Once upon a time, there was an infamous Japanese production company named Toei who decided to create an anime adaptation of the manga known as One Piece. They created a very popular anime title which now has 317 episodes as of this posting and rising. As was bound to happen, fansub groups in the U.S.
Posts Tagged ‘FUNimation’
FUNimation “Slayers” — CPM With a FUNi Logo
FUNimation “Slayers” — CPM With a FUNi Logo As I write this blog entry, I do so feeling very depressed. I am a fan of the Slayers TV series and own the Central Park Media (CPM) DVD releases for those series. I never watched the dub version (because by then, I quit watching dubs for
First Look: Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE DVD Vol. 1
Thanks to the folks at FUNimation for sending me an advanced copy of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, Vol. 1!. ^_^ Content wise, the first DVD contains episodes 1-5 of the series. So this gets us to the first world of the Hanshin Republic. The subtitles do contain the Japanese honorifics as expected. Those wondering if “hime”