What Manga Do You Regret Reading? From time to time, I get asked really good questions that make me think. In some Twitch stream I had a couple of years ago (or so), someone in the chat asked me if there was an anime or manga I regretted reading. At the time, I couldn’t really
Posts Tagged ‘Genshiken Nidaime’

Genshiken Nidaime Chapter 127 Manga Review (Finale – Farewell)

げんしけん: 二代目Chapter 127 Manga Review Genshiken Nidaime chapter 127 Manga Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Kuchiki is not happy that the Genshiken group didn’t dress up for his graduation as they had done for Sasahara’s. However, he is happy they all showed up. He is gleeful that Madarame’s harem situation ended with no one for Madarame. Kuchiki

Genshiken Nidaime Chapter 126 Manga Review (Penultimate Chapter)

げんしけん: 二代目Chapter 126 Manga Review Genshiken Nidaime chapter 126 Manga Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Sasahara calls Ogiue regarding Madarame getting to talk to Sue, but since he’s not doing a good job, Saki takes the phone. Saki explains that they are going to have Madarame confess to Sue and that Saki will take the blame for

Genshiken Nidaime Chapter 125 Manga Review (Advice from the normal girl.)

げんしけん: 二代目Chapter 125 Manga Review Genshiken Nidaime chapter 125 Manga Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Madarame joins Tanaka and Kugayama at a small restaurant. He reveals he’ll be moving nearby soon. Tanaka and Kugayama tease Madarame about finally graduating and not picking a girl. This leads to Kugayama revealing that he’s been returning to the cabaret club

Genshiken Nidaime Chapter 124 Manga Review (One year of story time.)

げんしけん: 二代目Chapter 124 Manga Review Genshiken Nidaime chapter 124 Manga Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Risa comes with Rika to the Genshiken club room, now an official student at the Shiou University. When Hato shows up, Risa hits on him, giving him a pair of short shorts to wear. After Risa departs, Rika suggests that she, Hato,

Genshiken Nidaime Chapter 123 Manga Review (A shameless return to the antics of old.)

げんしけん: 二代目Chapter 123 Manga Review Genshiken Nidaime chapter 123 Manga Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Genshiken members Yajima, Rika, Sue, Ogiue, and Ohno are in the club room discussing doujinshi, which causes Ohno to reflect on how things have returned to normal. Hato shows up, having changed into women’s clothing. Having decided to explore what it means

Genshiken Nidaime Chapter 122 Manga Review (The end of the harem.)

げんしけん: 二代目Chapter 122 Manga Review Genshiken Nidaime chapter 122 Manga Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: At Yajima’s home that evening, Madarame makes his decision and decides he’s not going to date any of the members of the harem. Rika is angry by this, especially after all this work that was put into setting up Madarame with someone.

Genshiken Nidaime Chapter 121 Manga Review (Unable to make a harem choice.)

げんしけん: 二代目Chapter 121 Manga Review Genshiken Nidaime chapter 121 Manga Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Rika announces that after they get back to Yajima’s house and have a few drinks, Madarame will reveal whom he chooses. On the train ride back, Madarame sits alone, looking panicked. Rika is not happy with this because they are going to