UQ Holder Chapter 76 Manga Review (Do or do not, ’cause “reasons.”)

ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review
UQ Holder Chapter 76

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: 

UQ Holder Chapter 76Touta loses fight after fight, but gains in popularity. He decides he needs a finishing move and since Kuroumaru seems to have an endless array of them, he asks Kuroumaru for help. Kuroumaru can help Touta because of Touta’s ability to learn things quick, but since it takes years to master these techniques, it might not be of any help in the short term. Kirie points out that the weight of Gravity Blade (Kurobo) is practically a finishing move, but Touta doesn’t want to do that ’cause it isn’t his strength.

Touta and company consult Morborgran, who recounts Negi’s finishing move, which was a spell combined with Magia Erebea. Touta, who has been unconsciously doing Magia Erebea thinks he may have found something, but since Crunchyroll couldn’t be bothered to upload the next page, whatever he tried was clearly a failure, leaving Touta depressed.

Touta is out wandering and being depressed when he runs into Yukihime. He panics, apologizes, then she slaps him hard. She chastises him for his actions in leaving the UQ Holder building, citing their flight from the village in chapter one. He whinges about how she never told him anything and that he now knows he’s a copy of Negi, which he learned from Hoodie. Yukihime doesn’t say whom Hoodie is and Touta notes Fate nearby. Touta starts whinging again, so Yukihime is going to slap him again, but she’s stopped by a very large woman with fangs, whom Yukihime calls Dana. Dana knocks Touta across the way for whining, then expresses an interest in Touta, asking Yukihime if she can take him with her.


So, as I write this, it is only Tuesday, but I’ve been working almost non-stop since Sunday. So I’m pretty exhausted. However, there’s the new UQ Holder chapter out, so yay, right? Except Crunchyroll, who apparent thinks that there’s no way in the universe that “QC” could EVER stand for “Quality Control,” decides they can’t be bothered to upload the entire chapter. As such, I’m writing this in a foul mood, so I’ll apologize ahead of time for giving this chapter and series a beating that it so richly deserves.

Some of you awesome commenters (forgive me for not remembering who all discussed this) remarked on how odd it was that Touta didn’t go to Kuroumaru to try to learn a finishing move. I figured it had to be something simple, based on Love Hina and Negima, and that the Shinmeiryuu techniques were still supposed to be restricted. However, this chapter showed I was wrong in my thinking and that the only reason Kuroumaru hasn’t been training Touta any sword techniques is “reasons.”

UQ Holder Chapter 76

After never losing, now Touta never wins, and why? ‘Cause “reasons.”

Despite always losing in the tournament, he’s still in the tournament ’cause “reasons.”

(“Well, you complainers were whinging on about how Touta was boring because he never struggled, so now that I’m making him struggle, your whinging about that?” Yeah, Sensei, it is because the story flow is not natural, which has been the problem since early on.)

So, Touta meets Eva. Ooops. She slaps him and starts nagging about how he didn’t do right in running away. Yeah, Miss “Ever So Powerful Shinso Vampire Mage”, why didn’t you STOP him if you were worried about him. It shouldn’t be that hard to force him to be restricted to HQ. After all, there’s a WHOLE slew of people working for you that would have stopped him. Ah, but I forget, the reason you DIDN’T do this is “reasons.”

Then there’s the partial retcon of why Yukihime and Touta left the village. See, the bounty hunter was after Touta, which is why Yukihime had the bounty on her and not on Touta, and why the bounty hunter didn’t know Touta from a whole in the ground, and why there was nothing the bounty hunter was going to do to have Touta captured. Yep, that’s why that bounty hunter was going to kill all witnesses, Touta included, ’cause “reasons” which had nothing to do with going after Touta.

So now Eva and Touta are doing a road trip and having a jolly good time, even picking up a “boy without a winkle” ’cause “reasons” — no worries on being targeted or the like. Then ’cause “reasons,” UQ Holder finds Eva and company brings them home.

While at UQ Holder, Eva is so afraid for Touta’s safety, she dispatches him on jobs and even remarks on how pointless it would be to stop him ’cause of Touta’s idiotic reason.

