UQ Holder Chapter 67 SPOILER Image (Update #1 — 2 more images)

Here is a SPOILER image and a bit of information for the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 67, courtesy of MK. (My review of UQ Holder chapter 67 should come out Wednesday.)


The UQ Holder chapter 67 goodness begins.^_^

The image from this week’s chapter.


For some reason, the song “Afro Gunsou” is now in my head. *lol*

Anyway, until ChaosProphet (or someone) translates, it does appear that Touta does indeed leave UQ Holder HQ. It also appears that Gravity Blade is sentient, but I could be misreading that. Kuroumaru does not appear to come with Touta, nor does Santa. The afro dude in the spoiler image seems to show up at the end of the chapter.

Basically, it seems that Akamatsu-sensei is attempting to keep readers off balance by attempting to go places no one would predict. I’ll reserve further comment on this until the chapter actually comes out.

I’ll update if more information is provided or if more spoiler pics show up.

Update #1:

Here are a couple of more images from 2ch, one of which gives a better context to the earlier spoiler image.

UQ Holder Chapter 67 UQH-CH67-SP03

Chapter comes out tonight on Crunchyroll.

UQ Holder Chapter 67


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16 Responses to “UQ Holder Chapter 67 SPOILER Image (Update #1 — 2 more images)”

  1. Dargor says:

    If Alberio turned himself from a book into a sword, I’m going to piss my pants.

  2. NT says:

    I have this feeling that Ken actually reads our comments about what we think will happen, and then goes a different way with it.
    Though, is it that rare that the Artists of some manga actually see what their viewers/readers write about their manga and then they go and change something?

    If the gravity blade is sentient, then maybe Al decided to turn himself into a sword instead of a book just so he could make fun of Fate and Eva maybe?
    And I know this is not relevant but.. with Nagi appearing in the Lifemaker’s clutches, is he still possibly under her control? or back under it?

    • Doll Elements says:

      Actually, it’s highly possible that you are right.

      Ken Akamatsu is fluent in English. He used to have an offical facebook fanpage where he would respond to fans’s questions and comments way back in 2011-2012. I’m 100% sure that page is legit as Ken was releasing manga sketches on that fanpage before the actual chapter was released and it wasn’t posted anywhere other than Ken’s facebook page.


      • AstroNerdBoy says:

        Yeah, I believe the page was legit, but then he stopped using it. I’m not sure he’s fluent in English, but he might be to a degree. I kinda figured he had someone on his staff who did the English stuff.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I have this feeling that Ken actually reads our comments about what we think will happen, and then goes a different way with it.

      I often wonder if this is true. I think he would pay attention more to the Japanese fans than non-Japanese fans though.

      Though, is it that rare that the Artists of some manga actually see what their viewers/readers write about their manga and then they go and change something?

      I know that mangaka have changed things based on unexpected popularity of a character or something.

      If the gravity blade is sentient, then maybe Al decided to turn himself into a sword instead of a book just so he could make fun of Fate and Eva maybe?

      One theory is that Al is the sword. Based on how the chapter went, I don’t think the intent was to poke fun at Eva or anyone else.

      And I know this is not relevant but.. with Nagi appearing in the Lifemaker’s clutches, is he still possibly under her control? or back under it?

      That’s what it seems like.

  3. Daniel Frost says:

    If the blade is sentient as you’re predicting, I wonder if afro dude is a manifestation of the sword and only Touta can see it. Like Zanpanktous in Bleach, maybe it will be a year of training with the sentient sword teaching him and he’ll sign up under a false name after the year of training.

  4. mattcgw says:

    I like the idea of the gravity Blade being of a Zanpakuto, really can see this being a point of comedic relief, in the form of AL’s style off trolling.

  5. Seimei says:

    I too believe that the sword has the consciousness of Al BUT not in the sense that many here think.

    I think Al has inserted the sword “spiritual clone” of himself. A bit like Eva, with the parchment magia-erebea. The real Al him is always present somewhere. Maybe he travel?

    If I’m right you will not have to “piss your pants” Dargor, since it would not be true albireo in the sword ^^.

  6. Aki says:

    The sword spoke…

  7. shadow_s_writer says:

    Well, from what I seen on of eps. 65-670.

    1) TOUTA and Fate will meet during the tournament, but like not necessarily as competitors, In fact I not sure which side they will be part of.

    2) Eva intent is to protect TOUTA, and knows she can guard him the LifeMaker and while she and Fate challenge the villain.

    3) Eva tell TOUTA to withdraw, to keep there intentions a secret, I expect her real reason for sending he back to base is hoping he get stronger by attempting to escape.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I’m still not convinced there will be much of a tournament in the manga, if at all, and I don’t see how Touta gets into it. I can easily be wrong here, but I just get the feeling that Akamatsu-sensei is trolling us a lot.

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