Happy New Year 2019!

Happy New Year 2019!

Hey gang! I want to wish each and every one of you a Happy New Year 2019!

Man, where does the time go, eh? Seems like every year is a little shorter than the year before. Seriously, it will be Christmas before you know it. ?

Anyway, here’s hoping for a good 2019, that includes me continuing to be successful in my job AND finds me more motivated to publish more content on the old blog. ??

Love Hina Christmas Special

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12 Responses to “Happy New Year 2019!”

  1. NullApostle says:

    Happy New Year and the best of luck to you.

  2. And a very happy new year in 2019 to you Astroboy!

  3. OverMaster says:

    Happy New Year!

    First blog relevant manganime news of the year?


    I suspect we might have to forget about him ever doing another series after this, since he won’t be getting any younger, healthier or less ‘stressed’. So even shifting to a monthly release with less pages a month didn’t work, huh? Then I frankly don’t think anything else will.

    A shame Negima will never get the actual sequel it deserves.

    ‘Epilogue’ also sounds kinda dreadful since normally his epilogues involve time skips, and we all know what he did with a time skip last time (jumping over anything resembling an actual conclusion.)

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      First blog relevant manganime news of the year?

      Absolutely! Thanks for the tip!

      I agree with everything you state here. I’m hoping that he takes a moment to get Kuroumaru’s past done.

  4. Rob C. says:

    Happy New Years, Astro. I hope brighter 2019 for you and everyone else! We certainly need it.

  5. magine says:

    Happy New Year!

  6. arimareiji says:

    Happy New Year to you too, and all the best. (^_^)

    I love your choice of image, since it often immediately precedes one of my favorite songs in videos thereof. XD
    https://rutube.ru/video/ce5f48dd47e2f4eefb1e4e52bcead062/ (ED-size)
    https://animesonglyrics.com/index.php/love-hina/shukufuku (full size, romaji lyrics but unfortunately not English… imo, the song is really uplifting)

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I love your choice of image, since it often immediately precedes one of my favorite songs in videos thereof. XD

      Thanks. Actually, since I had just posted the piece on the Christmas Special, I had that image in the database at the top of the pile. So when I went to scan what I had, I saw it and thought, “Why not use it?”

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