Posts Tagged ‘Images’

The Chuunibyou Girls Sanae, Kurin, and Nibutani in Sailor Moon Garb

Hey gang! The one nice thing about working 60-84 hours a week of late is that it gives me a good excuse to share some nifty image that I find online, or that is brought to my attention.  In this case, a fan in Taiwan knew I have been enjoying the Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga

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Anime Scooby Doo

Happy Halloween with Anime Scooby Doo!

Hey gang! I’ve lost track of how many days in a row I’ve worked now, but since I still want to get something posted to the blog, I’m going the old image route. ^_^ Since it is Halloween, I planned to find some nifty, theme-related, anime image for this post, and was almost ready to

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An Anime Image That Might Give You Instant Diabetes!

Hey gang! Well, I’m well into my 14-day, 12-hour shift per day work stretch, which is proving most challenging.  However, seeing the below image was rather like getting a massive dose of milk chocolate frosting with extra frosting on the side.  I rather needed it to get me through the rest of the day. ^_^

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A Certain Magical Index II

Finishing "A Certain Magical Index II"

Hey gang.  I’d gotten about half-way through A Certain Magical Index II and then got distracted.  Since I REALLY need to finish it, I’m currently taking the time to marathon it so I can get another anime series off my plate. ^_^; While I’ll save my thoughts for the final review, I do wonder why

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Summer Wind Down (and a nifty summer image)

Hey gang. Been a nutty week for yours truly, but then what else is new? ^_^;  Still, since I haven’t had time to do a proper post, I thought I’d do a standby favorite, the old image posts. ^_~ Anyway, since we had a taste of fall out where I live the other day, I

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A Gundam Crab?

I’m taking the day off to try to recover from the last few days of sheer…ugh.  So, as I’m wont to do, I bring you some other image I discovered on my Internet travels, this time via Facebook (which I shared earlier on Twitter). Someone said this is probably a MSM-03 Gogg from Gundam.  What

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"Terrible Dream" Japanese Game

Hey gang!  Whilst I am hard at work on the Tenchi Muyo! FAQ 3.0 project, I thought I’d just toss out a nifty image I happened to stumble upon in my virtual travels.  From what I understand, this is a Photoshopped promotional image from the game Terrible Dream, which originated on the Harakari Circus website. 

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Yuru/Zero — Fate/Zero’s Saber Does Yuru Yuri

From time to time, I find things that really capture my attention.  Such was the case recently when this Fate/Zero (and Fate/stay night) image was made known to me. The artist for this image is 泡泡君, and in addition to making Saber ultra cute, what he did to Archer/Gilgamesh is just plain wrong and funny

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