UQ Holder Chapter 192 Manga Review (Finale #UQHolder)

ユーキューホルダー! 魔法先生 ネギま!2 Manga Review
UQ Holder! Mahou Sensei Negima 2
UQ Holder!: Magister Negi Magi! 2 Chapter 192
UQ Holder Chapter 192

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: 

Touta defeats Yukihime-Ialda. Before the Mage of the Beginning can consume him, Touta summons CHAO Lingshen, who freezes time. Touta, Kuroumaru, Negi, and Asuna defeat the frozen Ialda, shattering her into 12-billion bits. Yukihime starts to dissolve, but says farewell to her surviving classmates and UQ Holder.

Twelve thousand years in the future, Eva emerges from a flower on the insanely giant World Tree. The city is in ruins and like a jungle. Eva changes into Yukihime form and wanders a while. Touta finds her, accompanied by Karin and Kuroumaru. They brief Yukihime on the situation with humanity traveling to the stars. Thus Earth is mostly inhabited by youkai and mazoku. The group arrive at the Senkyoukan, which is now a massive city with Touta in charge.

Inside the old inn, Yukihime is reunited with UQ Holder, sans Gengorou, who returned to his Earth. Yukihime is briefed on what happened with Negi and surviving classmates. Then she’s informed about Shinobu, Mizore, and Kirie. Later, Touta and Eva have a moment on a dock, including snogging. And they keep talking about things.


Well, with UQ Holder Chapter 192, it is all over but the crying. And by crying, I mean “crying over what might have been.” But I’ll save that part for a future post.

UQ Holder Chapter 192

Acknowledging Folks

In my previous chapter review, I stated, “And I predict that there will be no Chao.” And I was wrong, as UQ Holder Chapter 192 showed. I know blog readers like Aki called this. (For those of you who also called it, forgive my not having the time to look you up.) So hat’s off to those of you who called her return, even for a deus ex machina cameo.

I’ll be honest, I didn’t think Akamatsu-sensei would have her show up. With all his focus on running for political office, just so he can fight “piracy” with more draconian laws (which companies like Toei and ShoPro are using to shut down review YouTube channels), I figured he’d forgotten about her. After all, she hasn’t been around EVER in UQ Holder.

Indeed, I have no bloody clue how she showed up now. But, Akamatsu-sensei used her as a deus ex machina thing. And then she was gone ’cause “reasons”. Well, I guess she does technically show up so Asuna can decide not to return to the past and start her new harem life with

UQ Holder Chapter 192

New Future

I had a hard time wrapping my head around the new future and Asuna as depicted in UQ Holder Chapter 192. So I guess when they, with Asuna, kill Ialda, it was about 2135. So there’s the Asuna that was in the Mage of the Beginning. But then there was the sealed Asuna? So Sealed Asuna didn’t go back in time and identified the Eva with Chao as Shiori. And then Sealed Asuna and Absorbed Asuna merged. My head just burst.

But then the REAL mind frell happened. In this new future, Negi apparently marries all of the girls who were with him inside Ialda. But it seems like he couldn’t be fruitful and multiply, so all of the kids seem like clones. And Chachamaru is left in the cold. The further implication is that Asuna is now Negi’s head wife. Chisame was off to the side.

I’m lost as to how Touta met Shinobu again. Wasn’t she dead already? And I’m pretty sure that chapters ago, Touta mentioned that when he said goodbye to Shinobu and Mizore, it was the last time he saw them. Well, I guess that was true for Mizore, who died at 34.

And while Karin and Kuroumaru stayed with Touta, Kirie got old and died, but was regularly visited by Touta. And Touta runs UQ Holder. Yadda, yadda,  yadda.

Harem Addition?

It had already been established that Touta consummated his relationships with Kirie, Karin, and Kuroumaru. However, in UQ Holder Chapter 192, things get a bit murky, which irked me. I’m going to ignore the “IN YOUR FACE” moment from Akamatsu-sensei with the color-page start of the chapter, showing Eva and Touta snogging on the dock. Instead, I’m going to start with Karin.

As the UQ Holder series progressed, there was a character arc where Karin started having feelings for Touta. Over time, these grew until as I previously stated, they consummated their relationship. Not only that, Karin agreed to be one of three girls in Touta’s harem. Frankly, I had no problem with this on a story level, but that’s just me.

