Posts Tagged ‘news’


“UQ Holder” Creator AKAMATSU Ken Going Into Politics

UQ Holder Creator AKAMATSU Ken Going Into Politics If I had to guess, I’m known in the anime and manga fandom for two things. One being the canon Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki series. The other would be for AKAMATSU Ken-sensei’s work, mainly Negima! and UQ Holder. I used to get spoilers for both those series, though

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Anime Computer

Site Slowness Status Post (17-Nov-2021)

Site Slowness Status Post Hey gang! I wanted to do a quick post on the status of the entire domain (though the anime sub-domain is hit the hardest, of course) since there’s been some site slowness and such of late. On the evening of 15-Nov-2021, I was working on a blog post and noticed

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Amazon Canceling More Manga and Light Novels

Amazon Canceling More Manga and Light Novels Last summer, Amazon decided to cancel a number of light novels and manga titles from their store, both physical copies and digital copies. Some of the titles were ecchi in nature, to varying degrees. On a personal level, I was never going to read Oreimo or Eromanga Sensei,

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COVID affecting Manga-ka

How the Pandemic Changed Manga Creation

How the Pandemic Changed Manga Creation Hey gang! I was recently notified by @htSELFIE on Twitter that NHK World did a piece on how COVID-19 has impacted the manga industry. They interview Golgo 13 creator SAITO Takao-sensei, who still creates his manga with ink and paper. As such, Saito-sensei had to shut down production for

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Love Hina Spring Special

Akamatsu-sensei Worried About Foreign Regulation

Akamatsu-sensei Worried About Foreign Regulation A lot of stuff happened while I was on my road trip. I did notice that Amazon had started banning some manga and light novel titles because they no longer met Amazon’s unclear standards. And in this vein, I more recently became aware of Steam banning a PG English port

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No Game No Life

Amazon Banning Some Manga & Light Novels

Amazon Banning Some Manga & Light Novels Hey gang. My Internet access is pretty poor at the moment, but I saw something disturbing and I thought I’d share it. It seems that Amazon is banning some light novels and manga titles, not only from Kindle, which is Amazon’s digital platform, but also physical copies as

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Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 4 promo

Crunchyroll Scores “Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki OVA 4”

Crunchyroll Scores “Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki OVA 4” Hey gang! Since Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki OVA 5 episode 2 was released on May 29 in Japan, I was looking for news on why it isn’t up on Crunchyroll. After all, Crunchyroll did license OVA 5. While in the process of doing this, I discovered that Crunchyroll just

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Fate/Grand Order Engine Update

Fate/Grand Order Getting Major Update!

Fate/Grand Order Getting Major Update! Hey gang! Since I had this Fate/Grand Order video going up on YouTube, I thought I’d also share it on the blog here.   As an aside, I’m really unhappy with my Blue Yeti mic at the moment. It worked great for a while, but as you hear in the

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