UQ Holder Chapter 128 Manga Review (Time for a memory trip to Negima!)

ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review
UQ Holder Chapter 128

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: 

UQ Holder Chapter 128Yue tells Touta that he needs to come with her group since his creation was to be a tool. Yukihime uses her Ensis Exsequens spell to generate a long blade at Yue’s throat, cutting her hair in the process. Yukihime warns her about saying more. Yue coldly states that Eva and Fate created Touta. Yukihime laments where Nodoka and Yue have gone, but in her hesitation, Al attacks her with gravity magic.

Touta attempts to rush to help Yukihime, but Jack Rakan stands in his way. Jack launches a massive blade attack to kill Touta, causing a ton of damage. However, Touta is saved thanks to Kuroumaru and Santa blocking the blade from reaching Touta. Kuroumaru forces Jack back as Karin, Kirie, Ikkuu, Isana, and Honoka stand by Touta’s side.

Jack is amused by this and going to take them all on, but Fate arrives and attacks Jack. Jack is unharmed and greets Fate. Al then decides to reveal everything to Touta so that Touta can choose for himself. With that, Al casts a spell that forces Touta’s spirit to a representation of the past, where he is able to see Negi as a ten year old teacher as well as some of his students. After doing one of his usual wind-inducing sneezes, Asuna appears at the top of the stairs to tease him a bit regarding this incident.


I’m sitting here in front of my computer, desperately trying to find a starting point for writing purposes. This isn’t because the chapter was bad; quite the opposite. This was an incredible chapter for me. So instead of writing, I keep rereading it over and over again.

One of the things many of us have pondered is whether or not Yue, Nodoka, Jack, and Al are the “real McCoy’s” or not. I’m in the camp that believes these are the real deals. This chapter reinforced that to me.

I’m convinced that Eva considers Yue and Nodoka to be real and not artificial constructs. I think if she did not, she would not have hesitated to kill Yue. (And hurray for the return of the Ensis Exsequens spell.) Not only that, in her hesitation, she is clearly remembering her former school and battle comrades from the past. Further, I believe Eva cares a great deal about the pair, namely because she knows how much they love Negi, and how important they were to Negi.

UQ Holder Chapter 128

As a longtime fan of Negima, I could easily see the situation from Eva’s perspective. How can she possibly kill these friends of hers, even though they are now no longer her allies and working for the enemy of Nagi and then Negi? (As an aside, it made me want to relive the good times of Negima again.)

Then there’s Fate’s confrontation with Jack. Not only did the two have banter that suggested both were real, but Fate remarked that he couldn’t get over the notion of Jack joining “her” (whom I presume to be the MotB). Considering how Fate was one of MotB’s most loyal servants and Jack battled against MotB as part of Ala Rubra, then as an assistant to Ala Alba, Fate’s words are probably what us fans are thinking too. How can Jack switch sides like that?

This also gives credence to the theory that Negi struck a deal with MotB. As part of that deal, he enlisted the help of Jack, Al, Nodoka, and Yue. I can easily see Yue and Nodoka going along with whatever their beloved Sensei asks of them. I can see Jack being amused by the audacity of Negi’s plan and going along for larks. And in that same vein, I can see Al doing much the same.

I do find it interesting that while Nodoka doesn’t come off super cold, Yue does. I tend to suspect that this is part of MotB’s influence on them.

I’m glad to see the return of the magic to visit memories and/or phantasmagoria places. Considering Al’s artifact records every bit of information about anyone he comes in contact with, it appears that Al is actually sending Touta into his artifact book so that Touta can have a 3rd person perspective of Negi’s life.

Seeing Yue, Nodoka, Paru and the others, combined with Asuna’s appearance mimicking similar situations in Negima where she’s at the top of the stairs in front of the window, really makes me want to get back to the world of Negima. I am planning to reread the Negima manga during the hiatus. However, I hope that Akamatsu-sensei takes some time to give us some PROPER flashback chapters in the monthly UQ Holder series. We don’t need the Negima hijinks (a hint of those is fine, as we saw in this chapter).

I would like Touta to get a feel for Negi’s life as a teacher and his relationship with his students, especially Eva, Nodoka, Yue, Asuna, Chachamaru, Ayaka, Setsuna, Konoka, Mana, Zazie, and Sayo. I am OK with UQH showing brief flashbacks to things like the Kyoto arc and such, but I would like something more substantive and new to allow Touta to understand Negi more.

Assuming this is the timeline where Asuna goes to sleep and Negi does whatever, I would like to see in depth chapters giving us a good taste of life for Negi without Asuna. I want to see the Ala Alba missions (or rather a good sample of one) with Eva, Fate, Al, Mana, and the others. I want to see where Negi encounters Nagi-MotB and makes his decision. (I also want to learn what happened to Arika. What if MotB took over Arika first before taking over Nagi?)

UQ Holder Chapter 128

The hiatus is going to suck, but I really hope Akamatsu-sensei uses the time to really map out the “Mahora World” story. Sensei’s meandering style for UQ Holder was just not conducive for good storytelling. So if he can map things out AND give us stuff we want (and I eventually want to return and have UQ Holder characters fleshed out), then the monthly UQ Holder can be quite good.

I did notice some art mistakes. Yue’s hair gets cut by Eva, but in the group shot before Al sends Touta into the memory realm, Yue has her hair back. Not only that, but although Al had removed Eva’s forearm, when Karin catches her after Jack’s attack, she has her arm restored. She still has it restored when the members of UQ Holder (plus Honoka and Isana) go into a defensive posture for Eva and Touta. However, in the later group shot, her forearm is gone and smoldering. 😳

Finally, no tournament. BWAH!HA!HA!HA!HA! 😈

In the end, UQ Holder chapter 128 ends the weekly run of the manga on a high note and excellent cliffhanger. If we get spoilers for the monthly series, I’ll certainly return to posting them for us all. 🙂

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118 Responses to “UQ Holder Chapter 128 Manga Review (Time for a memory trip to Negima!)”

  1. Gamen says:

    Yes, it made me want to read Negima again too… In fact I should at least re-read when they were trying to go back in time to before Chao breaking the masquerade since I was reading raws because of AQS falling really far behind and I was not nearly as capable at reading Japanese as I am now…

  2. Yue Ayase says:

    That look of anguish on Eva’s face really says it all, doesn’t it? No way would she kill one of her former classmates and someone who very likely was a close friend to her as the years went on. Eva would never address her classmates (aside from Chachamaru) by anything other than their full name back in Negima and here she uses Yue’s full name in a fit of rage… Then reverts to using just their first names, a sure sign that she cares about them and wouldn’t dream of hurting them unless absolutely necessary, and especially not in front of the man she loves. I figured as soon as they appeared and some details were given Eva would struggle with the possibility of fighting her former classmates and friends. This really has to be a nightmare scenario for her that seemingly doesn’t have a happy end immediately in sight. Also I suspect Nodoka was probably reading her in anticipation of an attack but never stepped in because Eva wouldn’t hurt Nodoka’s best friend.

    The hair issue is something that should be addressed, it’s very likely an error but perhaps Yue just reverted it? Seems weird not to have Yue’s trademark baubles in place, though I suppose it is a sign of Akamatsu’s fatigue showing through. Perhaps the Yue in Space with her normal hair was a faux pas as well? Hard to tell at this point. The arm issue is another thing entirely. Likely will be fixed in the volume.

    This is such a hard cliffhanger to deal with because it really teases the Negima fans, but at the same time I hope Touta really soaks it all in, because there are likely to be many important plot points that come across in however many chapters it takes. And I’m sure he’ll notice the differences between the past Negima characters and their present incarnations. I like the idea of him experiencing the past without becoming part of it (as is a bit of a sticking point with Evangeline fans), makes me wonder what Haruna is up to nowadays. In short this is a painful chapter but for all the right reasons. It is filled with action, a little heartbreak, and leaves you curious about what’s coming next.

    Oh and I’d be remiss if I didn’t give props to Rakan for being awesome and to Yue for not even flinching when her life is threatened. I pray we get a display of her abilities before the series ends.

    • Yue Ayase says:

      Oh and since you (and probably most of UQ’s fanbase) will be re-reading Negima during the hiatus, any chance of reviews or thoughts on it during that time?

      • AstroNerdBoy says:

        That’s not a bad idea. I just might do that.

