Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya – 08 (How to drag out an anime episode.)

Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA Episode 08 REVIEW
Fate/kaleid liner プリズマ☆イリヤ

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

A depressed Ilya gets up to go to school, putting on a brave face for Sella, who thinks she might should stay home an extra day. At school, Ilya puts on a brave face for her friends, but they see something is wrong despite her assurances. When Miyu comes in coldly, Ilya’s friends suspect the two may have had a falling out. Unbeknownst to them, Ilya’s problems come from feeling bad at abandoning Miyu while feeling relieved at never having to return to that scary world of magic ever again. The class is assigned at art project for class, leading Ilya’s friends to have a debate on what to do, which Ilya mostly stays out of.

Outside the school, Ruby and Sapphire discuss the situation and how it is normal for a young girl like Ilya to be scared. Ruby doesn’t understand Miyu’s going overboard like that, causing Sapphire to recall when she chose Miyu and how Miyu pleaded with Luvia for a home, food, and clothing in exchange for collecting the Class Cards. That afternoon, Ilya comes home to a worried Sella, who talks about this with Leysritt. This chat degenerates into a discussion of breast sizes, which Shirou walks into, thinking they are talking about Ilya and what has her depressed, a misunderstanding that has Sella fuming.

The depressed Ilya lies on her bed, so Ruby says she needs to talk to Rin. Ilya is surprised that Ruby agrees with her about not wanting to return to such a scary place, then Ilya realizes that Ruby means for her to tell Rin the truth. Ilya and Ruby meet Rin at the park, where Rin accepts Ilya’s resignation. Rin says it was unfair to have an inexperienced school girl do this and she demands Ruby return to her. Ruby refuses, still insisting that Ilya is her Master. Miyu drops by, saying she’ll handle the final card, then leaves. After Rin leaves, Ilya stays at the park and wonders why Ruby stays. Ruby says she’s never leaving Ilya, even if Ilya doesn’t fight again. Further, Ruby thinks that a time may come when Ilya will need mahou shoujo powers again, something Ilya doesn’t think is possible.  Meanwhile, Rin, Luvia, and Miyu get ready for their final card battle.


I’ve not read the original manga, but some folks have and have been gracious enough to not only let me know very interesting facts about the Fate universe(s), but also differences between the original manga and the anime. One mentioned difference is Miyu going off on Ilya, which didn’t happen in the manga.

That leads me to this episode. I don’t know what changes there are (and I’m sure you guys will let me know), but I get the strong impression that this was mostly a filler chapter.  The entire stuff at school was such a “spin on” moment for me. The whole art thing with Ilya’s friends wasn’t funny and just bored me to death in how it brought everything to a near standstill.

I didn’t have a problem with Ilya’s conflicting emotions over wanting to leave a scary world of magic where she could be killed fighting powerful beings and her not wanting to abandon her comrades.  That felt like a real emotion to me. But even here, things just seemed to drag on a bit more than maybe they should.

I did like Ruby’s decision not to abandon Ilya no matter what. I don’t know if Ruby feels that Ilya will change her mind (and no doubt something will happen to get Ilya back into things since I know there are sequel manga series to the one this anime series is adapting) or what, but there was something about how she was going to be there for Ilya come hell or high water that I appreciated.

Apparently, Sapphire is holding out on Ruby because during Sapphire’s flashback to when she first chose Miyu, Sapphire wouldn’t say anything to Ruby about it even though Ruby was questioning why Miyu was acting the way she is.

Otherwise, not a lot to say. Just a lot of wasted time here with some interesting elements that get bogged down in the weight of the filler stuff.

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4 Responses to “Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya – 08 (How to drag out an anime episode.)”

  1. Farray says:

    That leads me to this episode. I don’t know what changes there are (and I’m sure you guys will let me know), but I get the strong impression that this was mostly a filler chapter.

    The whole “draw a story” part in school was filler. The manga skipped most of the school part and only showed the beginning, in which Ilya’s friends saw that Miyu and Ilya are apparently not on good terms. Miyu is not really giving Ilya the cold shoulder, it’s Ilya who avoids Miyu mostly.

    I don’t really see why Silver Link made such a drastic and character defining change. It’s Ilya who has issues, Miyu doesn’t show a very clear reaction.

    Apparently, Sapphire is holding out on Ruby because during Sapphire’s flashback to when she first chose Miyu, Sapphire wouldn’t say anything to Ruby about it even though Ruby was questioning why Miyu was acting the way she is.