Yep, no matter what threat was faced, even when Eva had to deus ex machina to save Touta’s bacon from being taken by Fate, she was never concerned about him being away from UQH-HQ, until this chapter, which was only because of “reasons.” (“But there was the Lifemaker!” Yeah, the Lifemaker was always there as a potential threat, and yes, seeing the Lifemaker recently made things more real to Eva, but then she didn’t say anything to Touta because of “reasons” and she really didn’t even try to prevent him from leaving UQH-HQ because of “reasons.”)

Now we come closer to the preset. Gravity Blade suddenly starts talking ’cause “reasons.” Touta runs away ’cause “reasons.” Eva won’t tell Touta jack because “reasons.” A few of Touta’s friends find and join him ’cause “reasons.” Hoodie tries to kill him ’cause “reasons.” Hoodie decides to wait a year to kill him ’cause “reasons.” Let’s all jump down, turn around, and punch ourselves in the face ’cause “reasons.”

Seriously, Sensei? I know you are desperate to try to recapture the magic of Negima with its mystery, its awesome story flow, and the fan adoration, but this isn’t the way to do it. Further, I know you are desperate to prevent people from predicting what you are going to do with UQ Holder, but doing things, or not doing things, because of “reasons” is just crappy writing.  Sorry, but I had to say that.


And yet I’m still here and will be here for the next chapter, so what does that say about me? 😉

Anyway, now that I’m off the soap box (man, do I need some sleep), I am vaguely curious as to whom this Dana character is. It isn’t Al. It might be a vampire that Eva met ages ago to whom Eva learned a thing or two. Should this be the case, I will say that my interest level will rise again since I want more of Eva’s background explored.

So once again, I do want to apologize for going off, but hopefully some of you got a giggle out of it. Hopefully, I won’t be so cranky next week (or whenever the next chapter comes out.)

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49 Responses to “UQ Holder Chapter 76 Manga Review (Do or do not, ’cause “reasons.”)”

  1. Sacre To -> Circlet -> Tamaki. Yep, it’s definitely the time-space duo.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I noticed that too (I didn’t remark on it ’cause I was on my “reasons” rant last night), but their personalities seem so different.

    • Random Lurker says:

      Just to add to this, Karen Da –> Calendar –> Koyomi

      Also, I certainly got a giggle out of this post =p
      More because how much I agree with it than anything else though.

  2. Mattcgw says:

    People have been able to have gender reassignment surgery for more than a century by this point in holder, thus I assume magically doing so has been around a lot longer.
    I would assume, usually cast as a curse.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      In regards to Kuroumaru? If that’s the case, Kuroumaru’s tribe are born without gender.

  3. Leonard E. Norwood Jr. says:

    Name’s Leonard, and I have to agree with some of the things you said, you’d think some people would just stop doing that thing they do, and just spill the beans, or at least do things earlier in advance to let them know when the time comes. Eva had most of that time to do that, even have stricter means to keep him in HQ, but no…she just leaves and expect Touta to stay, it is pathetic knowing for a bunch of powerful immortal beings and so forth, it’s like they’ve gotten so lazy to keep one guy from leaving, which is exactly what Touta does.

    And to just add on a note, as much as whining is annoyance, everyone in life at some point did it, because they had trouble with themselves and how to properly behave themselves when I got some much emotion that hasn’t been held in check, even to them. Touta is no exception, along with every other character in anime or manga, at least it shows that they are not perfect, that they still make decisions not all that good. Even smart people who don’t do that should at least stop and take a second, before reprimanding them, not all kids an teens are going to smarten up that quick when their own mind are telling them anything to what they feel. It shows that they are trying to find some way in this world, and trying to find some way to settle their feelings with the people in front of them.

    I’d be the guy willing to soften every blow, and actually talk to people like Touta properly, I may never be the guy’s parents and etc. But I bet what I would say would work just as much as saying STOP WHINING AND BE A MAN and just knocking a person down. Granted, maybe stuff like that would work, but there are many ways to dispel a messy situation without even violence if possible, with back up plans in case some things don’t work. As much as it can be a bit funny when an MC still haven’t straight up and is hit for their idiocy, I have to admit, that thing has rans its course and up the wall with me, but I haven’t forgotten its purpose.

