Posts Tagged ‘news’

Fate/Grand Order Rakes in $3 Billion Globally!

Fate/Grand Order Rakes in $3 Billion Globally! Mobile games are a big money maker. They make so much money, PC game companies decided to get in on the microtransactions bandwagon with many modern games. So when I hear that Fate/Grand Order has raked in $3 billion in global sales, I’m not at all surprised. The

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Tenchi Muyo! GXP

“Tenchi Muyo! GXP” Leaving FUNimation on February 8! (Updated: Digital only–DVD’s stay!)

“Tenchi Muyo! GXP” Leaving FUNimation on February 8! Sophie at FUNimation just posted the news that at 00:01AM on February 8, 2019, FUNimation would be removing Tenchi Muyo! GXP from their streaming service. It will be removed from their store as well. There’s a part of me that’s kinda bummed out by this news. I

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UQ Holder! Magister Negi Magi! 2 - 12

UQ Holder Ending In the Next Two To Three Years

UQ Holder Ending In the Next Two To Three Years Hey gang. I missed this over the new year, but Akamatsu-sensei announced that he will be ending UQ Holder in the next two to three years. 来たる2019年は、いよいよUQホルダーも終わりに向かって進み始めますので、とにかく健康に気をつけて、じっくり執筆できればと思います。(※じっくりやってたら終わるのに2~3年かかったりして・・・) — 赤松健 (@KenAkamatsu) December 31, 2018 Apparently, the stress of doing the series is a bit much for

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Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 3 +1

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 News From C95

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-0hki OVA 5 News From C95 Hey gang! Well, if you didn’t know, Comiket 95 is in full swing. That means that Kajishima-sensei has published two new doujinshi titles. Here’s Tenchi_Zin with his copies, that he received from Kajishima-sensei as part of a courtesy doujinshi exchange. (Tenchi_Zin is also an artist at C95,

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Fruits Basket Zodiac

Fruits Basket Zenpen — A Complete Anime Remake?

Fruits Basket Zenpen — A Complete Anime Remake? Fruits Basket is an amazing shoujo series. Both the original manga run and the anime adaptation that was subsequently made were very successful, not only in Japan, but in the U.S. as well. However, mangaka Takaya-sensei’s displeasure with director Daichi-san’s anime adaptation seemed to doom any chance

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Shin Tenchi Muyo! Jurai

Shin Tenchi Muyo! Novels Licensed (Now known as True Tenchi Muyo!)

Shin Tenchi Muyo! Novels Licensed (Now known as True Tenchi Muyo!) Hey gang! If you didn’t know already, Seven Seas has licensed the three Shin Tenchi Muyo! novels and will be calling the novels the True Tenchi Muyo! series. And this is something I’ve been waiting for since 2005! True Tenchi Muyo! Novels For those

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UQ Holder

UQ Holder Anime Licensed (But it will probably cost you more money!)

UQ Holder Anime Licensed (But it will probably cost you more money!) Sentai Filmworks has licensed the UQ Holder anime series (TV series only, not the Limited Edition OAD from what I can see — I’m checking for confirmation on this and will make an update if I get an answer). The series will be

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Macross Delta 19

Macross Licensing & Trademark News (Harmony Gold continue their trolling ways.)

Macross Licensing and Harmony Gold For long time anime fans, the name “Harmony Gold” fills many of us with rage. They have a huge reputation of being a troll company, suing anyone in the world for the slightest perceived copyright infractions, mainly to do with Macross. They’ve even taken to suing the Japanese companies they

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