Unfortunately, twelve thousand years as co-wife of Touta with Kuroumaru has caused Karin to revert back to how she was early in UQ Holder? I call utter BS! It made no sense for Karin to act as she did. Yes, she could be happy that Yukihime/Eva returned. And I would have been fine with her making suggestions about being added to Touta’s harem. But instead, she’s acting like she’s never been in love with, or mated with Touta.

Then there’s Eva. I NEVER wanted to see Eva x Touta, mainly ’cause she’d been mother to him. I didn’t mind this timeline having Touta meet Eva when she was young. But even here, she fell in love with Nagi, then Negi. So when she saw hundreds of years later, she thought, “I’ll adopt him so I can boink him later”? 😑

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

Work has me insanely busy, but I want to get my review of UQ Holder Chapter 192 out. I’ll do a series review later. But here are some final thoughts.

  • So what happened with Nagi and Ala Rubra?
  • I was right about Arika not being mentioned. She was a retcon to get Sensei out of a jam after he changed directions in Negima! But since she can’t logically fit into the series, ignore her and the problem goes away.
  • What happened with Mana and Zazie? They had a “blink and you’ll miss them” cameo previously.
  • I do like that Senkyoukan has evolved into a large city.
  • It is also interesting that Earth is now mostly inhabited by youkai and mazoku.
  • Why did Touta have so many swords for?
  • The rest, I’ll save for a series review. I kinda want to reread the whole thing from scratch, so it may take time.

In the end, UQ Holder Chapter 192 does end the series, but does so in a less than satisfying way. Maybe if there had been 100 chapters, and proper closure given to all involved, it would have been better. But as it stands, the Negima! final chapter may have been better, even if we didn’t see Ialda’s end.

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64 Responses to “UQ Holder Chapter 192 Manga Review (Finale #UQHolder)”

  1. Dargor says:

    Worth pointing out, Touta says Asuna and Negi lived out their lifetimes as normal humans, meaning Negi is not an immortal monster anymore. Its possible all the kids are biologically possible now. As for why they’re identical, well, not like Akamatsu hasn’t done nearly identical children before. Ayaka in her message to Asuna at the end of Negima had a mini version of her running around on Mars, so its not like there’s no precedent.

    Far as the fusion thing goes, the Asuna that was with them was the Imperial Twilight projected version, despite saying that both the Kagurazaka and her personality were in her. The two becoming one again is consistent. I would love to see what that Asuna’s like and what personality differences there are to the one we know, but that ain’t happening.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      As for why they’re identical, well, not like Akamatsu hasn’t done nearly identical children before.

      Yeah, you are right. I’m probably letting my salty attitude of the moment cloud things.

      I would love to see what that Asuna’s like and what personality differences there are to the one we know, but that ain’t happening.

      Yeah, we’d need a few more volumes to fully take care of everything.

    • Aki says:

      Cloning or magical constructs… Negi becoming mortal is possible with Asuna Magic Cancel

      Personally I consider them to be magical reconstructions but aside fromt hag Negi was clearly still immortal, I assume they just retired and chose to fade out but can be resurrected later

  2. I’m just kinda sour that with all the amazing magic and technology available to them, they couldn’t come up with a way to make Kirie actually immortal. Rereading her focus chapters before the final battle started, you do get the sense that she was comfortable growing old and it was meant to be this touching thing that Touta would stay with her the rest of her life, but…it doesn’t really make sense that she would WANT to die if she didn’t have to. So she’s the only “losing” member of Touta’s harem and that sucks.

    We got extended epilogues in the volume releases for LH and N! right? Though if the pattern continues it’ll be the perspective of a different character like with Ema Maeda or Yue. I have this strange feeling it’s not going to be satisfying at all, like Yue’s time as a detective. Some rando kid on the human frontier probably, or Gengoro returning to regular Earth and crossing paths with Kirie while she was isekai’d.

    I don’t know if you or anyone who visits this blog has played FFXIV Endwalker, so spoilers to follow for the rest of this paragraph but I was actually kind of laughing at the parallels in both stories. Both big bads’ powers stem from empathy for living creatures and the resulting insurmountable suffering they experience and the party has to board a space ship to go fight them. The difference being that in Endwalker, the big bad decides to kill everyone to end their suffering, travels the whole universe and absorbs the suffering of every civilization she encounters, and is so powerful she can destroy earth from the edge of existence. I can’t help thinking if she saw Ialda was basically rendered powerless due to most of humanity being out of range she’d think it pathetic, Asuka meme style.