    Bottom line, nobody in this chapter basically aren’t in the right or wrong as much, regardless of how many points are agree with. Eventually Touta is going to get to the top of the tower either way. That’s assumed in my point of view. I can’t blame Eva for her actions that much, but I wouldn’t let Touta go either, since he is still a kid, growing up in a vastly changing world, and he can’t even physically age anymore. And his obstacles other than the tournament and future enemies he will face, is also with himself. And the guy was already willing to let things slide and just be himself, he just needs time to stop when he can, think when he can, and act when the times are right for him. For all he knows, Yukihime was the only person who was there for him, and being alone would suck for him.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      …it is pathetic knowing for a bunch of powerful immortal beings and so forth, it’s like they’ve gotten so lazy to keep one guy from leaving, which is exactly what Touta does.

      Akamatsu-sensei wanted Touta to get out, so he crafted things so he’d get out even though his method for doing so didn’t seem bad at the time, but with this chapter and Eva’s sudden concern, it makes it seem very bad (lazy writing).

      Eventually Touta is going to get to the top of the tower either way. That’s assumed in my point of view.

      I agree.

      I can’t blame Eva for her actions that much, but I wouldn’t let Touta go either, since he is still a kid, growing up in a vastly changing world, and he can’t even physically age anymore.

      My problem with how things have played out with Eva’s reaction is we have her playing both sides. On one hand, Eva’s like, “He’ll be OK, let him grow up.” On the other hand, it is like, “Oh, you needed protecting, idiot!” The two do not mesh to me. ^_^;;;

      Anyway, thanks for writing. ^_^

  4. magine says:

    I wonder until when Touta will have the eye-patch (It takes longer than normal to heal)

    Evangeline!!! lol she slapped Touta when he told all those things to her. There were mixed emotions there.
    Touta wanted tell “I love you”

    “What is he doing out shopping with Yukihime?!” lol his reaction, jealousy detected. Touta looks daggers at Fate. At least Fate wasn’t carrying a lot of shopping bags of Evangeline XD

    Maybe Evangeline knows the hoodie… Evangeline said “she’s…”

    What the hell… ._. Dana? Who is that person that told “kitty” to Evangeline? how dare she calls Evangeline “kitty” only Al can call Evangeline “kitty” XD

    Well, I think that the “vampire?” person can be:
    1- The wife of Albireo! XD
    2- Albireo dressed up in that woman (If he is really, someone should reward him with some trophy for that costume…)
    3- An old woman that Evangeline knows since years ago (Maybe in the age where Albireo was in Mahora or she is a vampire that Evangeline knows since many years ago… It would be interesting to know more about Evangeline)

    “I’ll be taking him with me.” LOL She wants take away her “son”
    “I’m sure you won’t mind, kitty” Excuse me? It does matter very much and she told that so calmly. Will she be the person that will train Touta? Seriously?

    PS: What does Evangeline wear in her shirt? A necktie?
    I wait the next chapter, although I would like to see Evangeline more times, instead of once every three months…

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Maybe Evangeline knows the hoodie… Evangeline said “she’s…”

      I believe that’s correct. She knows the score, but now we have an interruption from large, vampire chick so that once again, we can not get the information.

      What the hell… ._. Dana? Who is that person that told “kitty” to Evangeline? how dare she calls Evangeline “kitty” only Al can call Evangeline “kitty” XD

      Al could have picked up the term from someone else. 😉

      An old woman that Evangeline knows since years ago (Maybe in the age where Albireo was in Mahora or she is a vampire that Evangeline knows since many years ago… It would be interesting to know more about Evangeline)

      I believe this is the most likely option.

  5. NML says:

    I like this chapter mostly because of the ending.
    This Dana character has a pretty cool design, different from what we usually see from Akamatsu.

    I know you say that Tota was too overpowered early in the story but Kuroumaru did he say he went easy on him when they fought. Which reminded of when of Negi beat Eva really early on but at Budokai we found out she’s really powerful even without her magic and had been going easy on him too.

    Then there was the end of the Slums arc, when Eva had to turn up and save him.

    Fighting Fate all he could do was break a shield and even that he wouldn’t have been able to do without the Gravity Blade’s power.

    Really the only the people he’s beaten is Tachibana, Kaito and some nameless preliminary characters.

    Also, does this series “deserve” a beatdown? I feel you always voice your problems with the series whenever you have any.

    I’m not saying that UQ Holder doesn’t have problems, but I prefer the direction the series is going in now…now we just need to see Karin again because I’m missing her. I hope Kuroumaru and the gang go with Tota and Dana, I don’t want them missing from the story too.

