No Negima! 296 Spoilers This Week Just a friendly reminder that Negima! is on a break this week, thus no spoiler images for chapter 296 this week. Instead, we bring you the mysterious Zazie, and a couple of cute images to boot. Now, to wait for the next chapter and the spoilers…whenever they might
Posts Tagged ‘Negima Images’

Negima! — The Latest Negi Pactio Moment Collage

OK, so it is no Negima! chapter 291 spoilers, but since our Japanese cousins are sharing (and speculating to boot) the latest collage of Negi’s pactio moments, I’m going to share alike. ^_^ Heh! I wish I knew which of our Japanese cousins to thank for this as they continue to update it with each

Remember, No Negima! 288 This Week!

Since Negima! is on hiatus for two weeks, there are no spoiler images for chapter 288. So I figured I’d do my normal reminder posting with image to go along. First, thanks to AsunaH for sending me to this color-trace work by LBC. Since Nodoka and Yue finally reunited, I thought I’d toss in a

‘Tain’t no Negima! 284 spoilers today, y’all

‘Tain’t no Negima! 284 spoilers today, y’all Unless something VERY strange happens (and anything is possible), there will be no Negima! chapter 284 spoilers today since the manga is on a break. So instead, how about a promo image from the “Another World” OAD (魔法先生ネギま!~もうひとつの世界~)? I’ll try to get the previous chapter review up later

No Negima! 280 This Week

No Negima! 280 This Week Just to remind you guys, Negima! is on a break this week so chapter 280 won’t be around. In honor of Jack’s passage, I found an image on my HD from some collector who shared their Jack Rakan pactio card (and forgive me for not knowing who’s bought this card

"Negima!" Manga For Sale Again at Sasuga Bookstore!

Hey everyone. As you guys know, I’m a big fan of Akamatsu-sensei’s shounen manga Negima! Not only do I purchase the official English adaptations from Del Rey, but I also pick up the original Japanese tankoubons when I have a bit of extra money. To date, I’ve always purchased these from Sasuga Japanese Bookstore (I

What About Negima! Chapter 276?

Considering the traffic to the blog on this subject, I just wanted to put out a reminder that Negima! chapter 276 won’t officially be released until January 20, 2010. ^_^; So there’s still nearly two weeks before the manga goes on sale in Japan, but I’ll try to keep an eye open for the spoiler

Negima!: Negi and Asuna’s Family Chart Speculation

Negima!: Negi and Asuna’s Family Chart Speculation A Japanese fan posted this images on 2ch to show the speculated family charts of both Negi and Asuna. It is only speculation but it is interesting enough that I thought I’d share with you guys..