    As to Akamatsu’s political career – from what I’ve read it sounds like he’s only interested in going after actual piracy and not your random youtuber using pages of manga in a review video. He did bring up US-style Fair Use copyright law in an interview and didn’t really sound for or against it, but it would be amazing if somehow whatever he works on passing actually improves the situation; whatever route he goes, I hope he at least doesn’t make things worse. When he first started talking about politics years ago, it sounded like he was more worried about fighting against censorship and policing to western standards at the time, which is fine.

    Anyway, I’ve lurked your blog for what feels like decades now, so let me end this wall of text by thanking you for all the years of leaks, analysis and reviews. It’s been fun.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I’m just kinda sour that with all the amazing magic and technology available to them, they couldn’t come up with a way to make Kirie actually immortal.

      Well, they could have made her vampire. In theory, Touta is supposed to be one, but that aspect was forgotten.

      As to Akamatsu’s political career – from what I’ve read it sounds like he’s only interested in going after actual piracy and not your random youtuber using pages of manga in a review video.

      I tend to agree with you. However, the laws that are being passed are apparently being used to go after review YouTube channels in an ugly way.

      When he first started talking about politics years ago, it sounded like he was more worried about fighting against censorship and policing to western standards at the time, which is fine.

      He’s still fighting against Western pressures to change manga or anime for a “woke” definition of what is good and evil.

      Anyway, I’ve lurked your blog for what feels like decades now, so let me end this wall of text by thanking you for all the years of leaks, analysis and reviews. It’s been fun.

      Thanks for coming by. Feel free to stick around for whatever other stuff I do.

  3. Aki says:

    Reads a few page in… see Chao Lingshen… ditch the rest to come here to tell you…

    I told you so (lol!)

    • Aki says:

      Right… I finished reading… the main reason Chao Lingshen came in is because she is the main reason the whole series of events came into play with war of inverse Mars, alerting Negi that there are bigger issues out there and she was Negi actual descendant and a hint to how things play out.

      Then we saw different world lines…

      Chao Lingshen world where Negi went on to live life normally I presume and eventually we got the super genius Chao Lingshen who made magical tech that allows time trave, in a bid to change the future.

      Asuna sleeps world where things more or less does work out eventually

      The happy ending of Negima world line

      And now the Immortal timeline where over time everything works out. Negi and others becoming mortal is a surprised but again they are magical reconstructions of the original… so they aren’t real? So perhaps they can still return?

      Nagi and Ala Rubra went into retirement I presume… and most likely either lived a mortal life, immortal life or chose to fade out?

      Negima immortal crew… feels like they just went into retirement a d chose to expire… the UQ gang chose to wait which makes sense but Negima crew should have as well and how is Jinbei still alive?

      • AstroNerdBoy says:

        Negi and others becoming mortal is a surprised but again they are magical reconstructions of the original… so they aren’t real?

        I have no clue. I presume they are real after their bodies were absorbed. But it is another one of those unexplained things. 😅

        how is Jinbei still alive?

        Hahaha! Questions you aren’t supposed to ask. 😜

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Hahaha! Yeah, I gave you credit too. I honestly didn’t think he’d do it, but that goes to show what I know. 😅

  4. Yuiitsu Yumeji says:

    Oh my astronaut gods, yes. Yes! It’s ok for Asuna to be head wife. It’s okay for it to be a harem. It’s finally, finally, finally here… NodokaxNegixYue ending! NodokaxNegixYue ending! NODOKAXNEGIXYUE ENDING!!! HAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (Please notice that Negi is in the middle XD~~~) Alternate timelines BANZAI!!!!!!


    And finally the end… twelve thousand years later, what a surprise! There was quite a lot of stuff left unanswered, but here I go:

    1- That alternate timeline ending was really unexpected to me…

    2- As usual, time traveler Chao Lingshen to save day lol

    3- Touta has been fighting with six arms for a while now, so the extra blades make sense… but we never got to know that gravity blade’s actual name…

    4- Regarding Misore, at least we got some info (mistery?) on her;

    4.1- Regarding Shinobu, it makes sense to find her, depending on the travel method. Quite a nice touch there!

    4.2- Regarding Kirie, like I said before, she could have become an unaging cyborg like Tusukuyome… so it was definitely her decision, and quite a sad moment for me…

    4.3- Regarding Karin and Kuroumaru, Touta’s description was really realistic for immortals? Also Astro, Karin’s love has always been heavy lol

    5- The way Ialda was defeated and kept at bay was really good as well.

