Here is a SPOILER rumor for the upcoming UQ Holder Chapter 169, courtesy of blog reader, Kiba. (My review of this UQ Holder chapter should come out as soon as soon as comiXology releases it for me, assuming they do it on the 8th. UPDATE: I guess the new chapter is coming out on the
Posts Tagged ‘news’

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 Schedule (and more)

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 Schedule (and more) Hey gang! I’m running just a little late on this Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 news. And I’m actually paying for this since AIC has blocked their promotional video for OVA 5 for whatever whacked reasons. 😑 It is not even viewable on their own website, though

Quick Update–No Sleep For You!

Quick Update–No Sleep For You! Hey gang! As I write this post, I have about 80 hours done for work. And I get to do more hours in just another hour or so until 04:00ET. After that, I’ll have another hour or so later in the day. Then I’m going to probably sleep a ton.

More Delays!

More Delays! Hey gang! By the time you read this, I’ll be in the middle of doing a long-scheduled reunion with some friends and coworkers of mine from my time in Japan. As such, I’m obviously not working on the blog this weekend. 😅 Work remains as busy as ever at the moment. We are

Mass Killing at KyoAni Studio in Japan

Mass Killing at KyoAni Studio in Japan Horrible news gang. A 41-year man has been arrested in Japan for allegedly setting fire to the Kyoto Animation (KyoAni) building in Kyoto. As of this post, 33 people have been died in this mass killing. Another 36 people are injured according to a report from AP. Reports

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki OVA 5 Officially Confirmed

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki OVA 5 Officially Confirmed Hey gang! As most of you are probably aware of by now, AIC has officially confirmed that Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki OVA 5 is officially a go! As seen on the official Twitter feed… 天地無用!伍期HPはこちらです。天地無用 — 天地無用!魎皇鬼 四期公式 (@tenchi4th) July 12, 2019 And the official Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki OVA

Harmony Gold Sez, “Up Your Butt, Weebs! No Macross For You!”

Harmony Gold Sez, “Up Your Butt, Weebs! No Macross For You!” Ugh. So for those who don’t know, the word has come down that Harmony Gold has apparently renewed their licenses for SDF Macross, Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross and Genesis Climber MOSPEADA. This means they can continue with their hideous Robotech franchise, at least

Delays, Delays

Delays, Delays Hey gang! Since I’m currently traveling to and fro, most days, my Internet access is limited at best, and none many times (including cell coverage). 😅 I already knew this would be the case before I hit the road. However, I also knew that there would be some days where I’d have good