Macross Delta 20 Macross Δ 20 マクロスΔ 20 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Chaos decides to experiment on Hayate and Freyja after expressing concerns about the effect Freya’s singing has on him. Freyja is unable to sing. On Windermere, Keith becomes concerned about Roid’s actions and the sudden change of doctors for King Heinz. Kaname catches Makina and
Posts Tagged ‘Macross’

Macross Delta 19 Review (A history of Macross. No Robotech here!)

Macross Delta 19 Macross Δ 19 マクロスΔ 19 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: With the destruction of the Protoculture structure, the Windermere forces leave Voldor. Two days later, Hayate and Mikumo are still unconscious. Mirage and Freyja are outside Hayate’s hospital room when Berger Stone from the Epsilon Foundation Brisingr branch shows up. Despite Berger working with Windermere,

Macross Delta 18 Review (Music CD ad with a side of strange.)

Macross Delta 18 Macross Δ 18 マクロスΔ 18 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Delta Squad and Walküre are on Voldor for their covert mission. The climate has changed dramatically, thanks to the Protoculture structure. The Aerial Knights arrive at the planet to provide protection to the ruins. Bogue offends Cassim, who then leaves. An uncertain Freyja is teamed

Macross Delta 17 Review (Music videos, with a bit of plot.)

Macross Delta 17 Macross Δ 17 マクロスΔ 17 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: On Windermere, Roid studies Freyja and Mikumo. Chaos plans a new infiltration of Planet Voldor. To accomplish this, Walküre has a concert that gets broadcast with a virus that infects the star cluster network, allowing them to take it over. In addition, Chaos earns money

Macross Delta 16 Review (Setting a death flag?)

Macross Delta 16 Macross Δ 16 マクロスΔ 16 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Thanks to the man he rescued, Hayate learns his father was a pilot. Makina and Reina convince the others to throw Freyja a surprise birthday party since she’s 15 and middle aged. Hayate enlists Mirage to help him find a gift for Freyja, where they

Macross Delta 15 Review (Another “no concert” episode.)

Macross Delta 15 Macross Δ 15 Review マクロスΔ 15 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Four of the members of the Aerial Knights gather at the energy crater to reflect on things before going to Heinz’s coronation. Bogue pays a visit to the graves of his family while Roid picks up Keith to bring him to the ruined amphitheater

Macross Delta 14 Review (You’re about to die, so here’s a concert.)

Macross Delta 14 Macross Δ 14 マクロスΔ 14 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Kaname and Freyja hand out relief supplies on the damaged artificial island, which is suffering from power shortages. Though Macross Elysion has more than enough spare power to supply to the island, the island’s docking port has been damaged. Chuck meets with his surviving family members

Macross Delta 13 Review (Proud Oneesan…and some battles.)

Macross Delta 13 Macross Δ 13 マクロスΔ 13 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: As Macross Elysion arrives at Al Shahal, Sigur Valens and the Windermere fleet begin to fold out. Macross Elysion manages to land a shot on Sigur Valens, damaging its sound system. As such, Heinz cannot use his song until repairs are made. The Aether is dispatched back