    Anyway, Touta trying to remember Yukihime’s name really got to me… a really epic and really touching end… this might have been my longest story yet, adding Negima, and an eternal favorite(s) of mine. I still remember first reading Negima in a library, catching up to the chapters online and waiting every week…I might not appear much, but thank you a lot for all the hard work during this journey, Astro! :’)

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Touta has been fighting with six arms for a while now, so the extra blades make sense… but we never got to know that gravity blade’s actual name…

      I don’t remember a lot of that. But I may not have been paying attention. 😅 But as to Kurobo, yeah, that was another one of the many things Akamatsu-sensei dropped on us, but didn’t follow up on.

      Regarding Shinobu, it makes sense to find her, depending on the travel method. Quite a nice touch there!

      To me, the manga seemed pretty clear that Touta never saw her or Mizore again.

      Regarding Karin and Kuroumaru, Touta’s description was really realistic for immortals? Also Astro, Karin’s love has always been heavy lol

      I know Karin always had it thick for Eva/Yukihime. But over the years, she shifted to Touta in terms of her romantic feelings, to the point that she became one of his harem members. And now, it seemed like all of that was forgotten. That was what I objected to.

      I might not appear much, but thank you a lot for all the hard work during this journey, Astro! :’)

      Thanks for writing! Glad to have been of service.

      • Yuiitsu Yumeji says:

        As you said, it is a harem. Karin loved Yukihime, then added Touta after (“let’s save Yukihime together!” is quite the effective way to lower Karin’s guard and aproach her, and it was exactly what Touta did). Is this not the basic mechanics of manga harems anyway? I honestly don’t see any problems at all.

        • Yuiitsu Yumeji says:

          Regarding Shinobu again, they could have made a mention of her getting on that ship early on…you know, when Touta meets Uq Holder after 40 years. It was her dream, but they never mentioned it been achieved at all… about her aging, maybe the ship was nearing lightspeed, which made her time pass much slower, as relativity theory states? So their meeting was perfectly possible, but came a bit out of nowhere lol.

          • AstroNerdBoy says:

            Well, that’s been the problem with the series. Akamatsu-sensei stopped writing a tight story and in the process, things happen ’cause “reasons”. And that’s what happened with Shinobu, only worse. He had established that Touta never really spoke to her again after his date with her and Mizore. Yet that was a lie.

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          It just seemed like she had no affection for Touta, only Yukihime. That was my objection.

  5. Briony87 says:

    They didn’t mention what happen to Ala Rubra; Nagi Springfield, Jack Rakan, Albireo Imma. Tatsumiya Mana, and Zazie Rainyday also no mention after battle also who is Chao Lingshen parent.
    Moreover, Negi live normal life with human lifespan not immortal anymore with Asuna, Konoka, Setsuna, Nodoka, Yue, Chisame, Chachamaru but then why they can’t have child and all of the kids seem like clones.
    Wonder what happen to Fate and his Ministra Magi because Tamaki and Shirabe are not in ch. 191, Koyomi and Homura are not with them in ending scene, only Shiori is present.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      They didn’t mention what happen to Ala Rubra; Nagi Springfield, Jack Rakan, Albireo Imma. Tatsumiya Mana, and Zazie Rainyday also no mention after battle also who is Chao Lingshen parent.

      Yeah, I was disappointed by that.

      Wonder what happen to Fate and his Ministra Magi because Tamaki and Shirabe are not in ch. 191, Koyomi and Homura are not with them in ending scene, only Shiori is present.

      More unsolved mysteries. 😅 I think we need a whole other volume at minimum just to address everything.

  6. OverMaster says:

    Zazie is a Mazoku princess, so she probably just returned to her people. It’s entirely possible that she’s still alive 12,000 years later, but she never was too close with Evangeline and she’s probably got duties now so I guess it’s understandable that she wouldn’t show up to welcome her.
    I’m more surprised about Dana not showing up. I imagined she wouldn’t miss a chance to take a few jabs at Evangeline after so long no seeing her…
    Touta seeing Shinobu again smells like a retcon since he’d said previously that he never saw her again. That, and she looks too young after over forty years without seeing her, but maybe she’s under some kind of age retarding treament.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Zazie is a Mazoku princess, so she probably just returned to her people.

      It would have been nice to have proper closure.

      I’m more surprised about Dana not showing up.

      Hahaha! I did notice that. But maybe Akamatsu-sensei just forgot about her, or tossed her in the trash after he was done with her.

      Touta seeing Shinobu again smells like a retcon since he’d said previously that he never saw her again.

      I agree.

