Favorites (Anime, Manga, and More) Hey gang. I’m running behind, so I wanted to do a quick and dirty post. It has relevance to the blog as many of the questions are anime/manga related. Note that this is my current stance on favorites, which can change over time. So without further ado, here goes. Favorite
Posts Tagged ‘Slayers Revolution’

Happy Thanksgiving 2015!

Happy Thanksgiving 2015! Hey gang! Well, to those of you who celebrate, I’d like to take the time to wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving 2015! ^_^ This year, I have a great deal to be thankful for. I thank God for making me a real employee (as opposed to a contract employee) of

Oh, and FUNimation has Slayers Evolution-R Too

Oh, and FUNimation has Slayers Evolution-R Too FUNimation sent me a heads-up (along with ANN and possibly other places) that they have Slayers Evolution-R as well as Slayers Revolution. Right now, there’s no word on how this will be released or even if FUNimation will use the “Slayers Evolution-R” name. Personally, I hope they do
FUNimation Licenses Something Special for AstroNerdBoy — Slayers Revolution

Heh!heh!heh! OK, so FUNimation didn’t actually license this title for me, but I have to say that the licensing of Slayers Revolution has me very excited to say the least and was on my short wish list along with Kannagi. Yeah, I know, FUNimation’s license rescue of Slayers, Slayers Next, and Slayers Try left something
Slayers REVOLUTION – Final Thoughts

When HAYASHIBARA Megumi (Lina Inverse) first began mentioning wanting to do another Slayers TV series followed by word that a new Slayers TV series would be produced, I have to say that I was pretty excited. Slayers made me a fan of “Megu-chan” (as the manga about her addresses her) because her portrayal of the
Slayers REVOLUTION 13 (finale)

スレイヤーズREVOLUTION Ep. 13 (final)Slayers REVOLUTION Episode 13 (end) SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: With the civilian population of Saillune City evacuated, Prince Phil has his mage troops attack Zanaffar with a rain of Fireball spells while the artillery rains cannon balls and fiery ballista bolts on the beast, all to no effect. Duclis plans to eliminate Lina but


スレイヤーズREVOLUTION Ep. 12 Slayers REVOLUTION Episode 12 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: At a fort outside of Saillune City, the troops come under attack from Zanaffar. A group of mage troops mass-cast the Fireball spell, but it fails. The miko Sylphiel attempts to defend the troops against Zanaffar’s breath attack (laser beam) but nearly gets knocked out in


スレイヤーズREVOLUTION Ep. 11 Slayers REVOLUTION Episode 11 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: With Zanaffar having been born after consuming Gioconda, Lina and company attack it without success. Lina decides the old tried-and-true Amplified Dragon Slave on the beast. The beast is unharmed at all and Pokota figures Zanaffar’s body is actually contained on the Astral Plane. His faux