On the FUNimation forums, there had been discussions of Chris Sabat at Anime Milwauke talking about how he’d been working on Tsubasa: Tokyo Revelations. A voice actor talking means little to me until there’s an official announcement from the parent company, which FUNimation has gone ahead and confirmed — they have the OAD titles Tsubasa:
Posts Tagged ‘Tsubasa Tokyo Revelations’

Tsubasa: Tokyo Revelations OVA 03

Tsubasa -RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE- Tokyo Revelations Ep. 03 ツバサ TOKYO REVELATIONS Episode 03 Tsubasa: Tokyo Revelations OVA 03 SPOILER Summary: Kurogane is about to attack Syaoran when he’s stopped by Yuuko-san, who explains that this Syaoran did not kill Kurogane’s mother and does not know how to get to the man that did. Fai is dying

Tsubasa: Tokyo Revelations OVA 02

Tsubasa: Tokyo Revelations OVA 02 Tsubasa -RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE- Tokyo Revelations Ep. 02 ツバサ TOKYO REVELATIONS Episode 02 SPOILER Summary: As Sakura hears the voice telling her to awaken, the other Syaoran arrives at Yuuko-san’s place to make a wish to be sent to where his other eye is. Yuuko-san hears the message about ending the

Tsubasa: Tokyo Revelations OVA 01

Tsubasa -RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE- Tokyo Revelations Ep. 01 ツバサ TOKYO REVELATIONS Episode 01 SPOILER Summary: Syaoran and company have just fled the library on the Record World and arrived at a ruined large city. As Sakura sleeps (caught in a dream), it starts to rain, and the rain is acidic in content, forcing the group to