    • Yuiitsu Yumeji says:

      He never saw Shinobu again? I don’t remember Touta ever saying that. Anyway, there could have been a mention of her getting on that ship early on…you know, when Touta meets Uq Holder after 40 years. As for her aging, maybe the ship was nearing lightspeed, which made her time pass much slower, as relativity theory states? So their meeting was perfectly possible, but came a bit out of nowhere lol.

      • AstroNerdBoy says:

        In chapter 174, Touta goes out with both Shinobu and Mizore. At the end of the chapter, he says it is the last time he ever really talked to them. In chapter 175, he says goodbye to the girls. In chapter 176, Mizore and Shinobu’s pactio cards were “dead”, indicating the holders were no longer alive.

        • Yuiitsu Yumeji says:

          Oh that’s true! That said, the Touta narrating that should be the one prior to the (humongous) time skip, so it… fits? With some good stretching and loose plot lol

          • Yuiitsu Yumeji says:

            Oh, about the pactio cards: their finctions are limited by distance and subject to jamming… even that Baal’s subordinate, the four armed skull demon explained this during his fight against Touta.

          • AstroNerdBoy says:

            True. However, the implication there is that the girls were dead. The later information is how Akamatsu-sensei “gets out of jail” on the pactio problem. But it still doesn’t negate the fact that the narration clearly stated that when Touta left Mizore and Shinobu after their date, it was the last time he’d every truly talk to them (beyond saying goodbye).

          • AstroNerdBoy says:

            To me, it is a retcon. 😅 I mean, “Yay!” that he got to see Shinobu again. But why kill Mizore and leave Shinobu alive?

  7. Flowerpot says:

    The ride’s been long, but we got through it all.

    We could’ve used more pages for better closure, but that what happens when the denouement and the epilogue are in the same chapter.

    Karin loves BOTH Yukihime AND Touta, if this were early chapter Karin she would have been super jealous of the attention Yukihime gives Touta, coldly pushed Touta aside and would’ve shut him up every time he tries to speak to Yukihime. But she doesn’t, she lets them have time alone together and looks on with approval.

    Touta’s arrangement with the girls is less strictly a harem and more of a polycule (it’s a real word, look it up). Kuromaru even stated that Yukihime was in on the deal back when it was first brought up. Touta’s comment about Karin’s love is that said love is directed towards himself as well as Yukihime. Supporting that is Kuromaru’s interjection and Touta’s affirmation. Nobody’s competing in this mutually supportive arrangement and it shows.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      The ride’s been long, but we got through it all.

      For sure!

      We could’ve used more pages for better closure, but that what happens when the denouement and the epilogue are in the same chapter.

      I agree.

      But she doesn’t, she lets them have time alone together and looks on with approval.

      That is a good point.

      Kuromaru even stated that Yukihime was in on the deal back when it was first brought up.

      Yeah, but I never liked that aspect so…😅

  8. Yue Ayase says:

    It’s a bit surreal with nothing to look forward to on the horizon for Akamatsu. This leaves One Piece as the only (and probably last) manga I’ll ever read.

    As for the chapter itself it’s a rushed ending… But oddly more satisfying than Negima’s. It’s conclusive but still leaves room for something more in the future that could be re-visited. Akamatsu got to go out on his own terms this time although I do wonder how his health was as he tweeted a few days ago that he was having a possible tumor looked at.

    Whenever the final volume releases I think I’ll go back and do a re-read before I truly measure up the series. Obviously it’s not as good as its parent and I think it really lost its way with the shift to monthly but there were some good moments. Apparently there will be an additional eight pages in said volume, I expect it to be the time capsule that Touta spoke of.

    It’s hard to believe this series almost lasted as long as Negima, at least chronologically. What a ride it’s been.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      It’s a bit surreal with nothing to look forward to on the horizon for Akamatsu. This leaves One Piece as the only (and probably last) manga I’ll ever read.

      Interesting. There’s a lot of manga I like, if only I had more time. (I’m so far behind.)

      As for the chapter itself it’s a rushed ending… But oddly more satisfying than Negima’s.

      Interesting. I didn’t have the same take, but interesting. (And nothing wrong with it, of course.)

      I do wonder how his health was as he tweeted a few days ago that he was having a possible tumor looked at.

      Man, I missed that.

      Whenever the final volume releases I think I’ll go back and do a re-read before I truly measure up the series.

      That’s my plan.

      It’s hard to believe this series almost lasted as long as Negima, at least chronologically. What a ride it’s been.

      That’s true! And thanks for being here for it!