        • Yue Ayase says:

          The last few chapters in UQ made me re-think a lot of the relationships and goings on in Negima. I remember during the Negi Wars very late in the manga Yue and Nodoka opposed Evangeline in a very comical manner. Fast forward a number of decades and we have the same situation in a much darker light. If more of the girls were still alive (and they very well could be) I wonder where their loyalties would lie. Obviously Yue and Nodoka are loyal to Negi and Chachamaru is loyal to Eva, but after that it gets a bit complicated. I kinda hope the flashback chapters explore some of the dynamics and shed some light on both events in the time of Negi as a teacher and later in his life as a Magister Magi. Eva and Fate had a falling out (not that they were ever close to begin with) with Touta seemingly being the main factor of it. Since Fate cannot feel love it’s likely he wanted Touta for his own personal gains whereas Eva nurtured him like a mother. And given her very violent reaction to Yue, she feels quite strongly about protecting his best interests (meanwhile she said he can join Fate should he choose to).

          In true Springfieldian fashion I would bank on Touta uniting Fate and Eva to fight the MotB much like Negi did in MSN. Though once he gets a better understanding of Negi and his party I suspect he’ll try and reach out to them. I don’t think Akamatsu would be cruel enough to give Nodoka and Yue horrific fates (heh) like eternal puppetry or otherwise unsatisfying endings to their lives. My hope is that they save Negi and go on to a happy life together, as it seems a shame for neither girl to have a lover.

          The series can go in any direction it likes from here and while I definitely appreciate the approaching Negima fanservice I do want the story to resume. Presumably Touta and UQ flee from Negi’s Party and take Fate and his loli twins with him. It would be a shame for the final boss and his cohorts to disappear so quickly after making quite an entrance.

          Anyway, let’s hope October hits us before too long. The wait will be a painful one and I only read one other manga (One Piece)

          • AstroNerdBoy says:

            This reminds me, from a UQH perspective, eventually I want the series to explore the characters more. They can start with Karin.

          • Yue Ayase says:

            100% agreed. Karin and Santa need some love.

            Since Karin seemed to recognize Negi’s Party it’s very likely she fought alongside them or was at least friends with them. Hell since Karin has known Eva for hundreds of years maybe she was in Mahora in the past. Either way we need some spotlight on the other Numbers.

          • AstroNerdBoy says:

            Seeing more of Karin’s initial encounter with Eva would be sweet as well as seeing her time at Mahora would be awesome.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Also I suspect Nodoka was probably reading her in anticipation of an attack but never stepped in because Eva wouldn’t hurt Nodoka’s best friend.

      Yeah, I wondered about whether Nodoka read her and did nothing, or whether Eva acted before Nodoka could do anything. I like to think it was the former though.

      Oh and I’d be remiss if I didn’t give props to Rakan for being awesome and to Yue for not even flinching when her life is threatened. I pray we get a display of her abilities before the series ends.

      Hopefully you’ll get your wish.

  3. SL from MH says:

    Its been long time since i posted something here, but this really is something i need to comment.

    I have always held a belief that out of the Manga’s i read, Akamatsu-sensei is the only one who is truly a expert in Ending Chapters (especially those before a break), on a high-note and intriguing Cliff-Hanger. No other Mangaka i have notice until now does it the same way as he does it. He truly is an expert with Cliff-Hangers.

    As for UQ Holder becoming a monthly manga (with a new Title), would really be sad, since waiting for chapters with good story content would be hard now (and considering the way this chapter ended, i can guess that the new series would start and have quite a few chapter with high-end content before going light-heart for a while).

    By the way, can anyone tell me why its going to become a Monthly series now. Does it have to do something with Akamatsu-sensei health, or is it something with the publication house?

    • Dargor says:

      It could be a combination of both, but given how hush hush the editorial/author dynamic is in any given industry, especially Japan, we’ll never know. Its not the first time its been speculated that Akamatsu’s desires for how his series progresses have clashed with his publishers wishes, which has always been in the realm of speculation.

      I do think Akamatsu’s age has been catching up with him for awhile though. I was mildly surprised that he didn’t start off UQ Holder on a monthly format to begin with.

      • nt122 says:

        Ah, I remember when it started… we somehow got over twelve or so chapters(i think) in two weeks…

        Actually… if the pirating didnt happen, we might have been at chapter 119 right now or something like that..yeesh..(

      • AstroNerdBoy says:

        And since he wanted UQH to be more gory and violent, I was surprised he didn’t go the seinen route instead of the shounen route.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Its been long time since i posted something here, but this really is something i need to comment.

      Welcome back. ^_^

      By the way, can anyone tell me why its going to become a Monthly series now. Does it have to do something with Akamatsu-sensei health, or is it something with the publication house?

      Well, that’s a matter of speculation. Akamatsu-sensei did recently tweet about how at 48, he’s not able to do the things the younger manga-ka do in terms of output. It does come off as a positive spin on his situation. But we don’t know if the move was forced on him or not.

      I will say that since Kodansha didn’t cancel the manga outright, that means it was doing well enough to keep around in monthly form. Personally, I don’t think it was doing as well in weekly form as Kodansha would have liked (which is why there’s been non-stop, ecchi fan service of late), but since Akamatsu-sensei can’t do the insane things that Mashima-sensei (Fairy Tail) does at times (two manga titles for a while there, a month where he was doing double chapters, longer chapters, etc.), they put him in a monthly magazine.

  4. nt122 says:

    Well.. now I guess we can start speculating if Nodoka and Yue or immortal, how they did it, and what exactly is going on.

    Because this is clearly about Asuna in some way.

    • SL from MH says:

      Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but my theory regarding Nodoka’s Wings is that it maybe the final finished design/product on which Haruna was working back in MSN.

      She did design a Wing using her artifact, which she let Asuna try out (MSN Ch 181). So, maybe somehow she was able to convert her design and make it more physical and permanent type?, and gave it to Nodoka, since Haruna was more close to her than the other two (aka., Yue and Konoka).

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Yeah, how Yue and Nodoka are able to be here and still look so young is a question to be answered.

  5. Mattcgw says:

    There was so much love and expression in that picture of Asuna, clearly Akamatsu-Sensei took pleasure drawing, for the first time, since UQ Holder’s 1st chapter.

    Also, Akamatsu may use the flashback to power up Touta via show ‘a’ fey-hina blade.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Well, he certainly enjoyed drawing Asuna, that’s for sure. But I suspect he enjoyed drawing all of the Negima characters that made it into the chapter.

      Also, Akamatsu may use the flashback to power up Touta via show ‘a’ fey-hina blade.

      I’m not familiar with that.

      • Mattcgw says:

        @AstroNerdBoy Tsukiyomi altered the Fey Hina blade into two separate blades and Akamatsu-Sensei just left them with her in graveskeeper place, and Neo tsukiyomi didn’t reappear with them in UQ Holder. Therefore, they’ve been in the wild for 80 years.
        They may also be have highly augmentative properties for Touta. He debut with 3 wepons on colour page.

        • dominic says:

          No two swords because draw the gravity

          • Mattcgw says:

            @dominic the image in question, can be interpreted to be both. Due to the lower end of the sheath being shown, but a handle obscured. Thus, making making it Schrodinger’s cat.

            But the sword we can see in its entirety, is almost certainly ‘a’ fey-hina blade.
            Odd thing is, that the Takemikazuchi is no where on that colour page.

  6. ghostbeetle says:

    “Hiatus”? “Monthly series”? First time I’m hearing about these things, can somebody please clue me in?!

    • nt122 says:

      Due to most likely the combination of fighting with the publishers, and his own health, Ken is moving the manga from the weekly to a monthly magazine.

      Possibly. Most likely his health. not sure yet.

      • ghostbeetle says:

        Zzzzzzzzzzzzzh…say what?! 😉
        Gues I must’a been sleeping! Thanks for the update!

        • ghostbeetle says:

          Do we think that, perhaps, his troubles with keeping up the weekly rythm of the series may be a contributing factor to the narrative problems that have been plagueing UQ Holder so far?
          In any case, but especially if he is suffering, I fully support the change of rythm (and I will be nurturing a small hope that that will mean a better manga going forward)!

          • Mattcgw says:

            @ghostbeetle the problem with the narrative is that fairy tail has none, which was Akamatsu-Sensei’s template for UQ Holder. In which he didn’t properly divorce the unresolved negima storyline from UQ Holder. Then chapter 65 happened, condemning it.

          • AstroNerdBoy says:

            He didn’t even pull off the non-narrative properly from the start. I think he wanted to be free to do whatever story he wanted, but still have a bigger story to tell. In Fairy Tail, that “bigger story” was resolved (anti-climactically I might add) and now that it is gone, it isn’t missed. It was just, “where’d the dragons go? Don’t know, but in the meantime, lets have some adventures to earn some cash and hopefully we’ll get some clues about the dragons.” (Boy do I miss those days.) I guess at some point, it got shifted to have a boss villain to defeat, but that comes off as purely accidental.

