Macross Delta 21 Review (Flashback, so buy the music CD!)

Macross Delta 21
Macross Δ 21
マクロスΔ 21

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

Macross Delta 21At Keith’s request, Heinz starts singing, targeting Planet Al Shahal and initially tuning causing them to network before most of them go unconscious when Heinz goes the same. Keith confronts Roid about Heinz medical condition. Ernest has a meeting with Delta Squad and Freyja over this event. Elsewhere in prison, Kaname, Makina and Reina discuss how Walküre was formed and their roles there, and how they became successful. They discuss Mikumo’s inclusion in the group. Mikumo shows up and the other three are freed. Mikumo tells them that she is a clone created to combat Var Syndrome. Whether human or clone, Mikumo wants to sing. On Windermere, Roid makes a discovery about the Star Singer.


Time for flashbacks to buy more music CDs.

Macross Delta 21

The flashback stuff on Walküre was kind of interesting, but highly disjointed. However, it makes sense that Kaname was hired by Chaos to manage the group and liaison with the military due to her having been exposed to combat (as a non-combatant).

Macross Delta 21

I didn’t understand why an idol group would have a hacker in it. However, now I know why Reina had previously been imprisoned. She was a hacker, then got hired by Chaos, then was found to be someone with fold receptors and thus became an idol. I’ll buy it.

Macross Delta 21

Ditto Makina. Why is a mechanic an idol? Now we know as she too was drafted. I did like that it was Makina to decided that Walküre should wear different costumes.

Macross Delta 21

Interesting that there were two singers in Walküre before Mikumo and Freyja — Lily and Claire. Lily didn’t last long and I’m guessing Claire started suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder. They didn’t go into that much, which is unfortunate.

Macross Delta 21

Still, this episode highlighted the stupidity of using magical idol girls in combat situations with little to no means of defending themselves.

Macross Delta 21

Mikumo’s arrival and her song were completely melodramatic. I know the effect it is supposed to have on me, but it ended up having the opposite effect. I just rolled my eyes and muted the sound for a while. Hurray for subtitles.

Macross Delta 21

I believe one of the blog readers called that Mikumo would be a clone. (I apologize for not remembering who and not having the time to go look.) We don’t know whom she is cloned from. I theorize that she will be cloned from Lady M, whom I’m also theorizing is LINN Minmei.

Macross Delta 21

Anyway, if they put in some kind of Protoculture stuff into the clone, that would be interesting.

Macross Delta 21

But what is the Star Singer that Roid uncovered? The image reminded me a bit of Mikumo.

Macross Delta 21

Speaking of that scumbag Roid, it didn’t surprise me to learn that he killed the former king of Windermere. He’s killing Heinz with his stupidity. Just what the heck is his game?

Macross Delta 21

Also, why does he have 100 pairs of glasses? Is he opening some kind of shop that sells glasses?
Macross Delta 21

Finally, Mikumo was in a liquid filled container in the previous episode. Now, she’s free and waltzes into the prison wing of whatever ship. Then suddenly Kaname, Makina and Reina are free. Glad I don’t need explanations for that the heck just happened. Did Mikumo bust them out of jail? Did Lady M allow them to be released? What?

Macross Delta 21

In the end, Macross Delta 21 has some interesting stuff, but is still mostly just a music CD advertisement.

Macross Delta 21

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8 Responses to “Macross Delta 21 Review (Flashback, so buy the music CD!)”

  1. Rob C. says:

    I’ll take the hit, i called it as she was Clone. I was shocked see i was right, but the show is sort following pattern. Another episode of development/plot building to build drama from after watching it. I think it’s the bigger story, the Protoculture technology is apparently leading Windemeres to this destiny. They started connecting humanities (their all related, thus clone races of the Protoculture species), just like vajra from Frontier. I think this HUGELY bad idea, considering someone bad (say the Merchant fellows who have been working and collecting information from both sides of the conflict…) could take over humanity and enslave it. BIG bad news, thus the drama ramped up.

    I believe that we may end up having a tragic ending, with Mikumo at the front line who it could it be. The preview clips, including Hayato and Mikumo talking one another casually kinda also suggest she maybe lining up for the last pass.

    I think most of all, the short lived Windemering maybe more than they seem as species.
    At the end, Roid is tapped by energies of the Protoculture singing chamber, causing him to think Rudanjal Rom Mayan. Which i found in the Macross Compendium (thanks guys for putting up) that it is says it ancient words of Windemere, “In the name of the true king”.

    [spoiler]I have strong feeling that Keith will end up being the King by the time this whole conflict is over. The kid brother doesn’t look like he going survive much longer.[/spoiler]

    The Episode was surprisingly without our main male hero, which was of a bit refreshing.
    Nice finally getting semi-realistic background for the music group coming together.
    I wish to gaud they never went with this animation style for the mecha. It still looks terrible. Character and background animation still remains better. :/

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I’ll take the hit, i called it as she was Clone. I was shocked see i was right, but the show is sort following pattern.

      Hat’s off to you. ^_^

      I believe that we may end up having a tragic ending, with Mikumo at the front line who it could it be.

      I agree that someone else will likely have a tragic ending. Not sure if it will be Mikumo, but I’ve been thinking it might end up being Freyja. I’ve no real basis for this other than a feeling.

      The Episode was surprisingly without our main male hero, which was of a bit refreshing.

      Yeah, it was. Hayate is not my kind of main character, so I’m glad the writers felt they could do an episode without him as the focus. But then the episode was partly an advertisement for the music CDs, so maybe that played a role into it.

  2. Rob C. says:

    Did you see the Macross Delta special? Thou amusing, there was interesting bit you maybe interested in. Until you Episode 22 review

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I was unaware of the special until you mentioned it. Of course, I wasn’t looking for it. I am now. 😉

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Heh! I see they are using the old Dirty Pair joke about some magical technological, skin-tight barrier protects all that bare skin in combat situations.

      • Rob C. says:

        It was quite a entertaining little special. I thought it was bit more entertaining than actual show. That bit about autograph hints something about Mirage’s grandpappy thou.

  3. […] predicted some time back that Lady M would be LINN Minmei (or as her stage name went, Lynn Minmay). It isn’t a hard […]

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