Six Star Kokkoro! – Princess Connect! Re:Dive Hey everyone! Although I’m only a casual player in Princess Connect! Re:Dive, I am still making progress. I recently unlocked the 6-star Kokkoro, and man, she’s a game changer. I like that the original three characters you get at the start of the game are the first to
Archive for the ‘Other’ Category
Karyl Six Stars (Princess Connect! Re:Dive)
Karyl Six Stars (Princess Connect! Re:Dive) Hey gang! Still playing Princess Connect! Re:Dive. I finally scored my second, six star character, Karyl (Kary-chan). She’s been quite useful in game nodes. Below is the video showing how I got her. I try to stream Princess Connect! Re:Dive Tuesday through Friday at 6:30pm PT. For
Pecorine Six Stars (Princess Connect! Re:Dive)
Pecorine Six Stars (Princess Connect! Re:Dive) Hey gang! My small vacation from work is over. Now it is back to the old grind. However, before vacation ended, I did unlock my first six star character in Princess Connect! Re:Dive. Pretty excited about that. Now I just need to get some gear for her. I try
[O/T] Watching ‘The Expanse’
[O/T] Watching ‘The Expanse’ I took the last couple of weeks off from work. The first week, I actually did some things that needed doing for ages. This past week, I decided to finally watch the series The Expanse. And though it is not anime or manga related, I did want to go off topic
Piracy Wars: Scanlating Licensed Series
Piracy Wars: Scanlating Licensed Series It has been a while since I did an episode of my Piracy Wars series. However, I felt prompted to do so after an editor of a small, licensor complained about scanlations, aggregator websites, and their communities. I’m not naming the editor as that’s not the point. I have friendly
Progress Report 05 β Princess Connect! Re:Dive
Progress Report 05 β Princess Connect! Re:Dive Hey gang. I took some time off work to take care of a ton of things that had been piling up around the house as well as in my personal life. But I’m still playing Princess Connect! Re:Dive and thought I’d put out a progress report video, howbeit
[O/T] Need Sleep
[O/T] Need Sleep Hey gang! Work has been very busy this year. But I’m about to get some time off and for a start, get some desperately needed sleep. After that, I’m going to try to queue up a LOT of blog posts to return the site to daily posts. I have a lot of
Princess Connect! Re:Dive Game Guide: EXP at Max Level (#PrincessConnectReDive)
Princess Connect! Re:Dive Game Guide: EXP at Max Level As someone who plays Princess Connect! Re:Dive, whenever I learn new things, I like to share them. So in this video, I explain what happens to experience rewards and experience earned in PvE stuff after you hit level cap. It is more for new folks who