            The moment Eva crossed over into UQ Holder combined with establishing the narrative that Touta was the deceased Negi’s grandson, Akamatsu-sensei had no chance of writing like Fairy Tail or even Seven Deadly Sins. But that kind of writing becomes boring to me after a while. That’s why I enjoyed Negima so much.

          • AstroNerdBoy says:

            Do we think that, perhaps, his troubles with keeping up the weekly rythm of the series may be a contributing factor to the narrative problems that have been plagueing UQ Holder so far?

            My personal thought is that he wanted to be more like Mashima-sensei (Fairy Tail) or Suzuki-sensei (Seven Deadly Sins) and do a fantasy based, shounen battle manga series where there’s some sense of an overarching plot, but the individual story arcs are just whatever the author thinks of at the time. There’s not a great deal of worry about continuity, so one can retcon if one feels the need. Or, one can just come up with “shocking” twists at times. I think this style of writing is easier as the author just thinks up the next arc (or two) and doesn’t worry much beyond that.

            However, with Akamatsu-sensei, starting for sure with Love Hina, his stories aren’t like that. In Love Hina, it was clear from the start what the ultimate end of the manga would be. We then had a nicely crafted journey to get there, save for when Kodansha supposedly demanded Sensei extend Love Hina, forcing him to retcon in Keitaro’s step-sister.

            With Negima, I think Akamatsu-sensei was somewhat hampered by Kodansha for the first two volumes, but he wanted this to be Negi’s journey to find his father. That journey started in volume 3. However, as all writers discover, during the course of writing a story, things don’t always play out like you think. There were characters that Sensei didn’t think would become as important as they did, and some characters Sensei thought would be important, but ultimately ended up not playing quite the same roles. (See the early pactio card artwork in some early chapter splash pages to see what I mean.) This kind of writing is much more difficult, more so when you’ve got such a massive number of characters to deal with.

            With UQH, I think Akamatsu-sensei wanted to have the best of both worlds — a larger story tied in with Negima, but a local story that went wherever Sensei wanted to go. As such, we get a meandering manga with no focus, which turned out not to be Sensei’s forte. For those of us used to his tighter writing style, this made UQH’s meandering worse.

            Looking at how great the first chapter of UQH was, and how even the 40 page second chapter with Shinobu was done, I think Akamatsu-sensei will have a much better time in the monthly format.

          • Mattcgw says:

            @AstroNerdBoy I don’t disagree. However, the characters and their backstory were compelling, for example Erza and Jellal. Due to them Tower of heaven is the strongest arc in the series. Which Mashima skillfully used to build up Zeraf.
            He does nail character development, Zero is a perfect example of this.

          • AstroNerdBoy says:

            Even in the Tower of Heaven arc, it feels like a case of coming up with a story to try to fit in. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad the story is there, but I seem to recall that a lot of it felt very convenient. (Subsequent additions to that story made it more so.)

          • Mattcgw says:

            @AstroNerdBoy Back then Mashima bothered with constancy

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Have you been sleeping? 😉

      Basically, UQ Holder will no longer be published in Weekly Shounen Magazine. Starting in October, it will appear in the monthly Bessatsu Shounen Magazine. The first new chapter, which I believe is going to be numbered as chapter 129, will have more pages than the normal monthly spread would have, color pages, etc. After that, we’ll see how many pages Akamatsu-sensei does a month. Several monthly titles I’ve been reading were 24 pages per month. Other folks tell me it could be as many as 50 pages for a monthly title. I figure the first monthly chapter will have ~80 pages.

      • Rob C. says:

        Will the change of publishers mess up the publication of the book in US?

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          It isn’t changing publishers. Kodansha owns both magazines. (They own several weekly and monthly magazine titles for shounen, seinen, shoujo, and josei titles.) So Kodansha Comics I don’t expect will have any problems. As to CR, I’ve asked them about this, but they’ve ignored me. I hope they continue to do the monthly publishing when the series resumes.

      • Rob C. says:

        Well, it ends. For now anyways. I missed where it was posted they were switching gears to a monthy publication. Is UQ Holder doing that bad? The list of top manga sales in that link from sneak preview for 128 didn’t even show them on the list of the top 50. That’s bad news isn’t it?

        Story wise, I’m not sure if were looking at recreations. I think their either being controlled by MOTB or creations using her magic. They can make it exactly as they were, even if they have their own compete set of memories. It just seems having (at least) two formerly normal humans still in their 20s after decades (unless their vampire/immortals). Jack, he was always wild card. He breaks physics for crying out loud. >_< 🙂

        Anyways. Wake Me up until October gets here.

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          Is UQ Holder doing that bad?

          It isn’t doing that great, especially when compared to Negima sales, or sales of top tier shounen manga. However, I take it that the fact that the series wasn’t canceled, but rather just moved to a monthly magazine, means that Kodansha feels there’s life in it, just not enough to support a weekly run. (And Akamatsu-sensei has remarked on how at 48, it isn’t as easy to handle a weekly manga schedule.)

          Anyways. Wake Me up until October gets here.

          Ha!ha! Set your alarm! 😉

  7. SA99 says:

    It is the best time to be a UQH/Negima fan now.. I know the hiatus is going to suck, especially after such a cliffhanger ending with Asuna gracing my unworthy eyes with her presence! I really hope the UQH anime comes out in 2017.. I am speculating it will be 52 episodes long and not done by SHAFT.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      In some ways, ending this with Asuna and a trip back to the world of Negima is a brilliant marketing move. I know for myself, it has made me want to reread Negima. Further, I think Negima fans who weren’t happy with UQ Holder might decide to take a gander after this chapter, especially with Asuna showing up.

      I am speculating it will be 52 episodes long and not done by SHAFT.

      Ha!ha! What about Xebec? 😉

      I’m thinking this will be an OAD series, but we’ll see.

  8. Magine says:

    Well, when I read the big announcement I was very happy that UQ Holder will have an anime, I when I read it. Hurray!

    But when I read that the manga will continue in October and it will be monthly, I when I read it.

    Well, I hope that the anime can be faithful to manga… And about the chapter, it was left in an interesting moment (Why Akamatsu!) Now the wait for the tournament will be even longer. XD T_T

    I knew that someday Fate would show up there, it was about time. Wherever Negi is, Fate will show up as the wind.

    I wonder if Dana will show up, I don’t know the reason but, I ship DanaXRakan lol

    I noticed that everyone has gotten clothes except Evangeline.

    It’s good to see again the Ensis exsequens, I kept asking the reason why Evangeline told that she doesn’t have all her power. Also, I wonder as they did create Touta… It remember me Fairy tail…

    Well, I will wait the anime and the manga, the wait will be long but I hope that worthwhile.

    PS: Does someone know that is written in this picture? Is the anime in August? As it is written “10/9”


  9. Kiboujin says:

    I’m so sad. I think it’s for the best but this is one of the manga’s that got me through from one week to the next. What am I going to do now!? Hopefully I’ll find another to fill the gap while I wait… *teary eyes* Can’t wait for the anime Woo… Maybe I’ll check out some of the other manga you review. That black cat thing looks cute.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      That black cat thing looks cute.

      The anime RINNE? I didn’t like the manga this is adapted from, but I’ve rather enjoyed the anime.

  10. sanchi says:

    uumm where is the arm holding what appears to be Shinobu coming out of Ikkyu? If its where I think, umm – getting back to what I was gonna say …

    Akamatsu- sensei still has his creative side of storytelling, and a great cliff-hanger chapter… esp those that followed Negima. It was like reading the next chapter of Negima. Now the waiting begins.. *sigh*

    Whatever Eva and Fate are hiding from Tota, to go to great lengths to stop telling Tota, it must be a major piece to the story. I’m wondering if it will change how Tota feels for Eva.

    ANB’s theory is making more sense, esp after the actions of Negi’s group, and what they’re saying about being kept in the dark. It does affirm what Negi was trying to telling Fate and Eva many chapters ago about its not what it appears.

    Instead of just telling Tota (and the audience) I appreciate the way Akamatsu-sensei will visually inform us instead in the next chapter. Plus we are treated to again visit the Negima world and class 3-A! I hope Akamatsu-sensei also shows Chamo.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      uumm where is the arm holding what appears to be Shinobu coming out of Ikkyu? If its where I think, umm –

      Ha!ha! Yes, it is coming from that area. ^_^;

      I hope Akamatsu-sensei also shows Chamo.

      I expect we’ll see him. Too bad Kuro-bo isn’t with Touta.

  11. cold_menthol says:

    It’s been a long time since I visit here, I even put UQH on hold for a few weeks. Now I caught up and it will be on hiatus? Moving to a monthly magazine isn’t really a problem for me though, especially if that means better storyteling. I think I even wished for something like this (“explain more about Eva’s story before continuing UQH”) minus the hiatus part.

