Ten Years Since “Clannad After Story” Ended Sometimes, an anime series makes such an impact on me, it is impossible to forget. So even though I will never watch Clannad nor Clannad After Story again, that doesn’t mean the combined series isn’t an incredible one. Its hard to believe that ten years ago, Clannad After
Posts Tagged ‘Clannad’

Some Clannad Maids (Because I Can)

Some Clannad Maids (Because I Can) You know, I think I need some maids around the house to not only do the household chores and such, but to buy me time that I need to get more things done that I want to get done, such as blogging. *lol* So, with no Negima! spoilers (again)

Angel Beats! — Key References in Episode 10

I’m sure some of you may have caught these, but our Japanese cousins posted an image showing that three of Yui’s stuffed animals came from previous Key productions (two from “Ari“and one from Clannad). What? You’ve never heard of “Ari?” Come on! *LOL* Yes, the poster of the first image took some abuse for misspelling

Thanks For a Stellar Month! (Oh, and some “Clannad” Love too.)

Thanks For a Stellar Month! (Oh, and some “Clannad” Love too.) Egad! Last month proved to be an Earth-shattering record breaker for the blog, and surprisingly my controversial anti-government rant wasn’t the chief cause of it. *lol* What makes the numbers for last month even more impressive is the stat server was down for over

Clannad After Story – Another World: Kyou Chapter

クラナド アフターストーリー もうひとつの世界 杏編 Clannad ~After Story~ “Episode 25” (OVA) Clannad After Story – Another World: Kyou Chapter SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: As a depressed Kyou sits alone in a classroom, Ryou makes a confession to Tomoya and he accepts. Thus, Ryou and Tomoya begin dating. One day, Tomoya sees Kyou in town looking depressed. She puts

Some Devastatingly Cute Ushio-chan Pictures from Clannad After Story (at least, I think so)

Not that I’m trying to turn into an image blog or anything, but I happened to stumble onto these pictures of Ushio-chan from Clannad After Story and I was just going, “Oh man! Is she just the cutest anime kid I’ve ever seen or what?” *lol* Finally, here’s the Japanese DVD cover with Ushio-chan on

(Clannad) Nagisa Love!

(Clannad) Nagisa Love! Nagisa is such good stuff, I couldn’t resist sharing some wallpapers of her. Not sure where I found all these since I just absently save images I like. As such, I’m sure that some or all of these may be old hat to you, but just maybe, there were some new ones

Clannad After Story — Final Thoughts

Clannad ~After Story~ After having enjoyed Clannad so much, it is no surprise that I would be looking forward to the sequel, Clannad ~After Story~. Fortunately, it pretty much lived up to the Key standards for these visual novel adaptations by Kyoto Animation. The story picks up where Clannad leaves off and follows the same