    • OverMaster says:

      In Twitter he said that they hadn’t found any tumor in him after the tests, although his levels of blood glucose were high.

  9. IzayoiArashi says:

    Touta finally sealing the deal with Eva and joining the harem with Karin and Kuro (Rip Kirie), and Negi having a kid with Asuna and the rest had my dreams the last 19 years fulfilled.

    There will be an extra 8 or more pages to complete the volume, while if Akamatsu’s tweet of a new series is certain, looking forward to his works since I’m part of the JP fanbase, and it’s been quite funny and at the same nice seeing an opinion from a lot of the English fanbase here. time reading your reviews on the series

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Okay, I hadn’t seen a tweet on a new series. But then, I’ve been busy. I need to know more about it.

      since I’m part of the JP fanbase, and it’s been quite funny and at the same nice seeing an opinion from a lot of the English fanbase here. time reading your reviews on the series

      Always happy to have our Japanese cousins here! 😁

      • Yuiitsu Yumeji says:

        Astro, do you have any predictions on when the last volume will come out?

        And, in case there is an epilogue, will you post here as well, please?

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          I don’t know when the new volume comes out (I need to check). And yeah, I can post something about the omake chapter.

        • OverMaster says:

          I think I have read that Volume 28 is out in Japan during March.
          When will it be published in English, French, Portugese, Italian or German (I think there’s no Spanish official version) is anyone’s guess.

    • Yuiitsu Yumeji says:

      So there will be 8 extra pages?! Thank you very much for the information!

    • Ultimaniac says:

      I’m curious, does Japan just have a lower bar when it comes to quality? Or is it just to be super positive and support the creator out of a sense of loyalty with absolutely no care of the quality?
      I’ve seen JP comments on reddit and other sites saying how they find the negative reactions funny but don’t address any of the issues being talked about. Do they guys believe it was well paced? Did they understand what happened perfectly? Do they think deus ex machina are acceptable conclusions? I just don’t get it.

  10. IzayoiArashi says:

    Touta finally sealing the deal with Eva and joining the harem with Karin and Kuro (Rip Kirie), and Negi having a kid with Asuna and the rest had my dreams the last 19 years fulfilled.

    There will be an extra 8 or more pages to complete the volume, while if Akamatsu’s tweet of a new series is certain, looking forward to his works since I’m part of the JP fanbase, and it’s been quite funny and at the same nice seeing an opinion from a lot of the English fanbase here.

  11. NT says:

    been a while since i

    • NT says:

      whoops pressed enter. anyway, been a while since I posting anything here.

      honestly, i feel like this ending hurt me worst rush wise compared to negima.
      I dont know if its because ken suddenly decided to turn MotB into a Monster made of rampaging empathy instead of some being that went mad trying to find a way to cease to exist,
      Feels like a he pulled a oxymoron around the time just before he blew up the space elevator.

      for me the only thing that made sense and didnt make sense is asuna just split herself in half and sent twilight princess persona to get controlled by Ialda? then just fusing back together in a already changed version of the timeline that lead to the negima good ending, like fate commented

      ”so we are making a new world line?”

      or to that effect.

      Shinbou is def a retcon, because ikkuu went and killed people with the cyber virus at the time, and even if she survived that i assumed who dies of old age just like touta’s other friends.

      I guess the more frustrating part is uq holder was ended because akamatsu wanted to pursue and political office, but now theres a tweet or something of him coming out with a new series?

      I can’t really put all my thoughts together but maybe i’ll get a better opinion if i reread the whole thing.

      But it feels like it would be a crappy move if he went and made a new series, when he seemingly implied that running for office and possibly being elected would give him no time to make anything else.

      anyway end of rant. I’m sure i’ll be back to come up with something more clear and concise

      • AstroNerdBoy says:

        I dont know if its because ken suddenly decided to turn MotB into a Monster made of rampaging empathy instead of some being that went mad trying to find a way to cease to exist,

        It is funny you should mention this. I was just thinking, “We never got to really explore her history.” Back in the Negima days, I always thought she was probably the female mage in the statues. But alas, we never got that story.

        I guess the more frustrating part is uq holder was ended because akamatsu wanted to pursue and political office, but now theres a tweet or something of him coming out with a new series?

        Yeah, I need to look into that. I don’t know how he has time to do that and be in politics.

        I can’t really put all my thoughts together but maybe i’ll get a better opinion if i reread the whole thing.

        That’s my plan.