    That said, if I understand correctly, does this mean chapter 129, which should be longer than usual because it’s monthly and I expect will be more about Negima than UQH, will come out in October?

    On the story itself, a wild thought appeared on my head after I read this chapter: what if those Rakan Al Yue and Nodoka are the real thing that come from the past? Karin thought they were dead (Rakan? Dead?), but what if they were actually somehow sent to the future. Whatever it is (or they are), I suspect Eva knows about it or maybe even has a part, because her question was “why” and not “how”.

    I want to say the ultimate gameshark is back, but I suppose I was late for more than a week..

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      It’s been a long time since I visit here,

      Welcome back. ^_^

      That said, if I understand correctly, does this mean chapter 129, which should be longer than usual because it’s monthly and I expect will be more about Negima than UQH, will come out in October?

      As a monthly release, the UQH chapters will be much longer than normal. We don’t know what the page count will be. I’d say at least 24 pages, but it could be as high as 40 a week. For the first chapter to celebrate the monthly start, speculation is that Akamatsu-sensei will do 80 pages, as he did when UQH launched.

      Whether it will be more about Negima or not remains to be seen. We will certainly get some Negima stuff. However, we may also get some post-Negima stuff (after Asuna went to Mars). Basically, Touta has to be told the story from Negi’s point of view.

      And finally, yeah, October is when the series returns. I just hope CR’s license allows them to continue with it.

  12. Seimei says:

    Astro : “Finally, no tournament BUWHAHAHA!”

    Do not be so sure, monthly généralements have less volumes and chapters as weekly. As I see it, I think we have between 4 and 5 volumes, perhaps 6 or 7, before the end. I do not see sensei, prolonging UQ un monthly format, until 2023.

    Or, so I think the monthly, will stage the last big arc of the manga (and introduce the three last unknwon “numbers” of UQ Holder). And on the contrary, I think the tournament has full legitimacy in this context. It is true that weekly format it was hard to believe that the tournament is the final arc, unless you drag the length of more than 60 or 100 chapters that NO Nekketsu never did, and never will.

    BUT, passing in monthly, the tournament becomes more logical. ^^

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      BUT, passing in monthly, the tournament becomes more logical. ^^

      Except we aren’t going to a tournament. We are going to Mahora of the past to witness life with Negi. We might get to see post-Mahora life with Negi and Ala Alba. We should get to see Negi meet Nagi-MotB. After all is said and done, Touta has a decision — go willingly with Negi-MotB, or resist Negi-MotB. Either way, going to a tournament is not an option. 😉

      • Seimei says:

        Well on that, on the contrary, once Tota has made his choice (probably resist Negi-MOTB) it is possible that will last bat in retirement and gives business appointments at UQ in tournaments (where the last 3 unknown members UQ will be recruited. And then there is also the identity of the “king of the underground arena”, which I am sure is precisely one of the last members of UQ. So no, for me, the tournament is always perfectely justified).

        And I stop you right now, for me, we will not spend five chapters in the past and to see ALL Negi’s life, I think we’ll only if the key events in accelerated. So it is possible that this mini-arc ends in 2 chapters (the October and that of Novambre). The chapters of the past are NOT the last arc, but its introduction to explain the issues to Tota. The last arc, probably will be the tournament where Tota had all manner intended to overthrow MOTB.

        • OverMaster says:

          I know I shouldn’t be bothering anymore, but…

          The Negi-Lifemaker himself already made himself public for the audience of the Space Olympics. After that, the organizers would have to be hideously irresponsible as to keep the tournament going. For all they know, it’d be endangering everyone both fighting and watching. For them, not familiar with Negi himself as we are, it’d be like keeping the Olympic Games going as if nothing had happened, after members of ISIS show up, attack a delegation, and issue a statement of purpose.

          Granted, Kirie might timeloop so the organizers and audience forget everything, assuming Negi and Co. let her, but then UQ Holder (the organization) would be the irresponsible ones, knowing they risk to trap hundreds of helpless people in the conflict between themselves and Negi. And even if Negi himself means no harm, massive collateral damage is still an option.

          (Goes back to lurking).

          • AstroNerdBoy says:

            Well, there’s this too. If Kirie does some massive reset, I suppose there could be a tournament there.

            But to be honest, I’ve been feeling for the longest time that Akamatsu-sensei didn’t want to go down a tournament route, likely because he’s done this repeatedly. Thus, the pod racing got shown instead.

          • Seimei says:

            Astro & Overmaster : Unless it is possible that Negi-MOTB WANTS that the tournament takes place. Thus, it could give a warning like “if you cancel the tournament, this is precisely here that I will destroy the city.”

            The organizers may also decide to hold the tournament in order to have a minimum of control over Negi and his men. It is easier to monitor someone who is present in a public event seen by all, than a man who remains in the shadow and who preparie sneak attack at any moment. This method is used in many works of fiction (and it seems that even some dengerous publics events of the real life, in history fit this idea, but I confess not to have a a concrete example. I’ll try to do some research on the subject.) …

            This could keep an eye on a criminal / dengereux fighter, Although this could actually put spectators in danger. This is called a calculated risk

            In addition Kirie is actually there, so she would cancel each civilian deaths or every attacks which could take place.

            I remember also that Zazie asked UQ ensure security at events (had at the time, the discussion about Cutlass). So they never had the intention to cancel the tournament or festival, despite the risk. Also according to the idea that it is better to have an enemy in front and visible, rather than hiding in an unknown location, able to strike unpredictably.

          • AstroNerdBoy says:

            From a story perspective, there’s no purpose to the tournament. Initially, the tournament was there as a “lets see how strong Touta can get.” Then it shifted to, “Cutlass decides to meet Touta in the tournament.” However, once Cutlass met Touta outside of the tournament, stating that they just wanted Touta in the area and the tournament didn’t matter, the tournament lost any narrative reason to be in the manga. MotB has Touta right where she wants him, and the choices are that Touta joins them or opposes them. None of the current choices logically lead to a tournament. 🙂

          • Seimei says:

            ps : Besides most people do not know that Negi is the current reincarnation of lifemaker, let alone that it has harmful intentions. On the contrary, is the opposite of ISIS, where each member loudly revandiquerait his evil intentions during a hostage, or attack for example. And indeed, Negi-Maker has so far made no concrete threat or revandication (it will be for the chapter of October or November I guess) The lifemaker is much more insidious. The only known terrorist and criminal in his group is Cutlass, the others are all former heroes, and no one doubts their alignment change

          • Seimei says:

            Astro : “Except there’s already a precedent for it. Eva was the antagonist in volume 3 of Negima. Negi reached out to her to become an ally and a teacher. Not only did Eva accept Negi as a student, but she eventually fell in love with him.

            Then there’s Kotaro. Despite being opponents, Negi reaches out to him and then the two become best friends.

            Finally, there’s Fate. He started as the antagonist in the Kyoto arc and remained Negi’s chief antagonist throughout the rest of Negima until the end of the Magic World Arc, whereupon Negi reached out to Fate, Fate agreed, and Fate switched sides to oppose his creator, MotB.”

            Huh ?! Oula Oula, gently Astro mélenge not all!

            The cases you mention do not have anything to do with what you think. Negi has not joined the antagonnist, this is the contrary! He converted the antagonnists to HIS cause, was the opposite! Which is a basic process in the shonen, through the theme of redemption. Use these examples to try to give credibility to a “Tota join the villains” is meaningless.

            And honestly, I would not like that to happen. WIs the whole point of making Negi and 3-A, antagonnists of the manga. On the one hand it can treat another well-known theme of shonen, “the next generation surpasses the previous one”.
            And the other he can show that a group of heroes is not obliged to be noble virtuous and on the right path, untilo the end, and can mislead, take a wrong and evil path because of despair or resignation. What is PRECISELY what happens here! ^^

            Tota convert to the cause of Negi would send a message as “the heroes of the past are still and always heroes, regardless of their actions, the justice of their cause justifies every crimes and destructions.”

            You say “So yeah, it is very easy to see Touta deciding to join with Negi-MotB. If Yue, Nodoka, Jack, and Al joined Negi, then why not Touta?” Well, for me, is precisely because because Negi-MOTB was able to convince Yue, Nodoka, Al and Rakan, that it should NOT be ESPECIALLY convaince Tota. As I say, there’s no reason to dress up the previous generation of heroes with an aura of holiness infallible.

            And there you surely would answer me “but it would give that aura to UQ”. Well technically yes, it’s true. BUT, Tte question was, to not necessarily continue to sanctify the Previous generation, especialy if they now defend ideals contrary to those they had formerly.

