Del Rey and Pumpkin Scissors You know, I really had hoped that the flushing of Japanese honorifics for Pumpkin Scissors Volume 1 was just a fluke. As such, I went ahead and ordered volume 2 of the manga. Were there any changes? Nope. Ikoi Hiroe still insists upon flushing the Japanese honorifics, despite the fact
Posts Tagged ‘Pumpkin Scissors’

Del Rey is Slipping

Del Rey is Slipping One of the reasons I buy so many Del Rey titles is their commitment to the use of Japanese honorifics in the English adaptation. Honorific usage in Japanese literary works (whether printed or visual) are a tool by the author to relay some character information to the audience. How characters refer
Pumpkin Scissors 24

SPOILER Summary: As an exhausted Alice squares off against the leader of the commoners, a frightened Marquis Paul steps in and tells Alice she hasn’t finished the duel since he was a part of it. Since she’s used up a lot of energy, he tells her she can have a substitute, so she chooses the

Pumpkin Scissors 23

Pumpkin Scissors 23 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Sergeant Major Stekkin is still at the food distribution point and manage to find a bit of potato left from what they served the commoners. She places it in a bowl intending to serve it to Mer-kun, their military dog courier, when she gets back to the base. The sudden

Pumpkin Scissors 22

Pumpkin Scissors 22 SPOILER Summary: Alice moves in to attack despite the stuff on the bodyguard’s machete (or matchete…which I suppose is a foreign way of spelling it). The stuff gets on her and does her no harm. Outside, the 4th Axe with the assistance of local police have the area cordoned off, but do

Pumpkin Scissors 21

Pumpkin Scissors 21 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Captain Hunks meets with Major Connery about the situation at the ball. Connery figures there has already been many casualties and he plans to just arrest civilians that approach the place whether they took part or not. Further, he plans to use the event to gain more power for the
Pumpkin Scissors 20

Summary: Major Connery learns of Paul’s embezzlement and deploys Section I 4th Axe. At the ball, Leonir decides to teach Alice how to dance. As they dance, Leonir notices how Alice looks past and above him, figuring she’s thinking of a giant man (Oland). She ponders this for a moment, then confesses this man is
What I’m Watching 17

Tsubasa Chronicle 28 — Having recently arrived in Piffle World, Syaoran and company set out to quallify in the race to win Sakura-chan’s feather. During the quallification, Syaoran crashes when his air-car gets sabotaged. He suspects it is one of the other racers, many of whom they have met counterparts to in other worlds. That