The review for this week’s chapter isn’t even up yet, but I already see people looking for Negima! 237. I got bad news for you guys — Negima! is on a break this week. Yeah, I know, Negima! had a 3-week break and now has another break. Well, that’s the way it is, y’all. That said, I hope to have the spoiler images up on January 4th and this time, I’ll keep looking for a couple of days thereafter if the first batch of images is stingy.
In the meantime, here’s my favorite Eva-Chachazero image. I’ve kept my eyes open for the possibility that someone in Japan or elsewhere may have cleaned this up and given it a really quality color-job, but thus far, nothing. If someone has something, PLEASE let me know. ^_^
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blog. You are encouraged to shun this pirate blog and come by the real McCoy. ^_^
thanks for the info. It doesnt matter when 237 comes out when 236 hasnt even been uploaded yet.
Thanks for informing us Negima fans. Im representing them XD
can’t wait (for asuna to have her memories revived). 😉