  12. Ian Jake Reyes says:

    I’m not sure if you notice it but…..the three colorized pages are the last pages of the series. I read it and it was really amazing how it ends even though it is very sad that it ends with nearly 200 chapters. I hope the next work of Akamatsu will be as amazing as this and Negima! (I hope there is cameo appearance from this series also)

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      They don’t quite fit as the last three pages. More like an insert into the final pages of the manga, before Touta says he loves her. But it is kinda disjointed.

  13. Ultimaniac says:

    I’m just tired of being upset at this series now so I choose to look at the final flow of events in the most positive way possible. I need to to justify wasting so much time on it.

    Negi’s long con left revival open for him.
    Pays off and he steals the spotlight.
    Saves the worlds.
    Becomes a hero again in a demon war with his harem of superior quality and quantity over Touta’s.
    Died a legend.
    Left Touta with nothing to do but gush about how cool he was for the rest of eternity.

    With all the crap that Touta’s been allowed to get away with, at least Akamatsu didn’t make him the problem solver in the end. And even though I hate Touta and Eva being together, I’m content with the fact that she didn’t choose him over Nagi or Negi at the very least. She used her dying words to profess her love to them, then was forced to settle for Touta because he was literally the only option left.

    The final disappointment is the fact that I’ll never see Negi harem wreck shit in the demon war. The mere thought of that going on gets me more hyped than UQ holder ever did.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      so I choose to look at the final flow of events in the most positive way possible.

      That’s healthy.

      She used her dying words to profess her love to them, then was forced to settle for Touta because he was literally the only option left.

      That is a good point. I hadn’t thought about it that way, but that works as a positive take.

      The final disappointment is the fact that I’ll never see Negi harem wreck shit in the demon war.

      I hadn’t thought about that. 😅

  14. minopop says:

    I think Touta is actually a better match for Evangeline than Negi or Nagi. Negi or Nagi never really reciprocated their feelings toward Evangeline. Touta has been open about how much he cares about Evangeline for a long time. It’s kind of hard to see Negi being with any of the girls he never showed that much interest romantically. and since Touta is technically Evangeline’s first true love this was kind of touching.

    the whole deal w/ Evangeline being a motherly figure for Touta. I mean, yea; Touta even admitted so. that being said, as the readers we know Evangeline has been aware of how unique their relationship actually is and when she did live with Touta for a couple of years I don’t think she ever intended for their relationship to become romantic again and she actually instigated and spurred Touta on to create his own harem of girls like Negi. in order for the Touta Evangeline relationship to work Touta had to grow up and discover himself, and he did.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Nagi (supposedly) had a wife back in the day. After that, he was part of Ialda. As to Negi, I think that would have come over time. As to Touta, Eva was his adoptive mom, which is what I object to. And there’s no way around that. Had she never been there as a mom, in the way Sesshoumaru wasn’t there for Rin as a father, then I probably wouldn’t object.

  15. Magine says:

    Well, the villain (Ialda) barely appears that can be understood because it represents that she is the end, but she did not even have a past, she came out of nowhere just because, (the cookies of the age were on offer then someone ran out of them and it was transformed into Ialda) but it does not end here, then they put it as Flashback in the other Happy Ending, okay, this was a quick fight to put that happened in Negima, since it had a not very suitable ending, but again the same thing, Chao comes out of nowhere by the call of Touta (I liked to see Chao even if it was three seconds) as if she was a Pokemon ‘Chao I choose you’ freezes time, they defeat Ialda, Ialda is divided into hundreds of souls (or so I understood) and done! She didn’t even have a few words before saying goodbye… (Well yes, it merged with Evangeline as a memory, because of the rest I didn’t understand too much)

    Chachazero… I had some hope that she would come back… It wasn’t like that, a lot of centuries next to Evangeline, but hey, nothing happens, we left she as a DVD player and so you can show what happened in the other timeline and that’s it, you don’t need more…

    Kamo? Hello? There was an ermine, wasn’t there? He must have had a trip to Jupiter supposedly because he didn’t appear anymore…

    Mana? She must have been happy at school.