    This is a scene that actually happened in 2wei. And at the end of 2wei to be precise (before the final battles). That was the time when the focus subtly and slowly changed to Miyu.

    The scene with Sella and Leysritt about Sella’s breasts was part of a bonus (and not plot-related) chapter in 2wei.

    Otherwise, I must say I am disappointed to be frank. They completely took out the foreshadowing for 2wei out in this episode. In the manga, it’s made very clear that Sella and Liz are aware of Ilya’s seal and that it had opened. Twice.

    Sella found Ilya half-conscious on the doorsteps and it was shown that she wanted to know what Ilya was doing all the time. Since Ilya managed to go home unnoticed, this scene was obviously cut.

    Ilya and Ruby meet Rin at the park, where Rin accepts Ilya’s resignation. Rin says it was unfair to have an inexperienced school girl do this and she demands Ruby return to her.

    Jura Vyln qrpvqrq gb unir n gnyx jvgu Eva gb erfvta, Eva npghnyyl dhrfgvbarq Vyln nobhg gur rkcybfvba fur pnhfrq. Juvyr vg vf gehr gung srne sbe yvsr vf n ernfba jul Vyln vf nsenvq, nf V’ir fnvq rneyvre, gung vf abg gur erny, be znlor V fubhyq fnl, gur zber vzcbegnag ernfba jul fur ab ybatre jnagf gb svtug. Vg’f ure jvfu gb or abezny.

    Vyln vf nsenvq bs ure cbjref. Fur erzrzorerq ubj fur qrsrngrq Fnore, fur pyrneyl erzrzoref gung fur pbhyq unir xvyyrq Eva, Yhivn naq Zvlh jvgu gur rkcybfvba gung gbbx qbja Nffnffva naq gung cbjre bs uref sevtugraf ure gur zbfg.

    Eva jnf noyr gb frr guvf. Gung’f jul fur haqrefgbbq jul Vyln jnagrq gb dhvg.

    And I haven’t heard anything good from people who already watched the nico version of episode 9. Apparently, the whole foreshadowing in that episode was taken out too. I have the feeling Silver Link wants to tell us:

    “Nah, we ain’t gonna do 2wei. Deal with it.”

    Besides, I’ve seen the little preview for episode 9. God, the characters are drawn really… strangely. They look way off-model, which is weird because they were drawn very well in the manga. I wonder how this could happen whether there will be fixes.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      >I don’t really see why Silver Link made such a drastic and character defining change. It’s Ilya who has issues, Miyu doesn’t show a very clear reaction.

      I guess they thought they could fill more time going this route. Or something. ^_^;

      >”Nah, we ain’t gonna do 2wei. Deal with it.”

      Which might be the case. Of course, if Silver Link isn’t doing the second anime, another company COULD fix things. That happened with the [b]Full Metal Panic[/b] anime franchise.

      As always, thanks for the great information. I am planning to read the manga when the anime is over.

  2. Anonymous says:

    “That leads me to this episode. I don’t know what changes there are (and I’m sure you guys will let me know), but I get the strong impression that this was mostly a filler chapter.”
    (You guessed it right)
    Yeah, the art thing was completely anime-original material. Though the thing about Illya going to school, her and Miyu being gloomy and making that small blonde girl sad/something is from the manga. Also, in the manga, Illya goes to see Rin straight from school, instead of moping in her room first. (The gloomy thoughts happen in school instead of the art thing)

    Personally, I found I sort of liked the art thing, because Illya’s group of friends is a fairly amusing set of supportive characters (in how utterly crazy they can be, and for being sort of unique as a supporting cast). If the art thing hadn’t been prolonged so much, it would have actually been good IMO.

    Prolonged filler makes you wonder why some things from the original couldn’t have been included in the previous episodes though… Shirou’s involvement for one.
    Or the true important talk Sella had with Leysritt, instead of that talk about Sella’s breasts… At least Sella’s reactions made it funny at times, and Shirou was just LOL

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      >Prolonged filler makes you wonder why some things from the original couldn’t have been included in the previous episodes though… Shirou’s involvement for one.

      I agree. There’s good material that isn’t being used, yet we have to have filler. I’ve never understood that, other than to think it comes from the school of thought which says that an anime adaptation has to put their stamp on a franchise to make it different from the source. I am not a believer in that school of thought.

      >At least Sella’s reactions made it funny at times, and Shirou was just LOL

      Well, that was humorous, but the moment was mostly ruined for me, unfortunately.

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