    • Seimei says:

      Thank you! You have expressed perfectly what I meant in better English than me. ^^

      I might add that for me Tota not even beat Kaito if he had not had the magia-Erbea Kaito would have already beaten TWICE:

      1. seal the coffin-crucified would have worked
      2. Even with his “armor-magia erebea” on the arms, Kaito would trenspercé the heart of Tota and would have knocked out for a while if the mode “berserk-erebea” was not activated.

      Incidentally recent chapter définitivements given us proof that Tota has not mastered the magia-erebea (what I said from the beginning of the controversy during the battle kaito!) Because it went berserk again in fashion .

      Incidentally Negi also successfully extended the magia-erebea once. Yes, yes, I swear! ^^ Reread the fight Kurt Godel vs Negi! Tota has therefore in no case exceeded Negi! ^^

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I know you say that Tota was too overpowered early in the story but Kuroumaru did he say he went easy on him when they fought.

      I don’t remember Kuroumaru saying that specifically, but assuming Kuroumaru said that, I still call this out. Kuroumaru was supposed to kill vampires and Eva specifically, so it makes no sense for Kuroumaru to hold back. When Eva fought Negi in volume 3 of Negima, that did make sense for her to hold back since the classroom chart from volume 1 indicated that Eva would be an ally.

      Also, does this series “deserve” a beatdown? I feel you always voice your problems with the series whenever you have any.

      I was in a bad mood, and since Crunchyroll couldn’t be bothered to upload one page in the chapter, that was just the last straw.

  6. Seimei says:

    pfff … Astro-san, san astro, astro-san. On the outskirts, breathe deeply okay? ^^
    Next. Again you look at it from the wrong angle.

    I said from the START: the “victories” (that’s a big word but I will return in a moment) Tota impressive early in the series was LEGITIMATE to give him credit as MC. Then he was met with a wall he had to overcome and experiment lose. I said from the beginning!

    And again “victories” has a very great word. Specifically Tota has delivered only TWO importents fighting. The fighting againist Kaito and the one against Fate.
    In the first case he has won only because the ME requests the relet, in the second, Fate has only played with him (and I did not need the interior monologue of Tota during the Chapter 75 in order to understand that. During their fight, when Fate became serious (when he activates his magic circle) he uses Tota as a punching bag: http://mangafox.me/manga/uq_holder/vTBD/c040 /10.html



    Specifically Tota has won NO real fight from the beginning!

    You find wonderful, a protagonniste who scraping the ground on which the antagonnists walking at first and evolves slowly. Either. But:
    1. It does not in any way that every character that does not match this archetype is poorly written, contrary to what you think.

    2. UQ Holder is the sequel of Negima, and have a MC who learns the basics at the same rate as in Negima, while these bases, well … we know their very good, it would have had NO interest as me. In any case I would have found it boring. Having to endure 3 volumes where the MC is a wreck (I already do not like MC in general in most manga I read! So imagine in this case! lol), I would have found it a nonsense.

    For the Shinmei-ryu what excuse did you want Kuro has given to Tota? I said anyway, have 2 Shinmei in the main groups would have been redundant. From then on there was no 300 explaining to another that “it is too difficult same for you.” You get tired (more than you have already^^) for nothing.

    You say that the flow of the story is not natural. Sorry dear Astro but whatever you may say was the same in Negima. The story, for me, has begun to follow a coherent weft that from Volume 21, or even by being kind, Volume 12.

    You say all this done for “Reasons” in UQ. Well no. Or finally yes, BUT precisely the problem is that it is the same for EACH fictitious story.

    Negima take an example:
    -Why Can cancel Asuna magic? Beceause “reason (we will explain more than 25 volumes tards and proves NOTHING qu’akamatsu had planned to make the princess of the mundus-magicus early on, NOTHING!)

    -Why Nagi sent Eva to Mahora rather than to another magic school? Because Reasons.

    -Why Eva is presented to be be Archmage in Kyoto (she scrapes the ground with a god-demon anyway!), While facing Negi (when she was as she recovered her powers through power outrage) they are on a equal level? Because reason.

    -Why World-Tree is EXACTLY active during the year of Negima? Because Reason.

    -Why Chao Linchen needs it to go back in time? Because Reasons.

    -And also why Chao came from the future to save the world, instead of just being a character of the present time? Because Reasons.

    -Why Fate Averruncus suddenly becomes the main antagonniste after Volume 21? To Volume 4 he was a simple mere mercenary no? Because Reasons.

