ホワイトアルバム Episode 26 (final episode) White Album Ep. 26 review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Rina finds her voice after hearing Touya chastise himself by telling him both she and Yuki love him. At the Venus festival, Yuki hesitates on stage before playing Rina’s song and is joined by Rina to make it a duet. They sing another
Archive for the ‘Anime’ Category

White Album – 25 (Of Resolutions and the Goddess)

ホワイトアルバム Episode 25 White Album Ep. 25 review White Album – 25 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Rina recovers from the poisoning attempt but she finds herself left without a voice and having to encourage Yuki to continue on with the Venus Festival preparations. Yayoi breaks off her relationship with Touya but tells him that Yuki needs him.

White Album – 24 (World’s Crumble)

ホワイトアルバム Episode 24 White Album Ep. 24 review White Album – 24 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: As the Menou scandal breaks in numerous magazines, Tamaru is furious at having had his exclusive cut from under him and he threatens Misaki, who’s no longer afraid. Further scandal erupts as Ogata is accused of tax evasion and the police

FUNimation’s 2010 Roll-out Riot: Day 5 — Two More New Anime Titles

FUNimation’s 2010 Roll-out Riot: Day 5 — Two More New Anime Titles FUNimation ends its Roll-out Riot week by licensing two titles I’d actually heard of — Axis Powers Hetalia and The Sacred Blacksmith (aka: Seiken no Blacksmith). For Sacred Blacksmith, I came to know the series because of this humorous image. I love Chiaki

Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari – 09

Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari OVA Ep. 09 Review 異世界の聖機師物語 OAV Episode 09 (Pay-per-view version) Tenchi Muyo! War on Geminar – 09 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: With the evacuation of Seichi complete, Babalun has what he wants — Gaia’s Shield. Dagmyer sets a trap for the Swan and has Emera make contact with Chiaia with a communication link

FUNimation’s 2010 Roll-out Riot: Day 4 — Two New Anime Titles

FUNimation’s 2010 Roll-out Riot: Day 4 — Two New Anime Titles FUNimation scores two anime titles I’d never heard of — the TV series Jyushin Enbu Hero Tales and Master of Martial Hearts (aka: Zettai Shougeki ~Platonic Heart~), a five-episode ecchi OVA series. Jyushin Enbu looks like a typical shounen action series and since the

FUNimation’s 2010 Roll-out Riot: Day 3 — A License Rescue

FUNimation’s 2010 Roll-out Riot: Day 3 — A License Rescue With day three, FUNimation returns to anime and a license rescue, this time of the six-episode wacky OVA series FLCL, aka: Fooly Cooly. I remember watching this back when it appeared on Cartoon Network (one of the last dubs I’d watch). This was one insane

White Album – 23 (Sex, Stories, and Accidents)

ホワイトアルバム Episode 23 White Album Ep. 23 review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Yuki gets into the Venus festival but has a lot on her mind as Ogata prepares her. Rina gives Touya time off as she goes to help Menou finish her album. Touya and Misaki have a talk where she reveals she’s going to break up