UQ Holder Chapter 84 SPOILER Info (Update #3 — more info, with images!)

Here is some SPOILER info for the upcoming UQ Holder Chapter 84, courtesy of 2ch. (My review of UQ Holder Chapter 84 should come out Tuesday or Wednesday.)


The UQ Holder Chapter 84 goodness begins.^_^

This looks to be Chapter 84’s spoilers.



キティ「で… その男というのが貴様ということか?」

ダーナ「……さて キティ」


As usual, we’ll have to wait for some gracious person to come along and translate. 🙂 Chapter appears to be Eva (Kitty), Touta, and of course, Dana. I guess Touta passes one element of his training and so levels up again.

There’s more to it than that, but I am nearly sleep walking at this point. (The joys of me at the moment. 😉 ) More updates when they appear, including spoiler images.

Update#1: DerGilga comes in for a translation. 😀

Kitty’s hopes and dispairs

Coincidentally/unexpectedly Touta manages to reflect Dana’s ‘different dimension sending of’.

Because it was so coincidentally/unexpectedly, thereafter a direct hit by Kitty’s freezing magic happens.

‘She doesn’t want any help, but if he says he becomes her help, she asks him to kill himself.’

Touta, who was told this by Kitty, says this with emotion, ‘her former beloved man could do this too’.

キティ「で… その男というのが貴様ということか?」
Kitty: ‘Who is this man you/kisama spoke of?
// kisama is a very negative address

Touta: The one you will be loving, more than someone like me it will be a very an attractive redhead!

While they’re talking about all this, the sky crackes, Dana, who increased her abilities with a fantastic/grotesque expression,

(puts) Touta on a stage elevator…. and gives him his (beginner) graduation certificate
// google 迫り

ダーナ「……さて キティ」
Dana: and now Kitty

the way the graduation certificate was given, too scary!!

Well, I did think that Touta leveled up again, and he apparently has. And it does appear that Eva’s falling for Nagi and Negi is based on her meeting Touta. The circle is now complete, for better or for worse.

Anyway, thanks to DerGilga for the translation of the chapter 84 spoilers. 😀

Update #2:  A bit of a correction from DerGilga.

Due to Hata’s helpfull feedback, there may be a big error in the translation. Better to correct that.

‘She doesn’t want any help, but if he says he becomes her help, she asks him to kill himself***.’
//There is no object to kill, so I inserted ‘himself’, but given the ambiguity it could also mean, that Kitty is asking to kill her or Dana.

Thanks DerGilga.

Update #3: MK‘s images.

UQ Holder Chapter 84

UQ Holder Chapter 84

UQ Holder Chapter 84

UQ Holder Chapter 84

UQ Holder Chapter 84

The scary side of Dana, eh?  😉

Oh, and 2ch had a couple of images as well.

UQ Holder Chapter 84

UQ Holder Chapter 84

I guess that’s Touta getting his diploma.

UQ Holder Chapter 84


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18 Responses to “UQ Holder Chapter 84 SPOILER Info (Update #3 — more info, with images!)”

  1. DerGilga says:

    Poor Astro 🙁 here a translation attempt by little Gilga:

    Kitty’s hopes and dispairs

    Coincidentally/unexpectedly Touta mangages to reflect Dana’s ‘different dimension sending of’.

    Because it was so coincidentally/unexpectedly, thereafter a direct hit by Kitty’s freezing magic happens.

    ‘She doesn’t want any help, but if he says he becomes her help, she asks him to kill himself.’

    Touta, who was told this by Kitty, says this with emotion, ‘her former beloved man could do this too’.

    キティ「で… その男というのが貴様ということか?」
    Kitty: ‘Who is this man you/kisama spoke of?
    // kisama is a very negative address

    Touta: The one you will be loving, more than someone like me it will be a very an attractive redhead!

    While they’re talking about all this, the sky crackes, Dana, who increased her abilities with a fantastic/grotesque expression,

    (puts) Touta on a stage elevator…. and gives him his (beginner) graduation certificate
    // google 迫り

    ダーナ「……さて キティ」
    Dana: and now Kitty

    the way the graduation certificate was given, too scary!!

  2. TheNameThatCouldNotBe says:

    a horrible translator attempt
    Hope of Kitty and despair
    Touta chance ends up reflecting the different dimension made by dana and they get a opening to attack dana
    キティ「で… その男というのが貴様ということか?」
    they fight and kitty talks about nagi!?
    ダーナ「……さて キティ」
    the sky cracks and something else happens
    Passing diploma , too scary !! i guess this means touta finished training

  3. DerGilga says:

    Due to Hata’s helpfull feedback, there may be a big error in the translation. Better to correct that.

    ‘She doesn’t want any help, but if he says he becomes her help, she asks him to kill himself***.’
    //There is no object to kill, so I inserted ‘himself’, but given the ambiguity it could also mean, that Kitty is asking to kill her or Dana.

  4. mattcgw says:

    I’m not tired of this arc yet, however I am certainly losing interest.

    • don says:

      Agreed, it would have been more interesting to show some training results from Kuroumaru, Kirie and Santa tbh. This whole Eva x Touta thing just feels wayyyy too forced and distracting from the main story, his resolve to get stronger in order to defeat hoodie and to find out more about his origins

      • AstroNerdBoy says:

        I had a feeling that Kuroumaru, Santa, and Kirie would be relegated to, “oh yeah, they trained.” After all, in Negima, we only got glimpses of others training. Most of the time, the focus was on Negi as the MC.

        • Dargor says:

          During the MM arc, yes. Before that, they weren’t entirely relevant (Already being much stronger then Negi) or having little characterization motive for any type of training (Kaede). Even ignoring that, we actually did get to see what the girls were up to all throughout the build up to the MM arc as opposed to focusing on just Negi or Asuna.

          And that’s exactly where UQ Holder drops the ball on. Its even worse because these characters desperately need to have some shred of panel time that doesn’t amount to “they exist”. UQ Holder is rushing head long into its craptastic myth-arc, and it has barely even scratched the surface of most of the cast beyond what they’re gimmick is. Its barely excusable, but UQ Holder pretty much runs on being a one trick pony of a action series.

          • AstroNerdBoy says:

            It is unfortunate that the series has gone the way it has. I’m guessing it was easier on Akamatsu-sensei to do it this way, but that hasn’t made for good storytelling.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I hear ya. I can’t say my interest level has changed, but I do have to accept the fact that what Akamatsu-sensei might have hinted at earlier in Negima may not be the way he ultimately goes.

  5. NT says:

    Those images… haha, Dana in a way reminds me of Jack Rakan… though when he got ‘scary’ he almost killed Negi.

  6. DerGilga says:

    Dana: Endless Forms Most Beautiful
    and yes, I’m listening to it right now

  7. Aaaaaaancient spirits of eeeviiil… Transform this decayed form, to Daaaaaa-NAAAAAAAA THE EVEEEEEER-LIVIIIING!!! NRUOOOOOOOOAAAAAAHHH!!!
    Nothing shall stop the vengeful rage of DAAAAAAA-NAAAAAA!!!

    …Except, perverse Da-na, the horror of your own image, reflected in this mirror!!!


    …Sorry, I couldn’t contain myself. I hope you guys get the reference, it’s a classic. xD ROFL

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