            Not to refrain from giving the reader a privileged point of view, that he will adopt sooner or later, the heroes (this of course while developing, at the same time the ideals of the villains, to give at readers drive a dilemma, although they almost always end by adopting the ideal of the hero, what precisely Akamatsu is about to do here), these two things, though likeness, are not the same.

            And as I say, the interest this is to show that a group of heroes can lose, with time, this aura of “sacred virtue”, which gives them a kind tof heoretical moral infallibility. In Negima time, ala-alba had this aura, today has Tota and his group, perhaps in another era (in fanfiction) will be another group.

            And so, as the trope “and the adventure continues,” nothing would prevent the readers to think and to imagine that in a few centuries, Tota and UQ, would themselves also take the wrong paths, and others hero, should perhaps stop them.

            Although we would never see it in the official story, but it would fanfics, “post UQ” interresting. ^^

            For me, if Tota joined MOTB, then we must logically change protagonnist, and Tota would become a member of antagonnist group (which may be interesting, as I have already said it a few weeks ago).
            But I have not want MOTB to become a hero with the pretext that he has yue, Nodoka, Rakan and Al on his side. In addition it would destroy the whole tragedy of the situation.

          • AstroNerdBoy says:

            All I’ll say is that it isn’t unreasonable to assume that Touta will be OK with Negi-MotB’s plan. Villains that turn out to be not villains was my whole point. 🙂

          • Seimei says:

            ps : “Oula Oula, gently Astro mélenge not all!”

            I wanted to write: “Oula Oula, go slowly there Astro, do not mix it. (Or as also say the proverb, “do not mix apples and oranges! “.)

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          Even if it is only two chapters for a flashback (which is possible, considering we’ll get more pages per chapter, and Akamatsu-sensei only has one lengthy flashback story, that being Arika’s tale), if we go to a showdown with Negi-MotB, either Touta is defeated and is dragged away for the Negi-MotB plan, Touta agrees to go with Negi-MotB, or Touta defeats Negi-MotB to do his own thing, possibly becoming possessed himself. No matter which route is followed, there’s just no reason to go to a tournament from a story perspective. But that’s just how I see things flowing. 🙂

          • Seimei says:

            1. Tota defeat Negi to this stage? I do not believe it at all. Especially if the manga does not end a few years, and we are agreements on this, Astro. And since lifemaker is according to me the final antagonniste, it must be defeated in the end, not now. Except of course if we discover that he / she was a pawn of more powerful enemies. like the pureblodd vampire (except Dana), for exemple. It would be a possibility, interesting in addition, but I think not. I think that MOTB will really the true final antagonist of akamatsuvers, and the purebloods vampires, will be probably, neutral characters.^^

            2. Tota be defeated by Negi? Yes, no doubt, but Negi probably will not happen to capture him.

            3. Tota be attracted by Negi plan? Has a viable and fun option, but a friend (kuromaru ?, Santa?, Eva ?) quickly bring him to reason, therefore Negi probably will not indoctrinate him.

            I lean towards the 4th possibility: Tota refuses Negi plan. Negi will attack him, but providential reinforcements arrive (the rest of UQ ?, Juzo ?, Vampire-Boy? …) And Negi and Neo-Cosmoentelekeia are forced to retreat. Not because they may lose, but rather because they do not want to cause unnecessary mayem…. For the moment. Hehehe…^^

            Negi-MOTB is amused by the audacity of Tota and UQ and offers to settle this in the rules of art at tournaments. So, tournament might take place. ^^

          • AstroNerdBoy says:

            Tota be attracted by Negi plan? Has a viable and fun option, but a friend (kuromaru ?, Santa?, Eva ?) quickly bring him to reason, therefore Negi probably will not indoctrinate him.

            That depends on what Touta sees in the flashback. If he gets to witness how Negi’s plan to transform the Magic World/Mars came about, and the negatives that came out of it, as well as his continued work in Ala Alba before finally meeting Nagi-MotB, then he might very well come to understand Negi’s reasoning for joining MotB (as I believe happened) and decide to help him. The others can try to talk him out of it, but they won’t have seen what Touta saw. What Touta witnesses will have much more affect on him than what his friends say.

          • Seimei says:

            Except that :

            1. Tota is the MC and the MOTB, the antagonniste and I can not see the MC join the antagonnist. What this has already done in others mangas, it is called a decoy-protagonnist. Thereafter, the story Chenge its main character who want to stop the antagonnist AND the former-MC. This kind of BIG plot-twist is always fun. ^^ But I do not think we are in this kind of setup here.

            2. All Tota character symbol has “successfully overcome the wishs of other,” in the sense that Tota shouldn’t only to comply the mission that others have entrusted to him (and behave as well as the “living machine” others think he is) but must find his own path to stop Negi. Follow the will of Eva, Fate or worse, MOTB, would go against hsi own ideal and symbolism and finally, being nothing more than a programmed robot, like his creators want he is.

            3. I really do not think that the world’s problems are related to the project Negi. Nagumo talking about a climate cataclysm in 2050. This is expected by scientists from the real world for decades, and also … take place in 2050. I think the state of the world is due only to bad humor of Destiny and a big freak of nature. But Negi plan has nothing to do there. On the contrary, I think it brought a prosperity era until cataclysm and has mitigated the effects of this cataclysm.

            I think Negi-MOTB doesn’t want cancel the terraformation’s project, but chenge the reallity and the Destiny themselves. And Al, wants above all to show at Tota misery of the world, the dashed hopes of Negi.

            Not because his plan would failed or caused misfortunes (which I think is not the case), but to show at Tota, although he managed to stop Negi and improve the world. one day or the other, in 10 years, 100 years, 1000 years, he will find that his world is not perfect. and so it is useless to have ideals.
            He wants to push him to despair and push it to transform reallity to create a world where the 2050 catastrophe never happens. or even to crate a world where the concept of poverty and suffering themselves not exist. In the way of Sinbad, in Magi, who wants to change the concept of Destiny to remove all the harmful things of the world for eternity. I think Negi-MOTB want to realize, the same plan.

            But I think Tota does not let pessimism get Negi-MOTB. and fight.

            4. If we are in the timeline B (very likely), we already know that Negi-MOTB will stop, so it is unlikely that Tota join him.

          • AstroNerdBoy says:

            Tota is the MC and the MOTB, the antagonniste and I can not see the MC join the antagonnist.

            Except there’s already a precedent for it. Eva was the antagonist in volume 3 of Negima. Negi reached out to her to become an ally and a teacher. Not only did Eva accept Negi as a student, but she eventually fell in love with him.

            Then there’s Kotaro. Despite being opponents, Negi reaches out to him and then the two become best friends.

            Finally, there’s Fate. He started as the antagonist in the Kyoto arc and remained Negi’s chief antagonist throughout the rest of Negima until the end of the Magic World Arc, whereupon Negi reached out to Fate, Fate agreed, and Fate switched sides to oppose his creator, MotB.

            So yeah, it is very easy to see Touta deciding to join with Negi-MotB. If Yue, Nodoka, Jack, and Al joined Negi, then why not Touta? 😉

            Note, I’m not saying it will happen, but I am saying that it is a very real possibility.

          • Seimei says:

            “From a story perspective, there’s no purpose to the tournament. Initially, the tournament was there as a “lets see how strong Touta can get.” Then it shifted to, “Cutlass decides to meet Touta in the tournament.” However, once Cutlass met Touta outside of the tournament, stating that they just wanted Touta in the area and the tournament didn’t matter, the tournament lost any narrative reason to be in the manga. MotB has Touta right where she wants him, and the choices are that Touta joins them or opposes them. None of the current choices logically lead to a tournament. ”

            But precisely, I think Tota will oppose MOTB, that last will want to capture power, but will not succeed. Then it will give business appointments at UQ in tournaments to adjust it in the rules. ^^

            Especially, that even if the manga still lasts several years, it does not extend over a long period because it is now a monthly.

            The tournament fits perfectly with this logic. It may be long, while providing a comfortable environment that does not require long detours. Thus the arc tournament, would make a perfect last arc.

            Monthly often have stories better built than weekly it’s true, but also, paradoxically, simpler because more condensed. I have rarely seen monthly scattering over long phases of exploration of a vast world. Akame ga kill is a perfect example. Everything happens in the capital and focuses on the Empire vs. Rebellion battle. There are of course exceptions, but I do not see Akamatsu, stretch his manga over 10 years in monthly forma. I think it still has 2 or 3 years and thus between 25 and 36 chapters.

            And the tournament would be perfect for this specification.

