On the FUNimation forums, there had been discussions of Chris Sabat at Anime Milwauke talking about how he’d been working on Tsubasa: Tokyo Revelations. A voice actor talking means little to me until there’s an official announcement from the parent company, which FUNimation has gone ahead and confirmed — they have the OAD titles Tsubasa:
Posts Tagged ‘Tsubasa Shunraiki’

xxxHOLiC Shunmuki/Tsubasa Shunraiki OADs — Final Thoughts

When CLAMP kicked off xxxHOLiC and Tsubasa -RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE-, it was always with the idea of the two series crossing over, to say nothing of CLAMP bringing back a whole host of characters from their other different series. While the two TV anime series were divorced from each other, the mangas continued to link more

Tsubasa Shunraiki – 02 (finale)

ツバサ 春雷記 Episode 02 Tsubasa: Spring Thunder – 02 Tsubasa Shunraiki – 02 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Syaoran-clone enters the dream world and seeing Watanuki, he expels the xxxHOLiC character but not before Syaoran urges Watanuki to do what he can as the other part of Syaoran. With Watanuki gone, Syaoran-clone is determined to get the feather

Tsubasa Shunraiki – 01

ツバサ 春雷記 Episode 01 Tsubasa: Spring Thunder – 01 Tsubasa Shunraiki – 01 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Fay uses the last of his magic to help Syaoran and Sakura escape Celes but can’t escape himself. Mokona has Syaoran use the earring to open a connection there. They get Kurogane, who has to sacrifice his arm in order