境界のRINNE ep 35 Kyoukai no RINNE 35 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Rokumon is asking for the day off to attend the reincarnation party for Kuroida-sensei when a Binbo (poverty) Moth arrives. This means bad news for Rinne, however, it gets worse which Shouma arrives with his butler black cat, Kurosu. Shouma has to catch it as part
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Kyoukai no RINNE 34 (The hidden cost of free.)

境界のRINNE ep 34 Kyoukai no RINNE 34 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Rinne discovers his normal Shinigami Scythe repair person has raised prices. A pink-haired, rabbit-eared girl (Raito) “attacks” him, talks about the damage, then offers him a free repair job at her shop, Mikazukido. Arriving at their forge shop, Rinne is not impressed despite Raito’s claim of

Kyoukai no RINNE 33 (A tragic comedy.)

境界のRINNE ep 33 Kyoukai no RINNE 33 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Suzuki-sensei gives Rinne a 3-stack bento box full of umeboshi to eat, but nothing else. After school, Miho, Rika, and Sakura discuss cursed straw dolls, then encounter a ghost hammering one in at a shrine. Sakura reports this to Rinne after discovering the now vanished straw

Kyoukai no RINNE 32 (Another annoying brat story.)

境界のRINNE ep 32 Kyoukai no RINNE 32 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Shouma is not happy when Rinne’s breakfast is eating beans an old man throws out for the birds. Two of Shouma’s shinigami friends show up, having completed their homestay work and earning 50 points. Shouma is still determined to exorcise an evil spirit for maximum points,

Kyoukai no RINNE 31 (A girl and her alligator.)

境界のRINNE ep 31 Kyoukai no RINNE 31 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Sakura sees a lot of kid shinigami around, which Rokumon explains are elementary kid shinigami doing homestay programs as part of their education. Sakura discovers Rinne has been assigned a kid named Shouma, who’s really upset at learning the grandson of the famous Tamako is dirt

Kyoukai no RINNE 30 (Holiday fun!)

境界のRINNE ep 30 Kyoukai no RINNE 30 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Sakura, Rinne, and Rokumon head to Tamako’s mansion in the spirit world, where they find her cleaning a part of the home that hasn’t been touched in fifty years. She tells Rinne that he can have all of the human possessions that had been owned by

Kyoukai no RINNE 29 (Dealing with an 80s yankee.)

境界のRINNE ep 29 Kyoukai no RINNE 29 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Student council president YUUKI Naomi starts getting a bad reputation after a yankee (yanki) girl who looks very much like Naomi, only with longer, pink hair, starts terrorizing the area. Sakura recognizes the yankee girl is a ghost, but one whom can be seen, so she

Kyoukai no RINNE 28 (A guy and his black cat.)

境界のRINNE ep 28 Kyoukai no RINNE 28 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: A young, female black (humanoid) cat named Suzu arrives with a bill stating that Rinne hasn’t paid this month’s ¥500 shinigami union membership fee. Since he’d sent the payment with Rokumon, and Rokumon swears to have delivered it, the two head to the Mortal Census Bureau,