“Yu Yu Hakusho” 30th Anniversary Blu-Ray Box Delayed! Hey gang! Crunchyroll has apparently pulled the Yu Yu Hakusho 30th Anniversary Blu-ray box set. Pre-order sales are no longer accepted by various online stores. For those who already made a pre-order, the shipping date is now unknown. Check the video I made below. I
Posts Tagged ‘Yu Yu Hakusho’

“Yu Yu Hakusho” 30th Anniversary Blu-Ray Box Set!

“Yu Yu Hakusho” 30th Anniversary Blu-Ray Box Set! Hey gang! Crunchyroll is going to release a new blu-ray box set for the 30th anniversary of Yu Yu Hakusho. Here’s a video I made with the details. As someone with a fondness for Yu Yu Hakusho, combined with the fact that my original DVD

Three Best Anime from My History for New Anime Fans #わたしのアニメ歴3選

Three Best Anime from My History for New Anime Fans I’m so busy of late, it has really been hard to watch anime. 😥 But I do sometimes become aware of things on Twitter than I find of interest. (You can follow me on Twitter if you want more of my babble–https://twitter.com/AstroNerdBoy.) This time, the

AstroNerdBoy Enters the AniBlog Tournament Ring

You know, I sorta feel like watching Yu Yu Hakusho as I write this. *lol* I may have to pull it off the shelf and write a “Back to the Vaults” piece on it. Anyway, for those visiting the blog for the first time thanks to the AniBlog Tournament, welcome. ^_^ I am AstroNerdBoy. I’ve