Harmony Gold Sez, “Up Your Butt, Weebs! No Macross For You!” Ugh. So for those who don’t know, the word has come down that Harmony Gold has apparently renewed their licenses for SDF Macross, Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross and Genesis Climber MOSPEADA. This means they can continue with their hideous Robotech franchise, at least
Posts Tagged ‘Macross’

Macross Licensing & Trademark News (Harmony Gold continue their trolling ways.)

Macross Licensing and Harmony Gold For long time anime fans, the name “Harmony Gold” fills many of us with rage. They have a huge reputation of being a troll company, suing anyone in the world for the slightest perceived copyright infractions, mainly to do with Macross. They’ve even taken to suing the Japanese companies they

Macross Delta 26 Review (It’s finally over!)

Macross Delta 26 Macross Δ 26 マクロスΔ 26 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Chaos gets their assault on Ragna ready, starting it with a three member Walküre concert. Heinz orders Mikumo to do her Star Singer thing. In doing so, Heinz and other elites of Windermere become aware of Roid’s plan to evolve all humanoids into Vajra-like beings

Macross Delta 25 Review (Penultimate exposition time!)

Macross Delta 25 Macross Δ 25 マクロスΔ 25 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Chaos holds a briefing on the bad situation they are in. Reina recovers data from a flight recorder that proves Hayate’s father is innocent and tried to save lives. Berger shows up with information about Mikumo being the Star Singer. This information is relayed by

Macross Delta 24 Review (Racing to nowhere!)

Macross Delta 24 Macross Δ 24 マクロスΔ 24 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Mirage, Freyja, and Hayate are given a show trial, where King Heinz presides over it. After he asks a few questions, those running the trial convict and sentence the trio to death. Elsewhere, Berger shows Arad, Kaname, Makina, and Reina the VF-22 of Hayate’s father,

Macross Delta 23 Review (In Enemy Territory)

Macross Delta 23 Macross Δ 23 マクロスΔ 23 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Windermere forces are looking for the members of Walküre and Delta Squad that infiltrated the planet. Mirage, Freyja, and Hayate are in one group on foot. Mikumo, Makina, and Reina are on on two trikes in another group. Kaname and Arad are in the final

Macross Delta 22 Review (Curing depression.)

Macross Delta 22 Macross Δ 22 マクロスΔ 22 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: On Windermere, the Ariel Knights ponder events with Heinz while Cassim (Qasim) makes arrangements for apple saplings moved to his farm. Keith sees Heinz to see if Heinz is committed to Roid’s path. Meanwhile, thanks to Mirage, Freyja rejoins Walküre to prepare for the next

Macross Delta 21 Review (Flashback, so buy the music CD!)

Macross Delta 21 Macross Δ 21 マクロスΔ 21 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: At Keith’s request, Heinz starts singing, targeting Planet Al Shahal and initially tuning causing them to network before most of them go unconscious when Heinz goes the same. Keith confronts Roid about Heinz medical condition. Ernest has a meeting with Delta Squad and Freyja over