Posts Tagged ‘Spy x Family Anime’

Spy×Family 30

Spy×Family 30 (Time for a Cruise! #SPY_FAMILY)

Spy×Family 30 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis The boss of the Garden organization summons Yor as he works in a literal flower garden. After testing Yor’s reflexes, the Shopkeeper gives Yor a new assignment as a bodyguard to a widowed mafia boss. The Shopkeeper apparently owes a lot to the deceased mafia boss. He wants to protect the

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Spy×Family 29

Spy×Family 29 (Magic Macarons & Evil Cats #SPY_FAMILY)

Spy×Family 29 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis While in the cafeteria, Becky informs Anya that if Anya does poorly in the upcoming tests, Anya could be sent to a different class with students who underperform. They overhear two students talk about a legendary chef making an infamous dessert called the Pastry of Knowledge. It can apparently make the

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Spy×Family 28

Spy×Family 28 (State Security Service! #SPY_FAMILY)

Spy×Family 28 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis A sting operation by the State Security Service leads to Yuri arresting the suspect as he flees. For his next mission, the SSS assign Yuri to a stakeout of a former journalist Franklin Perkin. They believe he is writing articles for Westalis that portray Ostania in a negative light. Franklin now

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Spy×Family 27 (Tales of Bond and Damian #SPY_FAMILY)

Spy×Family 27 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis The dog Bond has a premonition-imagination that the power will go out and Yor will turn him over to the scientist who originally worked on him, where he will die. In reality, Yor apologizes for not having dog food, but decides to make something for him. Bond imagines this to be

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Spy×Family 26

Spy×Family 26 (Shot in the Butt! #SPY_FAMILY)

Spy×Family 26 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis Yor reports in from an assassination mission, only to have one of the injured goons shoot her in the butt. As such, she comes home in great pain, but can’t reveal her injury. Twilight (Loid) assumes Yor is unhappy and decides to ask her on a date. Yor agrees for the

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Spy×Family Season 1 Part 1 Blu-ray Release Date

Spy×Family Season 1 Part 1 Blu-ray Release Date Hey gang. Spy×Family is finally coming to blu-ray, but right now, only part one. (Buy from!) The second part will come whenever, I suppose. I talk about this in the video below, including thoughts on whether the terrible Crunchyroll will quietly make this a limited release.

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Spy×Family S2 and Movie

Spy×Family Second Season and Movie (#SPY_FAMILY)

Spy×Family Second Season and Movie This news was announced last week, but we are getting a second season of Spy×Family, and a movie called Spy×Family: Code White. Here are my thoughts. So what are your thoughts? Let me know in the comments. I just received volume 9 of the manga, so I’m going to try

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Spy×Family 06

Spy×Family Season 1 Review (#SPY_FAMILY)

Spy×Family Season 1 Review Note: When I wrote this, I didn’t know that the announced new cour of the series would still be considered part of Season 1. As such, I’m rewriting my original post to reflect the additional episodes. When the first promo images for Spy×Family hit my Twitter feed, I thought it might

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