UQ Holder Chapter 61 SPOILER Images

Here are SPOILER images for the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 61, courtesy of MK. (My review of UQ Holder chapter 61 should come out tomorrow.)


The UQ Holder chapter 61 goodness begins.^_^

MK goes wild with THREE images this time.

UQ Holder Chapter 61

Aftermath fun.

UQ Holder Chapter 61

Reflective Kuroumaru.Β  No doubt, there’s a lot on Kuroumaru’s mind in light of recent events.

UQ Holder Chapter 61

And of course, it wouldn’t be an Akamatsu-sensei title without an onsen scene, right?

I get the feeling that the subject of Kuroumaru’s lack of gender and gender choice comes up in this chapter. I also got the feeling that Kuroumaru’s relationship with Touta comes up as well. We’ll see if that is indeed what happens.

And Santa is still in the mix. I believe he and Touta visit Sayoko’s grave.

Well, this is more of an appetizer for the chapter that comes out later today. It will be interesting to see the aftermath of Sayoko’s business as well as exploring the characters more. I’m looking forward to reading it.


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7 Responses to “UQ Holder Chapter 61 SPOILER Images”

  1. Well, it could be that Kuro is sulking due to being possessed/used twice and not being able to help that much this time. He was sad when he lost to the Shundo dude and Nagumo, it wouldn’t surprise me if he got depressed again due to the events in this battle. Setsuna was also pretty annoyed when she lost to Tsukuyomi in their first battle. And sorry for bringing her up again, but I think it would be kinda funny (or not) if she ended up interacting with Kuroumaru in the future in some way, considering her personality and history with the Shinmei, LOL.

  2. OverMaster says:

    Well, this chapter had Loli fanservice, so we can scratch off ‘It had to be cut because Loli nudity wasn’t an editorial option any longer!’ from the long list of excuses people makes for Akamatsu killing Negima off.

    • seimei says:

      Olala ONE loli fanservice scene (which I regret, however, and I would point out that this chapter is the first I did not like from the beginning of UQ Holder) and there it is we can say that this is not because of excessive loli fanservice that Akamatsu Negima stopped. … So good to begin with.
      1. Kirie is the ONLY loli UQ Holder, Negima had 3 or 4 and had TENS of fanservice scenes not comparable!

      2. Then it seems to me have already said but this has since famous law was changed (around June 2014) and concerns over the fictional productions such as manga. Thus the loli fanservice have necessarily to be avoided. This does not prevent one can see a net decrease it in alot of manga I think. And much better.

      3. Akamatsu always wanted to do a manga Nekketsu 100%, even if the new law was relaxed it did not prevent him from continuing UQ Holder eh? Also I would like to recall something that you obviously have not yet integrated in your mind Over-master…This is THE AUTHOR who must decide how to proceed in his story, NOT READERS! You seem to have forgotten.

      And you should be happy! Finally we have a chapter “slice of life” as you asked (and I personally found rather annoying, but hey, is a PERSONAL notice is not intended to be universal, just like your opinion, I prefer you recall).

      I begin to find your incessant caprices worthy of a spoiled child deeply unbearable. I you repeat are not critical, you made the bashing, it has nothing to do. From the beginning you did not make ANY positive comment about this manga. Even though this chapter contains everything you seemed SO worship in negima (the fanservice and implied future harem (which will remain I think the subtext)) you find a way to get us one of your comment primary hater. If so is almost hilarious was hopeless. lol

      Like over-master that is to your whims that make me think:http://www.crunchyroll.com/forumtopic-874697/so-did-you-know-there-people-who-just-made-a-petition-to-ban-naruto-manga-

      To me your reactions are almost as immature as their own.

      I totally understand that some do not like UQ Holder. What I do not understand however is that people are constantly complaining of a manga that whatever happens does NOT suit them, in a kind of pathetic hope to bend the author and the force to act as THEY want. I find it so childish and selfish.

      At least acknowledge the legitimacy of UQ holder and its fans to exist dammit! It is not still ask whether the moon?

      So much for the rant. Sorry for any inconvenience Astro. ^^

      • seimei says:

        ps : “and concerns over the fictional productions such as manga”

        oops, I meant “no longer concerns the fictional productions like manga and anime” sorry for the mistake. ^^

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