          • AstroNerdBoy says:

            I know you are desperate for a tournament, and you may get your wish. But as I said, based on the choices in front of Touta now, there is zero reason for him to participate in the tournament. Why would he? His choices are to either go with Negi-MotB of his own free will, in which case he doesn’t waste time in a tournament, or to resist Negi-MotB. Since Jack has already shown they are willing to kill Touta right then and there, Negi-MotB isn’t going to say, “Hmmm, you know what? Instead of killing you immediately and just taking your body, which is all we need, let’s all participate in lovely tournament that goes on for days and days. Yeah, that’s what we’ll do! It will solve everything!”

            No. If Touta resists, Negi-MotB and company will immediately attack with the goal of capturing Touta dead or alive on the spot.

          • Seimei says:

            1. Yeah, well I’m already pretty sure Tota will resist Negi. Moreover, even Negi knows his cause is not just he says “I know you’re RIGHT TO STOP ME Master, but I can not stand the suffering of the world who thinks in me.” So if antagonnist is aware of why the hero in there, would no conscience of this fact, and would not choose to stop him? I do not think Tota “Cosmo-Entelekeia” or which has chences to look like it, is a good idea ^^ That was the first thing.

            Second, the problem with that Negi-MOTB insists on capturing Tota here and now, is that it would trigger the final fight too soon. I have already said, but I think MOTB will be forced to flee by the arrival of reinforcements to UQ. You really think so, for example, Dana appears, that MOTB will confront her, head down? Negi and MOTB were separatly, great strategists. And todays they merged in one being. Negi-MOTB knows to be patient if needed I think. It will not take the risk of being overwhelmed by powerful enemies that could possibly appear. And it is too early for the ultimate battle. Tota is not ready and there are still characters to introduce.

            And that’s why MOTB will probably escape (whether face to Dana or another overpowering enemy), and he will give business appointments to Tota in tournaments. Should I remind you that we still have not seen the ” king of the arena?” This character is directly related to the tournaments, it seems clear, and I’m sure he’s a importent character maybe one of the unknown number. Did you forget that Afro and his friend, hope sponsoring Tota for the tournament? He will not make their default!

            3. And even if no reinforcement UQ was coming. I see the contrary, Negi-MOTB agree to meet UQ in tournaments … All-simply for the Game^^. Should I remind you that MOTB has, at the time of the Great War, decided to confront Nagi ( when she could have simply atomize him in one second or follow the recommendations of Prinum and hiding until the end of the ritual? Why? Because she thought it was fun. Negi himself is even a fighter who in Negima, learned the fun of combat, with Rakan among others. So I see perfectly Negi-MOTB going even against the advice of his subordinates (cutlass and Yue, for exemple) and agree to participate in tournaments because “it will be more fun as well” as MOTB mentioned to Prinum in the past. ^^

            Sorry but your argumants do not convince me. ^^

            You say I’m desperate for a tournament, ok, but admit that you are desperate for the tournament will not take place. ^^

          • Seimei says:

            ps :
            4. After it is true that there is a fourth possibility. Tota refuses to follow Negi. And Negi attacks him in response to his refusal, but UQ receives no reinforcement. So would not be, Negi-MOTB that retirement of the fight, but UQ Holder and Tota, to fight MOTB again later by being better prepared.

            In this case, in fact, no tournaments, it’s true. At the same time, we avoid at allowing the final battle to beginp now, while it is still too early. Is a feasible option and even very logical in view of the power of MOTB and his allies.

            But as I say, that would become the “King of the underground arena” or Afro? These characters are deeply related to the tournaments? No, honestly for me, the tournament will proceed as planned and Negi and his allies will participate.

            I really see the emergence of Negi as a replica of the scene of the Gate-port at the beginning of the arc of Mundus magicus in Negima, which was used to introduce the team of antagonnistes (Fate and his band), rather than the beginning of the Ultimate fight.
            For me the last chapters was to present Negi and his team (and their projects) and to confirm the inimit and antagonnism of Tota and UQ Holder, twoards Negi-MOTB.

            This is a simple prelude, a courteous greeting between enemies.
            The real final battle will not take place now, but later. That’s why I think the tournament will take place.

  13. DerGilga says:

    Nah Astro, what are you doing today? Did you see my shiny new sig?

    Ah, today’s Spoiler:

  14. Mattcgw says:

    As to why Touta is a 2nd generation ‘clone’, it even depict’s “In Vitro Fertilisation” as well as referencing ‘Dolly the sheep’ which used a same species organic womb.
    Although, they could substitute for Avian Yokai eggs. Instead .

  15. Rob C says:

    Reading this and being told else where that our dear Sensei may be lost to know where this plot is going, i wonder how quickly the series could be wrapped up. Don’t get me Wrong, I really DON’T Want that to happen. All this not so bright news isn’t make me look forwards to another couple years of the series, it may not have. It may have to do some drastic stuff to survive.

    This trip to the past to drum up support to closet Negi fans who aren’t fans of the new future series….got me thinking. What if Ken could be setting up Touta to making correction in the past. Key thing is Asuna is gone. IF this suggests Touta could go back and save Asuna it would perhaps prevent MOTB from hosing things up. I personally don’t like retreading, I like see timeline go forward making Touta grow up and become something new. Instead of looking to the past to save the franchise. It just make new timeline (add new one) verse erase the old one. Still it’s possible. If Akamatsu-sensei has writers block, i do see this Story arc as A way for him to trying to over come the problem in his story and making his reader base who are in the “Negi-Only Camp” happy.

    I was interested in the tournment since it was going to possibly explore Solar system and other “worlds” that exists in Negverse’s future.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      i wonder how quickly the series could be wrapped up.

      Before the news of the manga shifting to a monthly title, I was thinking it might be pushing to wrap up rather quickly, possibly by the end of the year. That’s why I jokingly stated that the big announcement was that the manga would be canceled. However, now that the series is moving to a monthly format, I don’t think it will end that soon. Plus, Akamatsu-sensei should have an easier time of things in the monthly format.

      What if Ken could be setting up Touta to making correction in the past.

      That’s certainly not out of the realm of possibility. After all, we’ve already seen this “fix the timeline” both in Negima and in UQ Holder (through Kirie).

      I was interested in the tournment since it was going to possibly explore Solar system and other “worlds” that exists in Negverse’s future.

      Well, I don’t know if the tournament would have explored the solar system. I know the Olympics were going to be at the station at the top of the tower, right? Maybe the tournament finals. (Though that seems incredibly stupid to have folks with insane powers battling in a space station, where you could have a breach.)

      • Seimei says:

        “That’s Certainly not out of the realm of possibility. After all, we’ve already seen this” fix the timeline “both in Negima and in UQ Holder (through Kirie).”

        No I do not think I have already said, but I’m pretty sure that Tota will settle things in the present, not the past. Time travel, daya have a role, as evidenced by the presence of Dana, but I rather think it will be to find legendary items, to bring in the present, or to train with great masters of the past or of the future, then return to the present. But to me, things will settle mainly in the present.

        ps: And kirie not travel in time but erases the time. And she can only return to her previous save point.

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          ps: And kirie not travel in time but erases the time. And she can only return to her previous save point.

          There’s nothing that states she erases anything. Indeed, there is a theory that there exists a timeline for every possible action one could take. A timeline if you went left, a timeline if you went right, a timeline if you turned around, etc. Once Akamatsu-sensei introduced the multiple timelines in Negima, then established that an Eva character was jumping from timeline to timeline to look for Negi, I saw Kirie’s power as exploring different timelines. She goes back to her save point and then plays out the timeline again and again. She remembers what happens in each timeline.

          As to Kirie’s save points, I don’t think she specifically needs one, but it helps. After all, when she first discovered she had the power to die, she didn’t have a save point. We don’t know how far back she’d jump in time, but initially, she thought it was like déjà vu. Once Kirie was given time stop powers, she could then be given time travel powers to go to any point in space and time. It wouldn’t be that much of a leap.

          • sanchi says:

            heh – maybe reading the last few chapters of Bleach, where the Quincy leader talks about the future with each path/timeline like a grain of sand.

            Akamatsu-sensei has great characters, and all of us are wondering about their backgrounds. He could spend chapters exploring each one. I would be interested, and it would probably interest others — Karin’s background (more on her ‘white’ magic too) has been asked, and I would like more of Kirie’s background other than the quick abstract to her life she told Tota. How Eva started Senkyokan and the UQ group. What is the history of the UQ holders. So as far as potential arcs – I can see many ways Akamatsu-sensei can go with each character, like we had with Santa/Sayoko.

            I think Kirie is still cautiously learning about her ability, and hasn’t fully grasped all it can do. This time-stop is new to her, and she’s worries of being lost in time and by herself, which is her greatest fear is being alone. I’m expecting her to master this eventually and would be a good opponent of Nodoka and Yue, for she can change the future, kinda negating their ability to get information. She may develop a new and faster way of time reset too. I’d rather see her battle using her wizard powers, and be a darn good fighter on her own.

