Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 81 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 81 トニカクカワイイ 81 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: Kaname’s tanned friend KAGAMI Kyuuma comes by the bathhouse. Since Kaname isn’t there, Kyuuma wants to put Tsukasa into twintails in the hopes that Tsukasa will better listen to her. Kyuuma is disappointed Tsukasa won’t give in, so she
Posts Tagged ‘Tonikaku Kawaii’

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 80 (Summer Festival)

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 80 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 80 トニカクカワイイ 80 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: Tsukasa wants Nasa to look the other way while she changes into her yukata for the summer festival. Nasa complies and plays with Toast, but since they are married, he feels he should be allowed to look. As such,

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 79 (A Wife’s View)

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 79 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 79 トニカクカワイイ 79 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: Nasa returns the tools he borrowed to Nakiri. While at her shop, he tells her all about the things he’s learned about women via his wife. Meanwhile, Tsukasa learns of a festival. A girl comes in to talk to

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 78 (Marriage and the A/C)

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 78 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 78 トニカクカワイイ 78 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: Nasa and Tsukasa head to bed for the night. After turning off the light, Nasa uses the A/C’s remote to kill it. Tsukasa becomes concerned about this. As such, Nasa sets a timer so that the A/C will shut

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 77 (The Handyman and a New Girl)

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 77 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 77 トニカクカワイイ 77 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: With it being so hot, and the A/C in the guest house being broken, Nasa gets permission from Kaname to buy a new A/C. Kaname warns that it will probably take two weeks to get a new A/C installed.

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 76

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 76 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 76 トニカクカワイイ 76 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: Aya is tired of exams and wants to go to an onsen resort to relax. As such, Kaname suggests using their bathhouse after the customers leave. Kaname has Aya wear a bikini to do some cleaning in the bathhouse.

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 75 (End of the honeymoon trip.)

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 75 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 75 トニカクカワイイ 75 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: Nasa wakes up, remembering his steamy bath interlude with his wife. He vocalizes how cute Tsukasa was, leading her to reveal her presence. After he takes a quick, morning soak, he has a luxurious Japanese breakfast with Tsukasa. During

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 74 (More bath time)

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 74 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 74 トニカクカワイイ 74 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: Nasa and Tsukasa nervously sit together in their private, outdoor bath. Nasa wants to see more of Tsukasa’s loving expressions. Further, he wants to hear her say “I love you.” She eventually gives in, pleasing Nasa. This leads to