    -Why Negi should it be surrounded by 33 girls when he is 10 years old? Because Reasons.

    You see we can play this for Negima too. It can also be do for ALL fictional stories. Each story has it own logic, there is no universal logic, or “natural rhythm” in fiction. It is a conceptual nonsense. ^^

    It is not known why Hoodle wants to kill Tota? But of course! Lol you expected what she says EVERYTHING from her first appearance? Fate has not done in Negima (at each appearance (except the first in Kyoto huh?) he left only scraps of information. Obviously that Hoodle would same! ^^

    Ah the famous “characters cames out of nothing”. This criticism of some manga always made me laugh. When a new character appears in a story, half the time it comes out of nothing. IN THE PRINCIPLE since it is NEW. If it was the forerunner for the appearance of each character, novels, movies and manga would each only five main characters and four secondary characters and would finish in two volumes and five episodes SYSTEMATCALY ! It would boring !^^

    And about Negima? Chigusa, Tsukuyomi and Fate came out of nothingness before two of them become capital to the intrigues of Negima, perhaps have you forgotten? ^^

    Well. clash of ideas apart. I REALLY think you should wait for to be rested to do reviews. Some of your critics may be understandable (although I do not agree with them) but for others you are clearly missing the point.

    For example, for the bounty hunter of the chapter 1, I think the story that he came to Tota is a simple extrapolation from him. HE assumes that, Yukihime said nothing which could suggest that. It is easy to understand that Tota is somewhat paranoid right now, due to psychological instability. Himself says (in thought) he can’t to say what he feels to Eva. He is angry, lost and desperate. Everything he says in this state is questionable!

    GOOD. it looks like a ref to rant like in response to yours and was half true lol. But I thank you for having the sympathy to apologize by advance. What makes me think that consciously or not, you knew that several points of your criticism (but not all) would be overkill.

    A council of friends: NEVER start a review (or anything at all that requires concentration when you are tired, it produces this kind of result Critics who are justified are too aggressive and unfair criticism of numbers or exaggerated. are doubled. ^^ I know because when I’m tired I am also very bad mood, so if I was doing reviews and I was as picky as you would a dependent processes (and without counsel, much like the review of this chapter and the series in general lol) to every review lol! ^^

    PS: Well I think. You said that the super engineering Tota was not credible even in fiction and even less in realistic fiction? I found a perfect exemple which proove the contrary, that destroyed part of your argummentaire.

    And better now? It is in a quasi-realistic univers. Not in a world of Fantasy or battle-manga.

    You know Classeroom assassination? (A school-life manga (yes a school-life manga seduced me!) I recommend you

    The story is about an alien teacher who teaches in a class in difficulty. Problem. This alien while being a teacher at a very great heart and kindness for his studients and extremely dedicated and competent teacher, strangely has promised to destroy Earth next year if his students could not kill him by then! Another problem is the monster (Koro-sensei (korosenai-sensei (sensei indestructible))) can move … Mach 20! flew for the summary ^^.

    Apart from Koro-sensei nearly all the other characters are human almost normal (the only “surhuman power” is the “bloodlust” the capacity to feel the presence of an ennemy or project his own “bloodlust” for frighten an enemy. Yet A People, ah uman, has the same capacities to learn that Tota. perhaps even higher! This is the school’s director.

    And do not just say “but it is a antagonniste” or “he’s an adult!”. The question is not there. The question is whether a learning capacity comparable to that of Tota can be found elsewhere in fiction, or is really a asspul as some (including yourself ^^) contend. The answer is yes and in addition has a quasi-realistic manga, and the character is a natural human.

    After that how to continue to complain of Tota, operating in a battle manga and is a clonne artificially created? ^^




    He was learned the karate and beaten a black-belt sensei in F******G THREE DAYS lool !!!

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      pfff … Astro-san, san astro, astro-san. On the outskirts, breathe deeply okay? ^^

      *lol* Sometimes, one has to get on the soapbox and preach. 😉

      For the Shinmei-ryu what excuse did you want Kuro has given to Tota? I said anyway, have 2 Shinmei in the main groups would have been redundant.

      THey are looking for someone to train Touta in a sword, and who better to do that than Kuroumaru? Having two Shinmeiryuu fighters isn’t too many, any more than having two battle mages. Two Shinmeiryuu fighters, twice the awesome firepower. 😉

      Whew! Anyway, I’m almost out of time for today, but thanks for writing. ^_^

    • OverMaster says:

      “-Why Negi should it be surrounded by 33 girls when he is 10 years old? Because Reasons.”