            If it was between going back to Negima or Tournament, I think most would want Negima, and from the responses, its seems to be pretty strong. The battle between Negi-MotB vs Tota may end before the tournament continues, and the tournament isn’t a important part of the main story-line.

            Akamatsu-sensei can also concentrate on his known characters to draw, than trying to create new short-term tournament opponents, and concentrate on the main story. There are many other Negima side-characters yet to appear too. I think most will be happy to see them again, and in battle (and/or negima hijinks) than just random tournament opponents.

            Seeing Zazie and her ability, I would like her to do battle Kurnel Sanders (Al). Jinbei vs Jack would also be interesting too. Jinbei stopping a sword attack with a wet mop to Jack’s face – that would be funny. I’d rather see Akamatsu-sensei create these kind of battle scenes.

            Also we still don’t know why Negi-MotB is there to begin with, which I think will make the tournament more in the background and no longer important, like saving Earth – again.

          • AstroNerdBoy says:

            Also we still don’t know why Negi-MotB is there to begin with, which I think will make the tournament more in the background and no longer important, like saving Earth – again.

            The moment Negi-MotB showed up, immediately after Cutlass said that the tournament was irrelevant and that Negi’s supposed participation in the tournament was irrelevant, I knew the tournament was history. After all, getting Negi to sign up for the tournament was simply bait to get Touta to the location. Ditto Cutlass’s challenge to Touta to meet her at the tournament (though it really makes the reason she tried to kill him in the first place rather asinine). Negi-MotB and Cutlass weren’t interested in the tournament. They wanted Touta. The tournament has already served its purposes as far as they are concerned.

          • Seimei says:

            I know that the akamatsuvers is a multiverse. I didn’t need of you to understant, I speak enough here myself lol^^.

            What I mean is that, personaly, I do not see the power of Kirie as a time trave, but as a true rewind time. The traveil in the multiverse and alternatives timelines, are rather the powers attributed to Chao-Linchen (via Cassiopé) and Dana for me. But I understand what you mean.

            Anyway as I have say, I think they will especially try to resolve things in their timeline to them, rather than to Change the past. Indeed travel to another timeline, would not change the story from their original timeline, but only the one in which they traveled. In other words, at home, all the problems would remain unanswered.

            Is also why I even prefere to the Save-Point as a rewind power of Time, rather than capacity Cassiopé-Like, because it would mean that in reality they have not avoided the problems with the Save-Point, but only loosely flee out of their timeline lol.

            An clue along the lines of temporal erasure: The Save-Point to work in the Castle of Dana, which is out of time, So, it is not possible to create parallel timelines in it for me.

            In short yes, the multiverse exist, but kirie power is not a real time travel, unlike Chao or Dana.

            I would add that when kirie use the save point, she returns to an ancient version of herself. In other words, she can’t travel at a time anterior to her birth. But I am of agreements, I think the Save-Point serves as an anchor. Without it, Kirie could end at any time of her life. However, she was lost this painful capacitee the day when she created her first Save-Point I think.

            And I think anyway that she can return to her former Save-Point. I would add that the flame of the save-point is importence. For me, as it burns, the save-point active. So, logically, it eases to be the case when she creates a new save-point. She transfer the flame (symbolically and literaly) I think.

            I would go further, we already have confirmation that was the case. When Numbers speak of the End of the World, while Ikuu imagine kirie forever relive the last day of the World, she was really horrified. If she could choose, the save-point to return, she didn’t mind so much about that, I think. ^^

          • Mattcgw says:

            @Seimei If you believe in the mutiliverse theory, then surely UQ holder could be in a completely different timeline with its exclusive properties to that timeline.
            Also Blue Exorcist has a 2nd Anime.

  16. sanchi says:

    Yes Kirie was horrified about re-living the end of the world, and alone – which is what she fears. There is a ‘out’ for her to die.

    If the reset-candle is required, all she as to do is not re-create a reset or destroys the reset on the first time back, so there is no longer a reset — basically she dies unable to go back in time at the next ‘End of the World’ cycle. It could be as simple as extinguishing the flame on the candle.

    Nothing has been shown that she goes to previous time-reset candles. The problem with going back to older resets, is that it erases whatever she did that was good, and she has to repeat exact the same thing. Also if someone were to destroy the reset when she is somewhere else, then she may actually die instead of going back. The reset candle is a anchor and also a achilles heel if the enemy knows about it.

    Yue and Nodoka may also know using their artifact too and find out all of Kirie’s secrets. As in preventing her from killing herself.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I think a lot of Kirie’s full abilities have not been explored. That way, Akamatsu-sensei can invent new abilities for her.

    • Enj says:

      I don’t think the candle is required, she told that story about how she died the first time and didn’t know what happened, I suspect the candle is just a target point and without it she resets to x amount of time before she died.

      There is also the possibility the candle can’t actually be “destroyed”, we are dealing with time manipulation, even if the candle was destroyed in the present it would still exit at the reset point.

  17. sanchi says:

    hmm – Enj has a good alternative reasoning. OK there is plenty of time for me to go do some back chapters….

    OK — Chapter 33 – where we learned first about Kirie’s ability

    Kirie: “This is a save point. As long as the flame remains lit, my ability is effective….If you die, you automatically return to that point in time. That’s it.”

    She then explains the rules.

    Next is chapter 106 – Where Tota and Kirie have stopped time – Kirie is afraid to sleep alone and in the bed they share – she talks about herself.

    Kirie: ” The first time I used what you might call my skill… I was four years old. I think I starved myself to death.”

    Tota: “…”

    Kirie: “I don’t really remember, but my parents, well … they were terrible. I think… it’s called neglect? I was so little, I don’t remember how many hundreds of times I had to time-loop to get out of that situation. I survived because of my power. I’m sure I was lucky, compared to so many other kids. But now I can’t trust anyone. ”

    So when Kirie started doing this ability, she was only 4 yrs old – she would time reset to when she was born without the candles. So Enj is right. I was wrong. She would live over and over again, and no death.

    Her candle reset ability is only effective if the flames remains lit to return to that reset point, or risk living her life all over again from the very beginning, and making the time reset less useful or less effective.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I wonder if she sets a new save point out every day.

      • sanchi says:

        Ha! My bad – the reality/devil in the details of logistics. 🙂

        Good observation ANB! One per day – even that would be one heck of a big pile of candles to keep around! Though that candle in chpt 33 looked really narrow… like a wood stick!

        hmmm — let me think here — ah! my counter reasoning to that — is (easy-out) magic!

        One of them perpetual candles that do not melt down, and even re-lights itself if the wind blows the flame out – like those trick birthday candles!! 🙂

        If they can get clothes and weapons from some incantation or spell, in that way, why not a lit candle?

        Candles with a flower fragrance too… to keep the air fresh!!! 🙂

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          Well, she may have magic sticks, but she may set out a fresh stick daily. (They seem like incense sticks to me, only with a flame.) We know she sets one out specifically at the start of a mission.

      • sanchi says:

        As far as frequency, maybe every day, or as much as she can depending on what she is doing at that time, where a fresh and recent reset is needed. I can see when facing battle to have the reset close to that time, but working as a maid at the Senkyokan when nothing serious is happening, I think may not be needed every day.

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          Well, my thinking on a daily save point is to account for the unexpected. In a game, it sucks if you haven’t saved in a while and are forced to go back through a bunch of tedious stuff. So Kirie might set one out daily just as a precaution against the unexpected.

          • sanchi says:

            Makes sense to do that. Like insurance to be sure of any unexpected events. Been there having to go back and re-do everything from a game’s beginning of a sequence. So I see where you are coming from. OK… I’m convinced… daily candle lighting ritual.

    • OverMaster says:

      “I don’t really remember, but my parents, well … they were terrible. I think… it’s called neglect?”

      Considering we only ever see the parents of like two people in Negima, and otherwise they don’t even seem to be a factor in anyone else’s lives, it seems parental negligency is the rule in this setting.

  18. Seimei says:


    1. Apart from the fact that I consider almost impossible Tota join the antagonnist (not least because he is shown to the side of the other members of UQ (including those we do not know yet and ESPECIALLY, Eva, who will join NEVER to lifemaker.) on the poster of presentation and in the mini-scene with Eva the first chapter. and it turns out that the mission of UQ is implicitly destroy the lifemaker. It is not their only mission, of-course but is almost certain that was why Eva created it.

    And … do not forget Cutlass! she is the opposite of Tota, she hates fundamentally him, and both are thought to be symbolically the “twin enemies.” They only make sense that being on opposite sides

    So for me, for all these reasons, I reject outright the possibility of Tota which combines with lifemaker. and I wouldn’t accept this possibility, until it has been proven valid (if is if suring the coming chapters, Tota actually join Negi. But like I said, I consider it a priori impossible).

