So I decided to play “Fate/Grand Order” again. ? You know, I must be a glutton for punishment. After becoming fed up with Fate/Grand Order several months ago, I found myself coming back to play the other day. I can already hear folks saying, “Wait! You barely blog any more and talk about lack of
Posts Tagged ‘mobile game’
Fate/Grand Order USA Game Review (Updated!)
!)Fate/Grand Order USA Game Review Having been a fan of the Fate/stay night franchise, I was intrigued when the Fate/Grand Order game was released in Japan. It is amazing to thing that an H-visual novel could turn into such a massive, non-hentai franchise that now includes a mobile video game. I had hoped that it
Fate/Grand Order USA is Now Live!
Fate/Grand Order USA is Now Live! Hey gang! For those unaware, the Fate/Grand Order game (or Fate/GO or FGO as it is also known as) is now LIVE for those of us in the US, both on Google Play and the Apple App Store. I have downloaded it for my Android tablet. Right now, I’m