      He was surrounded by 31 girls, not all of whom were romantically interested on him, because he was their teacher. As simple as that.

  7. arimareiji says:

    Semi-pointless rant about why UQ Holder just makes me sad, because I love beating dead horses:
    [spoiler]To borrow the convention of the old SAT analogies…
    Britney : SANZENIN Nagi :: Touta : AKAMATSU Ken

    I love sensei’s storycrafting abilities when he plays to his strong suits. Heck, I’ll even admit to being fond of most of his ecchi content in earlier works, because for some weird reason I found it titillating but tasteful.

    But good grief, he and self-indulgence make a bad combination. (T_T) It’s like watching Michael Jackson play football, or Bo Jackson sing karaoke.[/spoiler]

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      …I love beating dead horses

      Heh! Well, sometimes, beating that dead horse reduces one’s stress levels. 😉

  8. enjinks says:

    I read the missing page on the raw version, and basically, Kuro says Touta can”t use Negi’s finishing move since he can’t use magic, which Morborgran confirm.

  9. cold_menthol says:

    And yet I’m still here and will be here for the next chapter, so what does that say about me? 😉

    So, I guess you’ll continue reading UQH because of reasons, right? 😀

    Seriously though, giggle? I got a bit more than just giggle from reading it. 😀 Mostly because most of them really hit the spot.

    • cold_menthol says:

      Oops, forgot to comment about the actual chapter. But honestly, it’s a bit hard for me to find anything I’d like to comment about recent chapters of UQH. The story still feels jumpy at this point. Whenever a new “hint” appears, it suddenly hops to another “question”. The only “answers” I can remember are Fate’s 4 answers and Touta being a clone. Oh, and Santa.

      • AstroNerdBoy says:

        The only “answers” I can remember are Fate’s 4 answers and Touta being a clone. Oh, and Santa.

        Yeah, that’s pretty much it.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      So, I guess you’ll continue reading UQH because of reasons, right? 😀

      Well, there you go. ^_^

      Seriously though, giggle? I got a bit more than just giggle from reading it. 😀 Mostly because most of them really hit the spot.

      Mission accomplished then. ^_^

  10. Setsuyume Edenfault says:

    Well, cant blame you for your rant Astro, Eva is being a jerk not telling anything…

  11. dominic says:

    What a color will they have?

  12. OverMaster says:

    Astro, this is your best, most accurate, most awesome UQ Holder review EVER!

  13. Is nagi Springfield immoral just wondering

  14. Everyone is upset, but at this point I wasn’t paying attention to the story. I like the shiptease between Eva and Fate, so I’ll pretend I didn’t see any bad writting for once because shipper reasons. ROFL

    • Seimei says:

      Like if it is not my old friend Ragna?^^. How is your life? It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you on this blog ^^.
      What do you mean by “I did not pay attention to the story”? Instead I want to understand things become interresting at all levels! So I would have expected, knowing you after we discussed both, that you’re completely prays by events: the lifemaker is in place (as we expected both ^^!) Tota finally get the character development (and learning from defeat ^^) and we had confirmation (by Tota itself that! ^^) that Fate was NEVER sérieu in their duel (what I always say remember up! ^^)

      After maybe I misunderstood your sentence and that overall the story interests you, but this chapter individuelement pray you do not have a special interest, which is quite possible too. ^^