    After, I can however, quite imagine a Tota who temporarily join to Negi, but seeing that he is crazy, try later to escape back to UQ and fight Neg, as originally planned . It would be interresting and it would remain that is being done in some game of BIOWARE, for exemple KOTOR (Knight Of The Old Republic), where there is always a moment where the hero infiltrates temporarly, antagonnists side, for obtain information in order to combat them later, because it allows to see, the antagonnistes ideology. ^^

    However I can not accept without irrefutable zvidence, that Tota actually helps Negi to accomplish his plan to the end and that the manga end like that, for me it’s impossible. ^^

    Besides, independently of what he will see in the past, I do not think Tota will trust a guy who is surrounded by an important negative aura (Negi was accompanied by 10,000 times more enraged ghosts than Sayoko ! Has a clear sign of evilious and insanity and, independently of the rightness of his cause), he did not trust in Fate, although he wants to save himself the world, so why Tota trust someone an even more crazy and unhealthy than him?

    No, for me is impossible. And as I say, is precisely because the ancient heroes (Yue, Nodoka, Al and Rakan) have followed him, that Tota MUST NOT follow him to create a contrast and also to show his independence of mind (remember he does not follow the plan of Eva nor that of Fate, he has his own plan to defeat the lifemaker and save the world and Negi.) So he do not follow Negi ^^.

    And Tota valeure attaches great value to friendship. I think whatever happens, he will choose Eva (even if he does not follow her plan to kill Negi we know that) Santa Kuromaru, Ikku kirie and that they do not intend to follow the lifemaker. He will hesitate, that’s clear, but he will not follow Negi.. ^^

    2. However, about the tournaments, I must admit I find it understandable in hindsight, he might did not place. But not for the reasons you invoke.

    In my view, the main obstacle to the tournament (and the only one in fact), has the immortality of the characters. In the sense that during the tournament, it is forbidden to kill or injure the opponent too harshly. I imagine Akamatsu who say: “Oh wait What is the point to do immortal characters if I can not make them fight thoroughly, and exploit the strengths and weaknesses of their respective immortalitées?” . Homeless count while training with Dana to increase the speed of regeneration, would lose its meaning.

    But we are sure of agreements one thing I think Astro. The time of the final fight did not come, even after the flashback. If there are no tournaments, it is possible that UQ Holder escape with Tota, and attempts to strengthen to return face Negi later. Would have the opportunity to explore the solar-system to become stronger. Maybe even aboard the White Crow?

    After, we can well imagine a system that allows immortals to fight without restraint, even in the tournaments. Eg fighting between immortals, could take place in a phantasmagoria, as during the fight Setsuna vs Eva during the tournament of Negima.

    Also, I just thought of something that could very well force Negi to participate in tournaments, even against his will. The emblem of the Emperor.

    Do you remember this magical object right? This Eagle statuette Whoever undertakes to respect the oaths. ^^ What if Fate had enchanted registration forms with its power to require registered participants actually participate? But that Negi-MOTB do not know yet. ^^

    Everything is possible for there to be a tournament or not. ^^

  19. Mattcgw says:

    I have to give my sincere thanks to the Twins, for having Al’s incantation in both Greek, romanji, then the English version. It was a major issue I had with the volumes. That one couldn’t read the Greek.
    Nice to see they’ve adapted.

  20. Mattcgw says:

    UQ Holder just debuted with it’s lowest first week sales, not even the Japanese cared scantily clad Loli’s, therefore UQ Holder is unilaterally. F*cked!


    The standard thus far has been around 50-60K, volume 11 did barely less than 40K at 39K.
    And since Akamatsu-Sensei is not ‘The unrivalled’ Kaoru Mori, it won’t dramatically spike the week after. That UQ Holder Anime better be the Shingeki of that year. In regards to production values. Or the Anime ‘bubble’ we’re in will take affect and Crunchyroll dumps an obscene amount of capital to join/create the production committee.
    When Otoyomegatari gets an anime, perhaps. (sarcasm)

    • OverMaster says:

      I figure the destiny of UQ Holder will greatly hinge on the anime. If it does well, the series should experience a revive, at least a temporary one. If it doesn’t, that, coupled with the change to a monthly format, with less releases a year and a lower standard profile than weekly shounen (the Attacks on Titans are exceptions to a rule), it might sink, and it seems Akamatsu is banking his career as a mangaka on it (seeing how he isn’t getting any younger, and he’s unlikely to ever try a weekly again).

      I wonder if the announcement of the magazine shift made readers of Shounen Mag unwilling to buy the ‘new’ magazine drop the series.

      • Mattcgw says:

        It could simply be, that it was released later in the week on a Friday and that stunted sales, but UQ Holder is always consistent, 60/40 of the units sold, always in two weeks; never exceed 110K expect for the first Volume.

        Like One Piece, difference is that always breaks 1.5M but never does 3M in a fourth week and the units sold henceafter aren’t that much. It’s greatest strength and weaknesses simultaneously for both series respectively.

      • AstroNerdBoy says:

        I wonder if the announcement of the magazine shift made readers of Shounen Mag unwilling to buy the ‘new’ magazine drop the series.

        That’s possible. After what happened with Negima, folks might be more skittish with this move on UQ Holder‘s part.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Thanks for that info. 🙂

  21. Mattcgw says:

    UQ Holder volume 11 is becoming an abnormality so much so. That I believe it will be the first UQ Holder volume to sell in the top 50 on a 3rd week as well as break 100K.

  22. Mattcgw says:

    And this. Is why I’m always rightfully cynical about UQ Holder! I tried optimism, it failed me.
    UQ Holder failed to make it into ‘the top 50, third week’
    If Volume 12 is this dire, then Akamatsu-Sensei may have retcon UQ Holder entirely and insert Negima entirely.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      If Volume 12 is this dire, then Akamatsu-Sensei may have retcon UQ Holder entirely and insert Negima entirely.


  23. sanchi says:

    Seimei states: ” and it turns out that the mission of UQ is implicitly destroy the lifemaker. It is not their only mission, of-course but is almost certain that was why Eva created it.”

    I went back to when Eva explained UQ in Chapter 6:

    Touta: How does this sound? I’m gonna gather lots and lots of immortal buddies.
    Kuromaru: “EH…”
    Yukihime: “…”
    Touta:” And then I’ll make a team! It’ll be like an immortal family!”

    — then cars arrive at their location — red carpet comes out —

    Yukihime: Touta, there once was another person who said the exact same thing you did. This is what we created. This family of immortals. UQ Holder.

    Translated as ‘yuukyuu’ which means Eternity.

    A few pages down:

    Yukihime: People like you and me: vampires within that group, there are the “aristocrats” aside from them those who use immortality products like holy wine, miracle drugs, and philosopher’s stones, there are various kinds of gods, demons, and monsters who also posses immortality on par with vampires, and those that achieved immortality by science through cyberization or robotization. There are also some inexplicable ones that have a stock of lives or are cursed to be unable to die by a twist of fate, or get reincarnated when they die, or even have the the ability to set a save point. I think that sums it up. Oh there’s also bodily modifications…right?”

    (note Eva’s first descriptions of Ikkuu, Karin, Kirie, Makabe Gengoru, Kuro and others before Touta meets them in person.)

    Makabe then sends Kuro and Touta underground with a assisted hit by Karin and they meet Jinbei Shishido


    I’m wondering if Negi is the person Eva talked about for the idea to create this Eternity Holder group. But I did not find anything where Eva stated or told of UQ’s mission was to destroy the MotB and Lifemaker. I am still wondering who told Eva to create UQ? Was it Negi or it could have been Nagi?

    Well – its now August and 2-3 months more of a wait. I’m wondering at this point to have a discussion section for this interim where we can discuss ‘potential’ scenarios and not limit it to chapter 128?

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Thanks for your thoughts here.

      Well – its now August and 2-3 months more of a wait. I’m wondering at this point to have a discussion section for this interim where we can discuss ‘potential’ scenarios and not limit it to chapter 128?

      You could discuss things here if you wanted. I have pondered doing a mid-point review of the manga. Maybe I could do that.

  24. ??? says:

    You were thinking how yue and nodoka appeared there but there’s still Zazie, mana and the konoe twins

  25. minopop says:

    I’m so happy UQ holder exists and we’re able to experience more negima. I just finished catching up with the chapters online I usually prefer to wait and read the actual manga, but how can I possibly wait that long when we’re dealing with negima here??? I expect epic things to come and i’m definitely pre ordering the LE of vol 12. take my money akamatsu give me more negima!

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