Happy Thanksgiving 2015!

Happy Thanksgiving 2015!

Hey gang! Well, to those of you who celebrate, I’d like to take the time to wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving 2015! ^_^

This year, I have a great deal to be thankful for. I thank God for making me a real employee (as opposed to a contract employee) of a company this year, which is the first time I’ve been one since 1999. I have wanted this for so long, I had begun to think I’d never be a proper employee again, but here I am. Not only that, I’m a “big fish in a small pond” at my current job, which is a nice possession to be in.

Because of my conversion, I now get 18 paid days off a year, not counting the nine, paid financial holidays (of which Thanksgiving is one).Β  So for the first time in what seems like forever, not only do I have Thanksgiving off, it is a paid day off. Not only that, I’m taking Friday off too, with pay. For me, this is such a weird experience. I’m so used to having to have to save up a lot of money if I wanted a day off since it would be without pay (official holidays as well). So I’m very thankful for this as it allows me to have Thanksgiving with my brother and his clan.

I’m thankful that I got my dream job location — working from home! I do end up doing more hours (day and night), but to be honest, I don’t mind since I’m home where I want to be. Totally awesome!

Finally, I’m thankful to all of you who read the blog. I know I have a horrible time with misspelled words or sentences that might be poorly worded (or worse, end abruptly), but you guys are a forgiving audience. Thank you so much!

Well, I guess it is time to stuff my gourd with turkey and such. Can’t wait!

Slayers Revolution 07 (Happy Thanksgiving 2015)

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6 Responses to “Happy Thanksgiving 2015!”

  1. shadowofthevoid says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, ANB!

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Thanks! I had an incredible mini-vacation and finally got to start playing Fallout: New Vegas. (Yeah, I’m way behind on games too.)

      I hope you had a great Thanksgiving too. ^_^

  2. Kiboujin says:

    Happy Thanksgiving. Love the Slayers image. So many good memories πŸ™‚

  3. ghostbeetle says:

    I’m pretty sure that nobody on here feels like you didn’t deserve such a lucky break, and we’re all happy for you, you lucky pup!^_^
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Not sure about “lucky” since I’ve been waiting for this since 1999. *lol* But I understand your point. πŸ˜€ I hope you had a good Thanksgiving as well. ^_^

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