Honey and Clover Manga Volume 3 –> PURCHASE FROM RAKUTEN.COM (formerly BUY.COM) –> PURCHASE FROM BARNES & NOBLE –> PURCHASE FROM RIGHTSTUF! I’d been forced to stop buying the Honey and Clover manga due to financial reasons in 2008 and though I’d been back in financial means since 2009, I’d been reluctant to restart this
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Honey and Clover Manga Volume 2

Honey and Clover Manga Volume 2 –> Buy Honey and Clover, Manga Vol. 2 from Amazon.com! Summary: In the 10th chapter, Takemoto returns home to find his mother is ill. His step-father Kazuo takes him to a batting cage where Takemoto comes to understand him more before seeing his mother. Chapter 11 has Hanamoto-sensei being
Honey and Clover (Live Action) 11 (finale)

ハチミツとクローバー (Live Action Dorama) Ep. 11 (finale) SPOILER Summary: Morita takes Hagu-chan to a rooftop, where she thanks him for getting her away from the hospital for a time. He tells her his feelings for her before they return to teh hospital, where Hanamoto-sensei and Takemoto had been looking for Hagu-chan. Hanamoto-sensei is not happy
Honey and Clover (Live Action) 10

ハチミツとクローバー (Live Action Dorama) Ep. 10SPOILER Summary: Hagu-chan has an operation on her hand, which was severely injured in the previous episode. Hanamoto-sensei sends Morita, Ayumi, and Takemoto home, where Takemoto resumes work on his graduation project. The next morning, Takemoto gets a call and returns to the hospital, where Hagu-chan wakes up and remembers
Honey and Clover (Live Action) 09

ハチミツとクローバー (Live Action Dorama) Ep. 09 SPOILER Summary: As Takemoto continues his journey north, Ayumi and Morita have a conversation about her wanting to stop liking Mayama and his suddenly getting out of painting. The female sensei who’s been pressuring Hagu-chan talks with Hanamoto-sensei about her and her work, which he encourages her to view
Honey and Clover (Live Action) 08

ハチミツとクローバー (Live Action Dorama) Ep. 08 SPOILER Summary: Ayumi finds herself in the lobby of a nice hotel in Yokohama as Nomiya checks them into a room. When he returns, she suggests they return to Tokyo, but he’s not going to have any of that. He remarks on the comforts of a one-sided relationship before
Honey and Clover Manga Volume 1

Honey and Clover, Vol. 1 Summary: 4th-year art college student Mayama and 2nd-year student Takemoto as well as other guys live in an old converted apartment building that they use as a dorm. Also with them is Morita, who’s a 6th-year student who disappears for days and weeks at a time, only to return dead
Honey and Clover (Live Action) 07

ハチミツとクローバー (Live Action Dorama) Ep. 07 SPOILER Summary: Takemoto has decided that he’ll worry about a job after graduation, which Mayama doesn’t think is such a good idea. After Morita tries on one of Takemoto’s suits, Morita and Mayama put a bunch of slips with jobs into a box for him to draw one out.