPY×FAMILY Volume 08 from Amazon.com! I actually read this volume back when it was first released. But I didn’t have time to blog it then. And then time passed. Now here we are, and I needed some awesome SPY×FAMILY goodness. So I found this volume and reread

Spy×Family Season 1 Review (#SPY_FAMILY)

Spy×Family Season 1 Review Note: When I wrote this, I didn’t know that the announced new cour of the series would still be considered part of Season 1. As such, I’m rewriting my original post to reflect the additional episodes. When the first promo images for Spy×Family hit my Twitter feed, I thought it might

Spy×Family 25 (The Meeting! #SPY_FAMILY)

Spy×Family 25 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis With the Eden College Social Event coming, Twilight disguises himself as a teacher at Eden to see how he can manage to meet his target, Donovan Desmond. Meanwhile, Damian calls his older brother to try to arrange a meeting with their father. At school, Anya attempts to stalk Damian as part

Spy×Family 24 (Drinks and Shopping #SPY_FAMILY)

Spy×Family 24 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis Twilight discovers that Yor has a massive misunderstanding about his relationship with Fiona (Nightfall). In order to preserve his mission, he takes Yor out for drinks. She can’t say what’s really on her mind, so she gets drunk and confronts Twilight. He thinks she’s fallen for him. As such, he uses

Spy×Family 23 (Rivals! #SPY_FAMILY)

Spy×Family 23 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis Having failed to thwart Twilight and Nightfall in the rigged tennis match, the twins play their final card. A sniper with specialized rubber bullets attempts to shoot Nightfall. Twilight realizes this and saves her, taking the hit. Once the pair realize what they are up against, they are able to overcome