Here is a SPOILER image for the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 59, courtesy of Manga Kansou. (My review of UQ Holder chapter 59 should come out Wednesday.) UQ HOLDER CHAPTER 59 SPOILERS The UQ Holder chapter 59 goodness begins.^_^ So, we do get to see Santa battling still, which I believe is to get him
Posts Tagged ‘UQ Holder images’
UQ Holder Chapter 59 SPOILER Info and Images! (Update #1 — More info!)
UQ Holder Chapter 58 SPOILER Info
Here is a SPOILER rumor for the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 58, courtesy of 2ch. (My review of UQ Holder chapter 58 should come out Wednesday.) UQ HOLDER CHAPTER 58 SPOILERS The UQ Holder chapter 58 goodness begins.^_^ As provided by the most excellent ChaosProphet: 小夜子の呪文は三太には通じない、ひるみつつも三太は小夜子を捕まえる だが、もはや幾重もの悪霊に身をゆだねた小夜子は三太を突き放し襲いかかる 再び小夜子を助けようとする三太を、ゾンビ化した九郎丸が阻むが 三太が滅されそうな寸前、チンピラ学生の箒で飛んできた刀太が割って入る Sayoko’s spell don’t go through Santa
UQ Holder Chapter 57 SPOILER Info
Here is a SPOILER image for the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 57, courtesy of 2ch. (My review of UQ Holder chapter 57 should come out Wednesday.) UQ HOLDER CHAPTER 57 SPOILERS The UQ Holder chapter 57 goodness begins.^_^ As provided by the most excellent ChaosProphet: 戦闘激化 念力でバス5台と豪華客船を橋前後のバリケードにした三太は 治安部隊と別れ小夜子を追う 一方、57分経過した刀太の元に地下から自力脱出した夏凜が合流 九郎丸たちゾンビの気配は上空3000mから感じられるという 一足先に小夜子を見つけた三太を上空から強力な魔法ビームが襲う Santa uses his telekinesis
UQ Holder Chapter 56 SPOILER Info and Image! (Update #1)
Here is a SPOILER image for the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 56, courtesy of Manga Kansou. (My review of UQ Holder chapter 56 should come out Wednesday.) UQ HOLDER CHAPTER 56 SPOILERS The UQ Holder chapter 56 goodness begins.^_^ Kind of a big image in size (but still small in terms of what it is
UQ Holder Chapter 54 SPOILER Info and Images!
Here is a SPOILER image for the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 54, courtesy of Manga Kansou. (My review of UQ Holder chapter 54 should come out Wednesday.) UQ HOLDER CHAPTER 54 SPOILERS The UQ Holder chapter 54 goodness begins.^_^ Whoa! That’s an unexpected turn. Hopefully, ChaosProphet will have something soon. Looks like Sayoko is a
UQ Holder Chapter 53 SPOILER Rumors (Update #1: SPOILER image added!)
Here is a bit of potential SPOILER rumor for the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 53, courtesy of ChaosProphet via 2CH. No images or greater details anywhere yet. I’ll keep my eyes open for such, and should ANY of you have information you can verify, especially with a spoiler image, I would appreciate sharing it here.
UQ Holder Chapter 52 SPOILER Rumors
Here is a bit of potential SPOILER rumor for the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 52, courtesy of ChaosProphet via 2CH. No images or greater details anywhere yet. I’ll keep my eyes open for such, and should ANY of you have information you can verify, especially with a spoiler image, I would appreciate sharing it here.
UQ Holder Chapter 51 SPOILER Rumors (Update #1: Now with an image.)
Here is a bit of potential SPOILER rumor for the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 51, courtesy of ChaosProphet via 2CH. No images or greater details anywhere yet. I’ll keep my eyes open for such, and should ANY of you have information you can verify, especially with a spoiler image, I would appreciate sharing it here.