    Sayo? We left her in Mahora for ever and ever as a guardian, or not, because after so many years to know where she is…

    Chachamaru? It is not known, it represents that he was with Negi on the wonderful planet of Shinobu and stopped working because no one updated it and UQ did not bother…

    Shinobu? Damn it, as no one bothered to look for her and Touta assumed that she was gone, I thought she had not survived, and her dream of racing? It must have been forgotten like Touta’s to be a singer at the beginning of the manga…

    Mizore? Poor Mizore, what an end it was put on, who knows why that happened to her, the network of Ba’al perhaps?…

    Asuna? What to say about Asuna, this part I did not understand well, she appeared facing Touta, but he overcame her, then she appeared again to help, then, years later she merged with another Asuna, she had a son with Negi who was supposed to be immortal, but if he died it is not, apart, Negi had other children with Chisame, Nodoka and Yue, (Rakan had no right to follow with them just like Nagi and Albireo, so they went with Kamo to Jupiter)

    Fate? The same thing must have happened to him as to Negi or to know…

    Makabe? He has already fulfilled and returned home, mission accomplished.

    Well, Nikitis was not seen fighting barely, he will never have his moment, in the end Kirie died for losing her immortality… 12000 years passed as if there had been no time jumps, and humanity was reduced to almost nothing turning the planet into a kind of… Jungle? And about Dynamis and the rest fighting with Touta, in the demonic world, Mars, Venus and the war of interplanetary space, without comments, in short, I will not hate the manga, I have been reading it for years despite so many things that were not explained and that ending, I do not know if the next manga will be new or it will be Toruto.

    And finally, the pactios I don’t know what they were made for (It is curious that in all Negima and UQ Holder, Evangeline never had a pactio even though there were several of her)

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Yeah, Chao was just used for a desu ex machina moment, and then gone.

      While I was happy Chachazero returned briefly, I was sad that she was discarded again. Chamo as well. But yeah, a lot of characters got dropped over time or where dealt with poorly.

      As to the pactio system, I think it was added just to try to garner some revenue for UQ Holder. Otherwise, the pactio cards weren’t really used.

  16. Rob C. says:

    Well, this train wreck has finally crashed into the station.

    It was good series, but i think it wasn’t working since Akamatsu-sense lost touch with it since it was so complex and he had his health issues he was dealing which I suspect was part of the problem. He was very focus on providing a story, but it was foundering he seem not understand what he was doing was making it worse. Skipping moments is the big thing as well changing course of events of the story too many times.

    Chaos thing is she comes from completely different timeline that of Touta, Negi, or the original crew from “happy ending” timeline where Negi story came from. Her timeline was the “original” path timeline was going. It got changed, but i suspect it wasn’t and she wasn’t able go back to it once the past no longer connected to it. However, Akamatsu-sense does what he wants and timeline jumping seems to be fairly easy. I do suspect Negi’s artifact is the only method of calling Chaos back to Touta’s version alternate timeline.

    There was too many things left out. I feel the same, this was continuation of “rush to the ending”. Too many suggests of adventures happening in the background which would have been VERY COOL to read. Yet it was left to pandering fan service try dump up readership.

    Anycase, as I said before thanks again for your diligence & dedication to covering all things Negi, Astronerdboy.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      There was too many things left out. I feel the same, this was continuation of “rush to the ending”. Too many suggests of adventures happening in the background which would have been VERY COOL to read. Yet it was left to pandering fan service try dump up readership.

      I agree.

      Anycase, as I said before thanks again for your diligence & dedication to covering all things Negi, Astronerdboy.

      You are very welcome!

  17. First of all, thank you so much for your amazing work!! I discovered UQ Holder a few years ago and since I saw Kuromaru I decided to give it a try. Anime was really good, at least I liked it a lot, I watched it whole in just one week so I started the manga. I wanted to read other fans thoughts and discovered your blog. I read almost all your entries of UQ Holder, it was like having a friend reading it with me. Even when at the final chapters this manga was not for me anymore, I still liked to read your thoughts about the chapters. Kuromaru is still best girl/boy and love her a lot,so it wasn’t a waste of time for me reading UQ Holder, it gave me great moments and I truly enjoyed it 🙂

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Thanks for writing and for coming by. If I can find the time, I want to reread the entire series.

  18. Gamen says:

    And now I’ve finally worked up the motivation to read the last four chapters. 189-191 were almost unreadable, but I guess it’s been half a year since 188 so I shouldn’t be surprised all the nonsense asspulls didn’t hold up with even the insignificant monthly momentum lost…
    I liked 192 though. It’s an ending, and it’s closure…. And to some degree I wish most of 175 through 191 could have been skipped over to get to it sooner. Especially the final battle.

  19. Aki says:

    Can I assume that Negi married and had kids with Asuna, Chisame, Nodoka and Yue while Setsuna and Nodoka be together?

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Well, Sensei kept everything vague on purpose, no doubt to allow folks to make up whatever they wanted on pairings.

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