ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review UQ Holder Chapter 124 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: With Mizore, Kirie, and Shinobu stripped by Isana, their respective Touta’s cover them up as they continue the race. The Touta’s know they need to help one of the girls, but can’t decide, which causes Kirie to go off on them. In the end, the three
Posts Tagged ‘AKAMATSU Ken’

UQ Holder Chapter 124 Manga Review (Ecchi, loli, pod racing, now with more ecchi.)

UQ Holder Chapter 123 Manga Review (Battle clones!)

ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review UQ Holder Chapter 123 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Mizore, Kirie, and Shinobu are neck and neck with their respective Touta partner as the three Touta’s attack each other, each giving a reason they want to support their specific partner. Meanwhile, Santa analyzes the race and figures Kirie has no chance against Shinobu’s skills and

UQ Holder Chapter 122 Manga Review (The case for an ojousama.)

ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review UQ Holder Chapter 122 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Prior to her arrival at UQ Holder’s HQ, Mizore had been sitting with Chachamaru, where the android told the story of Negi and the tragic ending of his life to save the world. Chachamaru tells the crying Mizore that Negi has a grandson. Mizore’s grandmother, Ayaka,

UQ Holder Chapter 121 Manga Review (Taking ecchi loli content seriously.)

ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review UQ Holder Chapter 121 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Touta manages to get Shinobu’s swimsuit back on, so Mizore gets her Touta to take control of their speeder so that she can be rid of Shinobu once and for all. She leaps off the speeder and performs the Yukihiro School Undressing Technique on Shinobu, causing

UQ Holder Chapter 120 Manga Review (Pod racing with 3x ecchi content.)

ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review UQ Holder Chapter 120 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: The three Touta’s attach themselves to Mizore, Shinobu, and Kirie respectively and promise to help them in the race. The three Touta’s accidentally walk in on their partners in the shower, causing various responses from the girls. That out of the way, the three Touta’s are

UQ Holder Chapter 119 Manga Review (More harem hijinks with a side of plot.)

ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review UQ Holder Chapter 119 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Negi is struggling on the outside of the space station when he is joined by Yue, Nodoka, Al, and Jack, all of whom encourage him to join him to save the world. On Earth, Mizore and Shinobu are in a speeder bike race, which ends in

UQ Holder Chapter 118 Manga Review (The Cutlass Hoodie)

ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review UQ Holder Chapter 118 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Zazie explains to Touta and company that the Mage of the Beginning’s time stopper is the hoodie girl, who goes by the name Cutlass. When shown her photo, Touta remembers her and the group is surprised to learn that one of Zazie’s operatives died investigating to

UQ Holder Chapter 117 Manga Review (Time Freeze!)

ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review UQ Holder Chapter 117 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Kuroumaru and Touta easily defeat their opponents in the tournament, causing folks to wonder how Touta became so strong in eight months. Sometime in the past, Touta lays out his plan to Karin, Kuroumaru, Ikkuu, and Santa that they will use Kirie’s time stop ability so