My Spring 2012 Anime List and the 2012 Aniblog Tourney Hey folks! Shockingly, there are several anime titles I’d like to watch this spring, meaning I’m going to have to be more disciplined than I usually am (easier said than done). Plus, I’m in the 2012 Aniblog Tourney. First, to the anime. Ozuma: This was
Posts Tagged ‘AniBlog Tournament’

ANB Enters Round 2 of the Aniblog Tournament — aka: Drama Part 2

So, the blog enters the 2nd round of the Aniblog tournament with me up against Mistakes of Youth. The other card has Drastic My Anime Blog up against GAR GAR Stegosaurus so be sure to vote in both if you are of a mind to do so. ^_^ For this post, I hadn’t planned on

AstroNerdBoy Enters the AniBlog Tournament Ring

You know, I sorta feel like watching Yu Yu Hakusho as I write this. *lol* I may have to pull it off the shelf and write a “Back to the Vaults” piece on it. Anyway, for those visiting the blog for the first time thanks to the AniBlog Tournament, welcome. ^_^ I am AstroNerdBoy. I’ve

AniBlog Tournament!

Whoa! I just found out that this here blog has been placed into the AniBlog Tournament, voting for which is ongoing now. My blog comes up for a vote on April 28th. Amazingly, I start in 47th place. Landing in the top-50 considering the bigger and older blogs out there is quite an honor as