Merry Christmas, 2014! Hey everyone! Well, it is that time of year again, so I wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a very merry Christmas. ^_^ I hope everyone has a good day today. As for me, well, it looks like a white Christmas in my neck of the woods. So I’m staying
Posts Tagged ‘Christmas’

Merry Christmas 2013, Railgun Style!

Hey everyone! I wanted to take a moment to wish you all a very, merry Christmas 2013. ^_^ For those of you who have to work, here’s to you. I’ve worked many a Christmas over the years, so I feel your pain. In the meantime, here’s a little Christmas love from A Certain Scientific Railgun.

Merry Christmas 2012! (with some Hayate the Combat Butler love)

Hey everyone! I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, especially those of you who are like me and are working to pay the bills. ^_^; My final Christmas image posting of the year goes to one of my favorite manga titles (and one that doesn’t seem to have a lot of traction

"Cardcaptor Sakura"Christmas Love 2012

Howdy folks. Time for a little more Christmas love, this time coming from the cute and popular magic girl series, Cardcaptor Sakura. For those who don’t know, Cardcaptor Sakura is the story of a young girl named Sakura, whom is chosen to collect a series of magical cards as she is the descendant of the

Some "Yotsuba&!" Christmas Love

Hey everyone. Since it is Christmas time and I have quite a number of Christmas images, I’m going to buy myself more time and share more of the love. This time, it comes from one of my absolute favorite manga titles, Yotsuba&! For those unaware, Yotsuba&! is the tale of a young, foreign orphan girl

Some Asuka and Rei (Neon Genesis Evangelion) Christmas Love

I want to wish everyone a very, merry Christmas. ^_^ Here’s a fun image of Asuka and Rei in Santa gear, making me look forward to the third Evangelion movie. Later today, there will be a special, Christmas anime review. ^_^

Merry Christmas!

I’m out working today (’cause computers have to stay up) but I wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. ^_^ I hope you all have a good one and for those working like me, hang in there. ^_^ No idea where this image came from, but it was on a Japanese

It’s Christmas Eve so some School Rumble Love (and thoughts)

You know, School Rumble just hasn’t been treated very well as a franchise, has it? In Japan, Kobayashi-sensei doesn’t resolve certain plot threads from what I understand (though one could say that there are resolutions made in the 1-volume School Rumble Z). Del Rey fell very far behind the Japanese releases and ended up