      • Heyaz, Seimei, how’s it going? X) Let’s see… By “At this point I wasn’t paying attention to the story”, I meant that I wasn’t particularly interested in the events that took place in this chapter by itself. Considering the chapter before this one was all about Touta getting a finishing move, I never expected anything special in this one. And, judging by the title of the chapter, I had a feeling we might see some old faces from Negima… Though if that was the case, I expected them to appear just as the chapter ended. Yes, part of me was thinking “Hey, maybe Fate appears and suggests he can train Touta just to add insult to injury.” Turns out Eva AND Fate appeared, and that’s the only part of the chapter I actually seemed to care about this time because, as I said sometime ago, “I’m just here for Godzilla”. Of course, I’m interested in the overall progress of Holder and the future arcs to come, but the current part of the history doesn’t interest me at all…
        Oh, it might have something to do with Hoodie’s plan failing to kill one. Single. Person, too. No, seriously, how many people have all the villains of UQ managed to kill so far? I guess not a single one(Sayoko kills don’t count as “proper sacrifice” because she only killed as**ole victims. U__U).
        That’s why, as a shipper of the two, the only part of this chapter that caught my interest was Fate and Eva shopping together or something.
        Ok, now to justify at least two things about Holder:
        Touta losing to all the A ranks? At first I also thought it was bull, but then… Justified, because he’s not using the GB. Stupidity, yes, but justified stupidity. “Not my strength”, he says. C’mon Touta, you can do better than that. King Arthur used the freaking Excalibur and no one blamed him for that. Gilgamesh uses 387923575826568593 noble phantasms and… Wait, wrong Gilgamesh.
        The second one is that I think Eva was indeed a Deus Ex Machina in the Slums Arc(she just appeared out of nowhere), but not in Fate’s arc. She was mentioned a lot during the course of the arc. Everyone knew from the beginning that she once worked alongside Negi and Fate. Heck, before they even left the island she was already looking at Kirie’s save point and wondering how things would play out in the end.
        It was totally possible and expected that she could appear at some point in that arc to deal with Fate, to be frank. Even if she wasn’t in the underground, she probably could warp down there as soon as she felt Fate’s presence in the base or something, I honestly don’t know where the Deus Ex Machina idea is coming.
        …Ooof course, Fate’s arc had oooother problems to me, that I’m not in the mood to discuss ever again.
        That being said… I understand how Astro is feeling, as he does a review of each chapter and keeps watching the series closely just to get us some spoilers, images and all that. I get the feeling I’d be twice as pissed if it was me doing all that. But since I’m just having fun with the series and its fights without caring much for the plot at the moment… ROFL. Whoops, sorry about laughing, Astro. xD

      • Oh yeah, one last thing: The reason I disappeared is because I’ve been even more busy than I used to be. /facepalms I can’t comment as much as Id did before, but I’m still around, and I’ll keep dropping by whenever I get the chance or something particularly interesting/funny/bad happens in the history.

        • Seimei says:

          Yes I suspected that it was only chapter that does not have you anymore, as I know that overall, apart from a few points, you love this manga. But I wanted to quad-even sure that we understood each property lol.

          Anyway I think we are both going to love the next chapter, chapter 77. If Spoilers trensmis by Astro-san is true, it may well be that Dana has a vision Tota trensmit to Eva’s past at the time of trensformation! We will perhaps learn more about THE great moment in the life of Eva-chan and also on the life-maker!
          (the life-maker who, we now know will most likely be part of the big game as the probably Big Evil Boss, as revealed in Chapter 65, I’m sure you’ll chord with me when I tell you that this chapter was one of my favorite until now, given what it implies for the future ahahaha !!!)

          Anyway contented to see you my friend! ^^

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      *lol* I didn’t even think about the ship-tease.

  15. Farray says:

    Oh hey, my question from the chapter review before was answered. Kuroumaru didn’t help Touta improve because… reasons.

    I decided to read UQH only every four weeks, but then I read the headline (and then came the depressing FSN episode, can’t imagine that, haha) and decided to read this chapter and the next one now. There are so many things in this manga that I’d like to complain about (and you listed many of them in this review), but then I realized that they don’t really bother me that much actually, because I don’t care about Ken’s new work as much as I cared about Negima.

    I loved the magic system of Negima (which is why Yue was one of my favorites) and the potential with artifacts, I liked Negi’s complex character and that he is not so stereotypical, etc., but so many of these things that I liked about Negima are now no longer there. The idea about immortals sounded intriguing at first, but the story isn’t fascinating enough, I don’t really give a damn about most of the characters and some abilities (like Kirie’s) are just boring and cheap.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Oh hey, my question from the chapter review before was answered. Kuroumaru didn’t help Touta improve because… reasons.

      Exactly. *lol*

      here are so many things in this manga that I’d like to complain about (and you listed many of them in this review), but then I realized that they don’t really bother me that much actually, because I don’t care about Ken’s new work as much as I cared about Negima.

      Yeah, I don’t care about UQH like I did Negima, but I so want UQH to be as good as Negima. 😐

      The idea about immortals sounded intriguing at first, but the story isn’t fascinating enough, I don’t really give a damn about most of the characters and some abilities (like Kirie’s) are just boring and cheap.

      No arguments there.

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