Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 73 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 73 トニカクカワイイ 73 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: Nasa reads a manga with the trope setting depicting a girl and boy getting into a bath together. However, since he is married to Tsukasa, he believes that the normal rules for romantic comedies do not apply. However, he
Posts Tagged ‘Tonikaku Kawaii’

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 72 (Honeymoon continues…)

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 72 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 72 トニカクカワイイ 72 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: Nasa reads a manga with a cliched onsen scene between a high school boy and girl who happen to end up in the same bath. Since he’s married to Tsukasa, he figures there’s no problem taking a bath with

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 71 (A New Troll Appears!)

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 71 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 71 トニカクカワイイ 71 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: Tsukasa introduces the old woman Nasa had been talking to as TSUKUYOMI Tokiko. Tokiko was the one who signed the marriage form. Tokiko introduces herself as Chitose’s grandmother. She teases Nasa, which irritates Tsukasa. Tokiko then proceeds to tweak

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 70 (Honeymoon Crasher)

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 70 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 70 トニカクカワイイ 70 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: Tsukasa and Nasa go into the separate public baths. Tsukasa wonders why Nasa is so calm about everything. Nasa is nervous, but his nervousness broke the needle, thus making him calm. He uses some of his bath time to

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 69 (Honeymoon)

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 69 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 69 トニカクカワイイ 69 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: Arisugawa-san (Arisagawa-san?) comes home from her overseas trip. Kaname is quite sarcastic to her mother due to her lengthy absence. Arisugawa-san gives Kaname tickets for her and Aya to go to an onsen. Kaname gives the tickets to Nasa

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 68 (Public Displays of Affection)

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 68 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 68 トニカクカワイイ 68 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: Tsukasa and Nasa take an evening stroll past their old apartment, which is a month from being completed. As they continue to walk, Nasa sniffs the scent coming from Tsukasa’s hair. She catches him, then offers to allow him

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 67 (Kissing Game)

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 67 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 67 トニカクカワイイ 67 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: Kaname ambushes Nasa after he gets out of the bath. She wants to know how often he kisses Tsukasa. He doesn’t want to discuss it, but she probes him hard. She provides him a list of different types of

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 66 (More Massage Stuff)

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 66 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 66 トニカクカワイイ 66 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: Having received a massage from his wife, Nasa decides to return the favor to Tsukasa. She’s reluctant to get one, especially since her body recovers from illness and injury right away. This causes Nasa to pout, so Tsukasa decides